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This study explores the spatial variability of snow properties within microwave radiometer footprints and its impact on emission modeling. Field measurements and a methodological framework are used to translate 1-D to 2-D modeling. The study also investigates the uncertainty in emission modeling due to measurement, translation, layering, and grain scaling.
Heterogeneity of snow stratigraphy and grain size within ground-based passive microwave radiometer footprints: implications for emission modelling Nick Rutter (nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk) Mel Sandells, Chris Derksen, Alex Langlois, Juha Lemmetyinen, Benoit Montpetit, Jouni Pulliainen, Alain Royer and Peter Toose
Mel Sandells, ESSC, University of Reading, Reading, U.K. • Chris Derksen and Peter Toose, Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada. • Alain Royer, Benoit Montpetit, Alex Langlois, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. • Juha Lemmetyinen and Jouni Pulliainen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland. Funding acknowledgements: Many thanks to Environment Canada, University of Waterloo, Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency and National Centre for Earth Observation.
Questions: • What is the spatial variability of snow properties within a footprint? • How does that impact on microwave modelling? • Overview: • Field measurements • Methodological framework: translating 1-D to 2-D • Impact of uncertainty on emission modelling from: • Measurement • Translation • Layering • Grain scaling
19 and 37 GHz (dual polarized), uncertainty < 2 K • 1.55 m above snow surface, incidence angle of 53° • Elliptical footprints (13° beam width) far width of 0.29 m and a depth of 0.45 m • ~50% of the power within footprints, ~50% from side lobes • Measurements at 5 sled positions creating overlapping footprints • Vertical profiles (4 cm increments) of physical snow temperatures
Clean and smooth vertical trench face, set up NIR camera (850 nm) along a rail
Stitched and geometrically corrected photos allow stratigraphic layer boundaries (resolution: 1 cm scale horizontal, < 1 cm vertical) to be traced from photos along the face of the trench - Tape et al. 2010 and Watts (in prep) • Derksen et al. (2009) showed: • 41 pits across a ~2000 km traverse through NWT and Nunavut (northern Canada) • Average of 6 layers, maximum of 9 layers
Sturm and Benson (2004) • Although challenging, this type of snowpack is highly representative of Arctic / sub-Arctic snowpacks approaching maximum SWE • Models need to be working with this level of layer complexity
Maximum of 8 layers in any 1-D profile, 17 discrete layers (5 ice lenses)
At three positions (75, 185 and 355 cm) along the trench, in situ vertical profiles were made of: • snowpack stratigraphy • density • specific surface area per mass of ice (SSAm). • Specific surface area (SSAm) using a 1310 nm laser with an integrating sphere • deff = 6 / (ρiSSAm)see Gallet et al. (2009) and Montpetit et al. (2012) • where ρi is the density of ice (916 kg m-3 for SSAm given in m2 kg-1)
17 discrete layers (5 ice lenses) • Translate from 1-D to 2-D • Field and NIR stratigraphy are different • singlemeasurements • Multiple measurements use a mean • ice lenses (0.916 g cm-3) • No measurements: subjectivity
Snow emission model: Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) • Semi-empirical, multi-layer radiative transfer model (Lemmetyinen et al., 2010) • Parameters: density, grain size and temperature, SWE • Performance of the HUT model assessed at 1 cm horizontal resolution across the entire extent of the sensor footprints. • Vertical profiles of snow and soil information were extracted from this array at each centimetre along the trench to initialize HUT • Twelve brightness temperatures were simulated at each horizontal position: • 19H, 19V, 37H, 37V • Three extinction coefficient models (Hallikainen et al., 1987; Kontu and Pulliainen, 2010; Roy et al., 2004) • This produced a ‘control’ group of brightness temperatures
5 measured Tb for each pol-freq along the length of the trench • Modelled outputs along the trench • Grey area is range using different scattering coefficients • Big changes the result of ice lenses • Lower brightness temperatures were simulated where ice lenses were present • Big Tb differences model – measured • Median brightness temperature simulated was 61K greater than the median of the observations (19 and 37GHz, both polarizations). Model not working in a challenging snowpack. Why?
8 experiments to understand and eliminate potential causes of the bias • Experiments 1 to 5: • 100 simulations were carried out at each vertical profile • Properties of each layer were randomly varied within experimental error • Median trench Tb derived from 45,000 Tb estimates • Experiment 6: • Density of crusts were varied in increments of 50 kg m-3 • Median trench Tb derived from 18,000 Tb estimates
Experiment 8: n-layer to 1-layer = 6 K increase in bias
Experiment 7: Grain scaling factor (GSF) was increased in increments of 0.1 between 1.5 to 6.0 determine the optimal grain scale factor Bias for optimised runs within measurement error < 2 K
From Table 1 in Mätzler (2002) • Scaling factors becoming more common: • Roy et al. (in press): DMRT-ML, GSF = 3.3 • Brucker et al. (2011): DMRT-ML & MEMLS, GSF = 1.89-2.85 • Monpetit et al. (2013): MEMLS, GSF = 1.3 • Langlois et al. (2012): MEMLS with SNOWPACK grains, GSF = 0.1 • Different measurements & modelled grain sizes • GSF is NOT just a free parameter to tune a model • Use GSF as a investigative tool to quantify: • model representation (extinction coefficients) • impact on scattering and emission of grains as assemblages Densified New snow Hard snow and slab Depth hoar
Conclusions • New 2-D methodological framework to evaluate snow microwave models • Link heterogeneity in grain assemblages to emission model physics • In this case, the HUT model overestimated the observed brightness temperature with a median bias of 61K • The cause of this bias was not due to measurement uncertainty • Agreement with observations was only obtained through GSF • Is it just HUT? Unlikely - some sample profiles runs with MEMLS have shown only slightly lower biases (~20 to 40K lower depending on model configuration) • Correlation length (Pc) rather than SSA? • MEMLS as a direct input – may give a better agreement with measurements but not the complete answer • SMP or tomography – exciting method but not routinely collected • Methods equally of use for 1) distributed physical snow models (initialisation), 2) data assimilation schemes (variability),and 3) active microwave models
Translating in-situ measurements from manual to NIR stratigraphies: example using densities • Layers 1 to 9 & 12: direct measurements • Multiple measurements per layer: a mean was used • Layers 13 – 17: ice lenses (0.916 g cm-3) • No layer 10 or 11: subjectivity!
Layer 11 assumed same as layer 7 as similar appearance in NIR
Same criteria used to translate SSAm profiles to 2-D • Temperature profiles to 2-D: • 5 vertical profiles measured • Create one mean profile • Histogram of layer heights for each layer (from NIR stratigraphy) used to derive a mean height occupied by each layer • Mean layer height attributed to temp at same height on the mean profile • Soil frozen: mean of -2.9 °C