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Acorn Health Partnership

Learn about the Acorn Health Partnership's strategic plans for the future, including the integration of care services, the development of primary care homes, and the implementation of new models of care. Join our Patient Participation Group and be part of shaping our future together!

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Acorn Health Partnership

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Acorn Health Partnership AGM 16/7/18 Dr Amanda Britton

  2. Five Year Forward View 2014 • Increasingly we need to manage systems – networks of care – not just organisations. • Out-of-hospital care needs to become a much larger part of what the NHS does. • Services need to be integrated around the patient. For example a patient with cancer needs their mental health and social care coordinated around them. Patients with mental illness need their physical health addressed at the same time.

  3. Prevention • Break down barriers between organisations delivering care • Carers • Voluntary and community involvement • Midwives • Increase GP numbers • Investment in primary care

  4. ‘General practice, with its registered list and everyone having access to a family doctor, is one of the great strengths of the NHS, but it is under severe strain’

  5. Next Steps on Five Year Forward View 2017 • Focus on A and E admissions and bed days • More young persons mental health in patient beds • Flexible working • More nurses • GP practices to be organized into hubs of up to 50000 .

  6. Summer 2017 ? Similar ethos Similar geography and patient demographics Wanted to work together

  7. Primary Care Homes or ‘Clusters’

  8. Key Characteristics of a Primary Care Home: • provision of care to a defined, registered population of between 30,000 and 50,000 • an integrated workforce, with a strong focus on partnerships spanning primary, secondary and social care; • a combined focus on personalisation of care with improvements in population health outcomes; • aligned clinical and financial drivers through a unified, capitated budget with appropriate shared risks and rewards • THIS ALL FITS WITH FIVE YEAR FORWARD PLANS

  9. All but 2 North Hampshire practices are in one of 5 clusters or Primary Care Homes We decided to take the huge step of merging rather than simply working as a group of practices. ACORN is the only cluster that is a single practice with a single patient data base, single management system and all employees working for the same organisation.

  10. Working Together-advantages of merging • Patient base is of a size when we can link more effectively with other providers of health and social care- more streamlined care and opportunities for our patients • Single patient data base • Recruitment and retention of clinical staff enabling specialism to be supported • Single management system • Economies of scale including in back office functions …….Reduce the risk of closure

  11. July 2018We are a cluster but even better a single practice…..

  12. The Future • Deliver Improved Access- entered first wave of pilot by working together • Duty Hub- on the day urgent calls will be dealt with jointly and mainly nurse led to free appointments for long term care issues including doctors appointments • Specialist hubs with links to secondary care • Linked staff working from our group eg mental health worker , link with social services, better HV and community nurse liaison, voluntary sector ………………..

  13. ……….. • Employ pharmacist to work across our site • Enhanced nursing home care to Pemberley • Patient base is of a size when linking with other provider of care becomes viable and enabling us to transform some aspects of delivery and develop others( New Models of Care) • Deliver in house education more effectively • Ability to look at needs of our population and focus on self help and prevention – links with public health

  14. NHCCG Primary Care Strategy 2016-2020 • Accessible Care Rapid access, continuity of care, online services, out of core hours primary care together with capturing patient need and experience • Co-ordinated CareCare planning and review, reducing hospital admissions, care coordination, multidisciplinary working, patients supported to manage their own conditions • Transformed CareEnabling practices to lead new ways of working, innovate, be sustainable and deliver high quality out of hospital care • Proactive CareCo-designing services with public health, improving health literacy, targeting the unregistered population and the most needy

  15. Acorn Health Partnership welcomes patient involvement in our future Please join our Patient Participation Group- PPG

  16. Thank You………….

  17. GP Forward View

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