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Lesson 32. Ablution. Ablution is a necessary condition for a valid prayer because there is great blessings in it. The obligatory elements of ablution:. To have a sincere intention,. to wash one’s face,. to wash the two arms up to, and including, the elbows,. to wipe one’s head,.
Lesson 32 Ablution
Ablution is a necessary condition for a valid prayer because there is great blessings in it.
The obligatory elements of ablution: • To have a sincere intention,
and to pay attention to the order of the elements of ablution (for Hanbali and Shafi`i Schools)
The Sunnah acts when performing ablution: • To mention Allah's Name.
c) To rinse the mouth (obligatory for Hanbali and Shafi`i Schools)
d) To sniff (obligatory for Hanbali and Shafi`i Schools) and inhalate water, followed by blowing it out.
e) To wipe the ears inside and outside (obligatory for Hanbali school).
j) To wash more than what is obligatory of the face, hands, and feet.
Offensive acts in performing ablution: • a) It is offensive to waste water
Nullifiers of ablution: • Anything that is emitted from the urinary or anal openings (feces, urine or wind),
c) absence of mind because of fainting , intoxicants, diabetic coma or temporary insanity,
d) touching (of the skin) between members of the opposite sex, lustfully or not (depending on the different Schools of Jurisprudence)
Commendable Acts: • To renew one’s ablution for every prayer when the time comes in cases of incontinence of urine and constant menstruation.
Performing ablution for prayer: • Allah says : • ﴿يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلَى الصَّلاةِ فَاغْسِلُوا وُجُوهَكُمْ وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلَى الْمَرَافِقِ وَامْسَحُوا بِرُءُوسِكُمْ وَأَرْجُلَكُمْ إِلَى الْكَعْبَيْنِ﴾ • [المائدة: 6]
It can be translated as: • “O you who believe! When you intend to offer as-Salah (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles.” • (Al-Ma’idah: 6)
The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “The key of prayer is purification.” (Reported by Abu-Dawud and at-Tirmidhiyy)
And: • “Allah does not accept prayer without purification.” • (Reported by Muslim)
The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “Allah does not accept prayer of anyone of you if he does Hadath (passes wind, urine, or feces) till he performs the ablution (anew).” • (Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)
The merits of performing ablution: • The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “Should not I lead you to something by which Allah obliterates the sins and elevates (your) ranks? They said: Yes, Allah's Messenger (with great pleasure). He said: Performing proper ablution despite unfavorable conditions, frequently going to the mosque, and waiting for the next prayer after performing the due one. That is the (real) dedication (to the acts of devotion).” • (Reported by Muslim)
Obligatory integrals of ablution: • Proofs from the Holy Qur’an: • (see Performing ablution for prayer)
The order: • It is referred to in the above-mentioned verse.
The Sunnahs of performing ablution:Washing the two hands: • The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “When anyone amongst you wakes up from sleep, he must not put his hand in the utensil till he has washed it (his hand) three times, for he does not know where his hand was during the night.” • (Reported by Muslim)
Siwak: • The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “Had not I find it hard for my people, I would have commanded them to use the Siwak [tooth-stick] before every prayer.” • (Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)
Rinsing the mouth: • `Abdu Khayr narrated:“Ali came upon us and he had already offered prayer. He asked for water. We asked: What will you do with water when you have already offered prayer? - Perhaps to teach us. A utensil containing water and a wash-basin were brought (to him).
He poured water from the utensil on his right hand and washed both his hands three times, rinsed the mouth, snuffed up water and cleansed the nose three times. He then rinsed the mouth and snuffed up water with the same hand by which he took water.” • (Reported by Abu-Dawud)
Snuffing up the nose: • The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “Snuff up water freely unless you are fasting.” • (Reported by an-Nasa’iyy, Abu-Dawud, and at-Tirmidhiyy)
Starting with the right side: • `A’ishah (RA) narrated: • “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) loved to start from the right-hand side for performing ablution, for combing (the hair) and wearing the shoes.” (Reported by at-Tirmidhiyy)
`A’ishah (RA) narrated: • The Prophet used to like to start from the right side on wearing shoes, combing his hair, and cleaning or washing himself and on doing anything else.” • (Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)
Penetrating the beard with water: • Anas Ibn-Malik (RA) narrated: • “Whenever the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) performed ablution, he took a handful of water, and, putting it under his chin, made it go through his beard, saying: Thus did my Lord command me.” • (Reported by Abu-Dawud)
Letting water reach between fingers: • The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “If you perform ablution, cleanse the base of the fingers of your hands and feet.” (Reported by at-Tirmidhiyy)
Washing more than what is obligatory of face, hand, and leg: • The Prophet (SAWS) said: • “My people will be summoned on the Day of Resurrection with bright faces and white hands and feet due to the traces of ablution. If anyone can extend his brightness (by letting water as far as he can on the parts of ablution), let him do so.” • (Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)