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Exploring Apollo 13 Network: Connectivity Analysis and Nodes Density

Dive into the Apollo 13 Network, analyze connectivity, edges, vertices, density calculations, and explore the interconnections between Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, and Ed Harris.

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Exploring Apollo 13 Network: Connectivity Analysis and Nodes Density

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Graph Network Chuck Alice Edges Links Vertices Nodes Bob

  2. Chuck Alice Bob

  3. Chuck Alice Bob

  4. Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon The Green Mile Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon Beyond All Boundaries The Human Stain Apollo 13 Network Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise Ed Harris

  5. Apollo 13 Network Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise Ed Harris

  6. Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise Ed Harris Apollo 13 Network Degrees Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Gary Sinise Kevin Bacon Ed Harris 2 2 4 1 1

  7. 3 2 3 2 4 4 3 3

  8. Edges: 5 Apollo 13 Network Total Possible Edges: 10 Density: 5/10 = 0.5 Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise Ed Harris

  9. Nodes: 8 Edges: 12 Total Possible Edges: ?? # Nodes * (# Nodes -1) 2 (8*7)/2 = 56/2 = 28 Density: 12/28 = 0.43

  10. A E D C F G B H

  11. Apollo 13 Network Tom Hanks Bill Paxton Kevin Bacon Gary Sinise Ed Harris

  12. B C A I J H K R G D L Q M F N P E O

  13. I J H G K R L N Q A M F P E D O C B

  14. P 1 I J O 1 H G Q 2 C 2 R D 3 R 1 Q G 2 F P J 2 I 2 D H 2 O =18/10 1.8 C

  15. P 2 I J O 2 H G Q 3 C 3 R D 4 F 1 Q G 1 F P J 1 I 1 D H 1 O =18/10 1.8 C

  16. F 1 I J O 1 H G Q 1 C 2 R D 2 R 2 Q G 3 F P J 3 I 3 D H 3 O =21/10 2.1 C

  17. I J H G K R L N Q A M F P E D O C B

  18. Q A P E D O C B

  19. Q A E D C B

  20. Q A E D C B

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