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The North and South. Chapter 12 Notes. Essential Question. What was the effect on and the reaction of workers to changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution? Intro - 1700s Europeans/Americans lived/worked farms - Populations rose = increase demand for goods
The North and South Chapter 12 Notes
Essential Question • What was the effect on and the reaction of workers to changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution? • Intro - 1700s Europeans/Americans lived/worked farms - Populations rose = increase demand for goods - Industrial Revolution (What is it?)
Effect - machines forced people to work harder/faster - 14 hours/6 days - machinery was dangerous – hair/clothes - skilled labor replaced by machine-made goods - lowered wages, increased hours - Rhode Island System (What is it?) - Lowell System (What is it?)
Reaction - trade unions (What are they?) - strike (What is it?) - Sarah Bagley (Who is she?)
Essential Question What key figures moved the United States forward through their political and public service during this period?
Essential Question What struggles for equality took place during this time? 1. _______ (3 things) 2. _______ (1 thing) 3. _______ (1 thing) 4. _______ (4 things) 5. _______ (6 things)
ANSWER • Intro: factory workers, women, yeomen, free blacks, slaves • Factory workers - 10 hour workday - wanted higher wages - wanted improved working conditions • Women - Sarah Bagley – respect in labor movement
Yeomen - poor white farmers competing with planters • Free blacks - faced discrimination from Southerners - no vote - no travel freely - could not hold certain jobs
Slaves viewed as property - poor - clothing/shelter/food rations - controlled through punishment - slave codes – education illegal - feared being sold - slave revolts were a response
Industrial Revolution • By the mid-1700s, the __________ had begun in England. It was marked by fast growth in the use of machines in factories.
Textiles • Some of these first machines made __________, or cloth, by using the water frame.
Technology • In other industries, __________, or the tools used to produce goods, had not improved greatly.
Samuel Slater • …was a British mechanic who disguised himself as a farmer sailing to New York and carefully memorized the designs of several textile mill machines.
Mass Production • Other businesses used __________ to manufacture goods. It is the making of many goods efficiently.
Eli Whitney • __________’s technology was based on interchangeable parts.
Interchangeable Parts • Whitney’s technology was based on __________, which meant that each part that went into making the product would be exactly the same.
Rhode Island System • Under the __________, they hired families and divided factory work into simple tasks.
Francis Cabot Lowell • …allowed workers to make thread and cloth under one roof and employed young unmarried women from local farms.
Lowell System • Others used the __________ - employing young women and doing both spinning and weaving at one mill.
Trade Unions • To deal with these problems, workers formed __________ - organizations of workers in a particular trade.
Strike • Members sometimes stage a __________, meaning they would not work until their bosses met their demands.
Sarah Bagley • One of the most active figures in the union movement was __________. She and others fought for a 10-hour workday.
Mini Question • How did the Industrial Revolution change the way people worked? • Most people worked in factories with machines 12 hours a day 6 days a week.
Mini Question • What types of factory systems did the New England textile industry use? • The Rhode Island System and • the Lowell System.
Mini Questions • What did workers think about changes caused by the Industrial Revolution? • Work was boring and dangerous. • Workers formed trade unions and staged strikes.
Transportation Revolution • During the early 1800s, the U.S. experienced a __________ - a rapid growth in the speed and convenience of transportation.
Robert Fulton • In 1807, __________ successfully sent his steamboat, the Clermont, up the Hudson River.
Clermont • In 1807 Robert Fulton successfully sent his steamboat, the __________, up the Hudson River.
Clipper Ship • Merchants used __________. These tall ships with many sails could move through the water quickly.
Samuel Morse • In 1837 __________, built the telegraph.
Telegraph • In 1837 Samuel Morse built the __________, which could send messages over a wire using electrical pulses.
Morse Code • The telegraph used __________, a system using short and long pulses to represent letters and numbers.
John Deere • In 1837 __________ designed a steel plow that did not get stuck in the soil.
Cyrus McCormick • …developed a mechanical reaper to cut wheat more quickly.
Isaac Singer • …improved the sewing machine by combining a clever design with simple operating procedures.
Mini Question • How did the Transportation Revolution change life in the U.S.? • It increased the speed and convenience of transportation.
Mini Question • What effect did steam power have on transportation? • They allowed cheaper transportation of goods.
Mini Question • How did technological advances affect both life on the farm and life at home? • The steel plow and mechanical reaper allowed farmers to plant and harvest huge wheat fields. • Sewing machines made it easier to make cloths.
Cotton Gin • In 1793 Eli Whitney perfected the __________, a machine that could quickly and easily remove the seeds from cotton plants.
Cotton Belt • Farmers began to move west into the __________, an area from Georgia to eat Texas that was well suited to growing cotton.
Rush Nutt • …produced stronger types of cotton by crossbreeding short-staple cotton with some Mexican varieties.
Scientific Agriculture • Scientists studied crossbreeding and other ways to improve crops. This use of scientific techniques to improve crop production is called __________.
Joseph R. Anderson • …was one of the few southerners who had worked to build southern industries.
Tredegar Iron Works • The __________ factory in Richmond, Virginia was one of the country’s most productive iron factories.
Planters • Southern society was led by __________ - large-scale farmers who owned more than 20 slaves.
Yeomen • Most white southerners were __________, or small landowning farmers.
Mini Question • What effect did the cotton gin have on the South? • It caused a cotton boom and increased the demand for slaves.