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Solar system. by: shailie chudomelka p.6. The sun. The sun is just one big star as we all know. Whats to learn about the sun? well… about 1million earths can fit inside this ball of fire.
Solar system by: shailiechudomelka p.6
The sun The sun is just one big star as we all know. Whats to learn about the sun? well… about 1million earths can fit inside this ball of fire. The sun has six regions - the core, the radiative zone, and the convective zone in the interior; the visible surface (the photosphere); the chromosphere; and the outermost region, the corona. The sun has no solid surface because its all just gas. The sun originated its name from the greeks and many other orgins. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Sun&Display=OverviewLong
MERCURY The ancient romans named the planet in honor of the swift messanger of their gods. This planet is closest to the sun. 1 day on mercury is 180 days on earth. This planet is so rich with an iron core much like our own planet. Because of lack of an atmosphere if you were 100 pounds on earth, your fairly about 37 pounds on mercury http://www.planetfacts.net/Mercury-Facts.html
Venus The planet Venus gets its name from a roman goddess of beauty. The name originated the same time and from the same people that named mercury Jupiter and Saturn. The Romans. Venus is the nearest planet from the earth and its gasses trap sunlight from getting it to its rocky terrain. Venus has no moons. Its takes the planet 243 days to orbit the sun. The planet Venus is 843 degrees Fahrenheit. Other words… really hot. This is a picture of Venus's surface.
Mother Earth • Earth is the only livable planet in our solar system. • The ocean covers more than 70% of our planet • Earth is the only livable planet that we know • Earth came from the English and the word “earth” simply means dirt.
M A R S • Mars is the fourth closest planet to mars and the 5th inner planet. • Named after ancient god of war • Its red because of iron rich minerals • Home to deepest valleys and highest mountains • Has the largest volcanoes in the solar system • Mars’s atmosphere is 100 times less dense than earths and has a carbon dioxide rich atmosphere. • Weve sent a “mars rover” to discover new findings on mars. Obviously.
http://www.planetfacts.net/Jupiter-Facts.html If you were to weigh 100 pounds on earth, on jupiter your 264 pounds. Jupiter's atmosphere is full of helium, water vapor and hydrogen gasses. Jupiter rotates faster than any planet in the solar system. Jupiter's big red spot, is actually a storm. Its been going on for 300 years now. Jupiter's days are only 10 hours long because of how quickly it rotates. Jupiter sends out small radio transmissions that other plants don’t. Lastly Jupiter got is name after the king of the roman gods.
SATURN • Saturn is the densest planet in the solar system • Saturn's rings are made of billions of rock and dust • The atmosphere is mostly helium and hydrogen • Takes 30 years for Saturn to orbit the sun • Saturn has over 30 moons
Uranus • Uranus was named after the Greek god of sky in Latin • Nights on some parts of this planet can last for 40 years • The north and south pole of this planet are actually turned towards the sun. • Second lease dense planet in the solar system • 14 times larger than earth • Has 27 known moons • Uranus is the coldest planet in our solar sytem
NEPTUNE • Neptune is so far away, that when we sent voyager 2 to it, it took 12 years. • Neptune has 19 moons • Goes around the sun every 165 earth years • The atmosphere is made up of hydrogen methane and helium. • Neptune has a rocky core • This planet was named after the roman sea God. • Neptune once had a dark spot similar to Jupiter.
Pluto's demotion as a planet • According to the new definition, a full-fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit. • Pluto has been demoted because it does not dominate its neighborhood. Charon, its large "moon," is only about half the size of Pluto, while all the true planets are far larger than their moons. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/08/060824-pluto-planet_2.html • Pluto, however, orbits the sun at a 17-degree angle to this plane. In addition, its orbit is exceptionally elliptical and crosses Neptune's orbit It's smaller than any other planet - even smaller than the Earth's moon • http://science.howstuffworks.com/pluto-planet.htm • For this reason, many scientists believe that Pluto originated elsewhere in space and got caught in the Sun's gravity. Some astronomers once theorized that Pluto used to be one of Neptune's moons.