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May 17 th 2013. Interprofessional Education Conference. Learning and working together to improve safety through BETTER prescribing. STOP PRESS. Due to sponsorship EARLY BIRD Delegate Rates now :
May 17th 2013 Interprofessional Education Conference Learning and working together to improve safety through BETTER prescribing STOP PRESS. Due to sponsorship EARLY BIRD Delegate Rates now: Standard: £80 F/T Student: £70 This one-day conference will cover important issues around patient safety and how working together can improve patient safety through better prescribing. It is open to anyone involved in or interested in the interprofessional education and training of students and practitioners in healthcare education. Workshops There will be opportunities for you to be involved in, or facilitate, hour-long workshops on a range of issues in keeping with the conference theme, such as interprofessional education, patient safety, prescribing and simulation. Deadline for workshop suggestions: January 31st 2013. Abstracts and Posters Submitted abstracts should relate to original, previously unpublished work. Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published with an ISBN and will be displayed as posters at the conference. Instructions for authors will be available in due course. Deadline for abstract submission: January 31st 2013. Speakers to include: Dr Ruth Hussey OBE Chief Medical Officer for Wales Medical Director for NHS Wales Welsh Government Professor Nick Barber Professor of the Practice of Pharmacy, University College London School of Pharmacy Director of Research and Evaluation The Health Foundation Professor Gary Baxter Head of School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University Professor Hugh Barr President of the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) Professor John Bligh Dean of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Cardiff University Pamela Bradley Senior Lecturer for Interprofessional Education Institute of Medical Education, School of Medicine School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Cardiff University Professor Tim Dornan Professor of Medical Education, Maastricht University , The Netherlands Dr Dai John Reader in Pharmacy Education and Practice, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University Professor Simon Maxwell Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Edinburgh Professor Phil Routledge Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Cardiff University President of the British Pharmacological Society • www.cardiff.ac.uk • Venue: Cardiff Hilton Hotel, Kingsway, Cardiff, CF10 3HH
Interprofessional Education Conference Registration FormLEARNING AND WORKING TOGETHER TO IMPROVE SAFETY THROUGH BETTER PRESCRIBING9.30am-4.30pm May 17th 2013 DEADLINE: Monday March 25th 2013 Please complete this form in block capitals and send with payment details (below) or a cheque on a UK bank account (made payable to Cardiff University) to: C Golaup, Institute of Medical Education, Cardiff University, 5th floor, Cochrane Building, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4YU. DELEGATE DETAILS Title ___________ First name _______________________ Surname________________________________________ Institution Mailing Address__________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Postcode ________________________________________ Country _________________________________________ E-mail___________________________________________ Tel. No. _________________________________________ I agree to inclusion of my details on the delegate list: Y/N Lunch requirements: vegetarian/gluten free (if applicable) _______________________________________________ PAYMENT (Please indicate your rate and payment choice) I wish to attend at the following EARLY BIRD RATE: Standard Delegate: £80 Full Time Student: £70 I enclose a cheque on a UK bank (made payable to Cardiff University) OR (please circle as appropriate): I wish to pay by MasterCard/Visa/Delta/Switch Card No _________________________________________ Cardholder’s_ Name _______________________________ Valid From ______________Expiry Date_______________ Security Code_____________________________________ Signed (Cardholder)________________________________ Date____________________________________________ Cardiff University Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences are pleased to invite to you to their Interprofessional Education Conference. This important meeting addresses practical and theoretical issues about prescribing and assessment of prescribing , including clinical skills. There will be opportunities for delegates to present their own work by presentations of posters relating to prescribing, patient safety and interprofessional education/ multiprofessional working and leading/participating in interprofessional workshop as well as to hear keynote presentations from leading clinicians and academics. Call for Abstracts and Workshops Poster abstracts and workshop suggestions should be submitted by January 31st 2013. For submissions or more information contact: Pam Bradley, Institute of Medical Education Cardiff University 5th floor, Cochrane Building Heath Park Cardiff CF14 4YU, UK Tel +44 (0)2920 688115 Email bradleyp3@cardiff.ac.uk www.cardiff.ac.uk Steering committee contacts: Professor Philip Routledge Dr Dai John routledgepa@cardiff.ac.ukjohndn@cardiff.ac.uk Late Registration fees (after March 25th 2013) Delegate rate: £120 Student rate: £80 • Cancellation • No refunds will be available after March 25th 2013. In the event of a cancellation before this date, registration fees will be refunded less 20% of the fee due.