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The Acorn People

The Acorn People . Vocabulary. Day 1. Raucous – adj.[raw-kuh-s] harsh disorderly , rowdy Gargantuan adj. (gah-gan-choo-uhn] gigantic,immense, colossal Convulsions [ken-vul-shun] an intense, involuntary muscle contraction

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The Acorn People

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  1. The Acorn People Vocabulary

  2. Day 1 • Raucous – adj.[raw-kuh-s] harsh disorderly , rowdy • Gargantuan adj. (gah-gan-choo-uhn] gigantic,immense, colossal • Convulsions [ken-vul-shun] an intense, involuntary muscle contraction • Mongoloid n.(Down’s Sydrome) [mog-guh-loid] of or affected with th characteristics of Down’s Syndrome – agenetic disability characterized by an exta chromosome and mental retardation. • Compassion n.–[kuhm-psh-uhn] a feeling of deep sympathy for another who is suffering • Orchestrate v. [awr-kuh-streyt] to arrange or manipulate by clever planning • Eerie [er-ee] adj.uncanny, strange, weird, so as to inspire fear

  3. Day 2 • Hydroplane –[hay-druh-playne] v. to skim over water at high speeds like a sea plane • Perpetual –adj. [ per-pech-oo-uhl] continuing or enduring forever • Contemplate – v. [kon-tuhm-playt] to look at thoughtfully • Pent – v.[ pent] shut up confined]

  4. Day 3 • Errant [er-uh-nt] adj. straying away from the regular or accepted • course • Tentacles [ten –te-kelz] n. elongated organs on some invertebrates, insects or plants. • Jubilation n. [an emotion association with happiness or celebration • Exploits [ek-sploit] n. an act or deed especially one that is brilliant or heroic • Ascend v. [uh-send] to move or climb upward

  5. Day 6 • Trudge – v. [trudj] to walk in a tired manner • Dignitaries – n. [dig- ni- ter -eez] a group of people who hold a high office or position as in government or church • Taunts- n. [tontz] words or remarks used to insult a ridicule someone • Prowess- n. [prou-is] exceptional bravery or ability. • Speculation – n. consideration of some subject or a process of consideration.

  6. Day 7-8-10 • Outrage- n.[out-reyj] an act of wanton cruelty or violence; any gross violation of law or decency. • Scrawled – v. skrôl- d) To write hastily or illegibly. • Stationary – adj. [stey-shuh-ner-ee] standing still ; not moving • Flurry - n / [flur-ee, fluhr-ee] a sudden commotion o excitement • Efficiency – adj.[i-fish-uhn-see] , The state of being efficient; or competent in the performance of a job. • Resuscitate v. [ri-suhs-i-teyt] to revive • Cavorting- v kə-vôrt') To bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper. • Smugness- n. [smuhg nez] contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent • Symemetrical- adj. [si-me-tri-kuhl] • Characterized by or exhibiting symtry, well proportioned as a body or a whole; regular in form o arrangement of corresponding parts. • Inebriated adj. in-ee-bree-yet-id drunk; intoxicated

  7. Pages 55-68 • Gallantry n. [gal-uhn-tree] dashing courage , heroic bravery • Crescendo n. [kri-shen-doh, a gradual increase in loudness or force • Unabated adj. [uhn-uh-bey-tid] with undiminished force power, or vigor, • Spontaneous adv. [spon-tey-nee-uhs] coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency • Junket n.  [juhng-kit] • a pleasure excursion, as a picnic or outing. • Crescendo n.    [kri-shen-doh, • a gradual, steady increase in loudness or force. • Sashay v.    [sa-shey] • to glide, move, or proceed easily or nonchalantly • Diminish – v. [di-min-ish] • to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.; lessen; reduce. • Virginia Reel n. noun • an American country dance in which the partners start by facing each other in two lines.

  8. Pages 69-80 • Conga n. kong-guh] • a Cuban ballroom dance that consists of three steps forward followed by a kick, characteristically performed by a group following a leader in a single line. • Exhilaration – n. [ig-zil-uh-rey-shuh • To enliven , to stimulate, to excite • Romanticize v.  [roh-man-tuh-sahyz] • to hold romantic notions, ideas, etc. • preen v.  [preen] • to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp: • to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp: • buffet- v. buhf-it] • to force one's way by a fight, struggle • perceptible- adj. bəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [per-sep-tuh-buh • Capable of being perceived by the senses or the mind. • Concoction – n.  [kon-kok-shuh • A combination of ingredients. • Morale – n.  [muh-ral] • emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, • Desperation- n des-puh-rey-shuh • the state of being desperate or of having the recklessness of despair.

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