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REPORT TEXS. NAMA KELOMPOK 1,DUROTUL ULYA 2,LINA DWI HARIYANI 3,MISBAHUR ROHMAN. A.PENGERTIAN 1.A report is a teks that describes things,please,orpersons in general
A.PENGERTIAN • 1.A report is a teks that describes things,please,orpersons in general • 2,the social funcition or purpose of a report texs is to describes things,person or pleces in general or to deskribe the way things are.
3. generic structure • a.general classification;tells what the phenomenon under discussion is. it’s usually the definition of what we • are giing to tell • b.description;qualities,and habits/behavior
4.gremmtical feature; • a.the use of present tense • b.the use of adverd of frequency; >alwayes >seldom/hardly/rareli >never/eveer >often >usually • Sometimes • Once/ywece/theree times,eac • every
Contoh soal • Rain forests cover about 10persen of the earth , but they contain 90 persen of the word’s animals and plants . Rain forets are fouuuurets in the hottest parts of the eart . They stuated in the are from the area from the tropic of cancer to the tropiic of capricorn . This is the area on both sides of the equator .these forests are called rain forests because it ussually rains there every day . The weather is always hot and humind . The rain forets in america,afrika , and asia . The larges area of rain foresyt iis amazoniain sauth america . it there times larger than the whole of indonesia .
Indonesia is covered by rain forests ,but many of it’s forets have been cut down . Some fire also destroyed the destroyed the indonesia forets ,especially during the dry season . It is hard now to reforest the bare land • 1.what is the texs about ……. • 2. from the texs we can conclude that forets cover ….part of the earth ……. • 3.the lats paragraf tells us about …… • 4. how is the weather in the rain forests ,,,,, • 5.’’’it is there larger than the whole of indonesia ‘’[secound paragraf ] • .the underlind word refers to,,,,,,,