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All You Need To Know About Registered Massage Therapists

1. Why it’s important to choose a registered massage therapist?<br>2. Alleviate pain and expedite healing with massage therapy<br>3. Warm hands for cold hands?<br>4. Massage therapy for Viking disease?<br>5. Meniere's Disease: how can you make massage therapy your ally<br><br>Find out more at: http://www.strivept.ca/massage-therapy-kitchener.html<br>

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All You Need To Know About Registered Massage Therapists

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  1. All You Need To Know About Registered Massage Therapists

  2. Synopsis 1. Why it’s important to choose a registered massage therapist? 2. Alleviate pain and expedite healing with massage therapy 3. Warm hands for cold hands? 4. Massage therapy for Viking disease? 5. Meniere's Disease: how can you make massage therapy your ally

  3. Why it’s important to choose a registered massage therapist? Massage therapy involves manual techniques such as stroking, applying pressure, manipulate tissues and so on, and it can be used to reduce stress and promote relaxation, but at the same time it is a valuable treatment option in alleviating symptoms associated with serious medical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, post-op conditions and many more. This means even the slightest mistake, wrong twist or too much pressure applied can aggravate the condition and cause more pain. Imagine for a second the case of an oncological patient that has been through so much and might still have a long way to go to recovery seeking a minimally invasive therapy option to help with chemotherapy pain or disease associated symptoms and having to fall in the unexperienced hands of an individual who pretends to make them feel well. And this applies to everyone, regardless of how minor or complex the condition you are looking to alleviate. Luckily, there are ways a patient can easily spot a ‘fraud’. One would be the oldest rule from the book that dictates cheaper usually means lower quality. It might seem like a solution to save some money and also benefit from a massage, but long term you might be exposing yourself to even greater financial burden and added pain. Secondly, background research on the therapist you plan on booking. There are various trusted sources that provide lists of registered massage therapists, forums that discuss feedback and reviews and the website of the therapists themselves as usually trained and legitimate practitioners publish their certifications. • • •

  4. Alleviate pain and expedite healing with massage therapy • Acute pain and stress o Before and after surgery, commonly patients experience high levels of stress, which is not unnatural. It is genuinely known that stress can manifest either physically or mentally or both. Physically, symptoms occur after the body is dealing with the trauma of the surgery and, as a result, it gets weaker and more tensed. Mentally, the whole idea of a procedure be it minor or major, installs a sense of anxiety while being constrained to a bed adds extra burden. Through muscle and soft tissue manipulation, the blood flow is regulated and improved thus helping the body heal and recover better and faster. o By triggering pressure points and using deep tissue massage techniques oxygen and nutrients levels are boosted and the body is better positioned to start healing. Hand manipulation also provide comfort and induce a state of relaxation. • Scarring o Besides the fact that many people regard scars as being physically unappealing, they can also pose a greater risk by building up collagen in the fibres and restricting movement and circulation. A registered massage therapist will know the right techniques to use in order to loosen the tissue, realign it and give it its elasticity back. Even though it is not always a 100% sure, regularly undergoing specialized massage therapy session can decrease the appearance of the scars as well.

  5. Warm hands for cold hands? A Raynaud’s attack will cause an interruption of blood supply to fingers, toes and other affected areas causing them to change colour and feel numb. As treatment options, people suffering from this condition can use topical medications, such as ointments and lotions to boost blood flow, or follow a medical treatment which includes calcium channel blockers. Patients can also receive self-management tips and tricks to help them better manage the attacks. Since there are many various things that can trigger them, from vibrations and a hot wind to smoking and contraceptive pills, it is utterly important for patients to have all their tools in their toolbox ready to use. A highly overlooked but probably most effective alternative to the standard treatment can be massage therapy, specifically connective tissue manipulation performed by a registered practitioner who is familiar with the disease, the symptoms and acknowledges that every case is individually different, and so should the treatment plan be. According to the Raynaud’s Association, a massage therapy technique called Russian Friction is highly indicated for patients. During a session, a practitioner will use friction to stimulate body heat through moderate motions, genuinely used in sports therapy. By combining this with kneading and vibrating movements, muscle stiffness is alleviated, blood circulation is restored and optimized and stress is reduced. The Association also states that this type of massage therapy has the potential to improve central nervous system functions, better equipping the body to deal with an attack. • • •

  6. Massage therapy for Viking disease? According to researches, massage therapy has proven to be highly beneficial as an adjunctive treatment strategy for Dupuytren's disease patients. Among the main improvements observed where in attenuating tissue levels that drive the progression of the disease, reducing inflammation and triggering neuroimmune responses which can aid symptoms. A specific massage therapy called cross-frictional in addition to gentle stretching exercises has been shown to improve tissue elasticity and surprisingly, reduce the visibility of adhesions. Because this condition is highly sensitive, therapists should be properly trained and registered to handle and help patients seeking treatment. Massage therapy is a non-invasive solution that can offer relief without causing harm and help millions whose lives have been impacted by Dupuytren’s. While massage therapy can have direct benefits, people suffering from this condition are very much encouraged to adopt an exercising routine. By doing this at home as well as under the care of a professional, benefits can last longer and be more visible. There are many techniques that your therapist can share with you which will ensure an effect of blood flow increase across the hands, stimulate cellular activity and eliminate nodules. • • •

  7. Meniere's Disease: how can you make massage therapy your ally Registered therapists have found ways to improve symptoms and help patients better manage their conditions. The cervical spine is as its name suggest the backbone of our bodies, it how nerves communicate and circulate throughout the body and it is both the way in and the way out of sensorial receptors. Manipulating and aligning the cervical vertebrae of the neck and cranial bone taps into the body’s natural pharmacy. It optimizes its function and stimulates the inner power to heal. For vertigo symptoms in particular, there are 4 types of massage therapy that have proven their efficiency . Ban Hui is performed by a registered therapist by standing behind the patient and wrapping his hands around their head while pressure is applied at the forehead level, triggering different points. Qiao Yin massage works by applying pressure in circular movements, inside and around the ear. Feng Chi is another option known to help with vertigo and balance-related symptoms. A practitioner usually starts pressing his thumbs from the neck up for a couple of minutes aiming to reduce the tension and promote better blood flow and nerve communication. Last but not least, the Tai Xi technique has been also praised for its benefits. By triggering a specific point located in patient’s legs, between the medial malleolus's edge and the Achilles tendon attachment, massage therapists to regain vascular activity which can have a positive effect across the whole body. • •

  8. The End For more details, please visit: http://www.strivept.ca/massage-therapy- kitchener.html

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