The fifth planet of solar system Merkury nearest to the Sun a major planet of Solar system, average distance from the Sun of 0,387 astronomical units (58 million in km), a cycle time 88 days, the period of rotation 58,6 days, average diameter of 4878 km, weight of 3,3·1023 kg, are included into structure of the extremely rarefied atmosphere: Ar, Ne, He.
Venus, planet, average distance from the Sun 0,72 and. е., a cycle time 224,7 сут, rotations 243 сут, average radius of 6050 km, weight 4,9. 1024 kg. Atmosphere: CO2 (97 %), N2 (apprx. 3 %), H2O (0,05 %), impurity CO, SO2, HCl, HF. Temperature at a surface apprx. 750 To, pressure apprx. 107 Pases, or 100 ат. On a surface of Venus mountains, craters, stones are found out. Superficial breeds of Venus are close on structure to terrestrial sedimentary breeds. Venus, the second from the Sun and the major planet of Solar system nearest to the Earth.
The Earth, the third major planet from the Sun of Solar system. Thanks to unique, perhaps, to a unique environment in the Universe, became a place where has arisen and organic life has had development. The form, the sizes and movement of the Earth Under the form the Earth is close to эллипсоиду, сплюснутому at poles and stretched in an equatorial zone. It is proved by means of photographings of a planet from space. Average radius of the Earth of 6371,032 km, polar 6356,777 km, equatorial 6378,160 km. Planet compression 1:298. Weight of the Earth of 5,976·10^24 kg, average density of 5,518 g/sm3, Density of a kernel of 11 of sm3. The Earth moves round the Sun with average speed of 29,765 km/s on elliptic, close to a circular orbit (эксцентриситет 0,0167); average distance from the Sun of 149,6 million in km, the period of one reference on an orbit 365, 24 solar days.
Mars, the fourth major planet from the Sun of Solar system. Average distance from the Sun of 228 million in km, a cycle time of 687 days, the period of rotation 24,5 ч, average diameter of 6780 km, weight 6,4Ч1023 kg; 2 natural companions a Fobos and Dejmos. Atmosphere structure: СО2 (»95 %), N2 (2,5 %), Ar (1,5-2 %), WITH (0,06 %), Н2О (to 0,1 %); pressure upon surfaces 5-7 гПа. Sites of a surface of Mars, covered with craters, are similar to lunar continent. The considerable scientific material about Mars is received by means of space vehicles" Маринер "and"Mars".
Jupiter, the fifth major planet from the Sun of Solar system, average distance from the Sun 5,2 and. е. (778,3 million in km), сидерический a cycle time 11,9 years, the rotation period (a cloud layer near equator) apprx. 10 ч, an equivalent of diameter apprx. 142 800 km, weight of 1,90·1027 kg. Atmosphere structure: H2, CH4, NH3.
Saturn, planet, average distance from the Sun 9,54 and. е., the cycle time 29,46 years, the rotation period on equator (cloud layer) 10,2 ч, equatorial diameter of 120 660 km, weight of 5,68·1026 kg, has 17 companions, into atmosphere structure enter СН4, Н2, Not, NН3. Radiating belts are found out In Saturn. Saturn a planet having rings. Saturn, the sixth from the Sun, the second in the sizes after Jupiter a major planet of Solar system; concerns planets-giants.
URANIUM, the seventh major planet from the Sun of Solar system, concerns planets-giants, average distance from the Sun 19,18 and. е. (2871 million in km), a cycle time 84 years, the period of rotation apprx. 17 ч, equatorial diameter of 51 200 km, weight of 8,7·1025 kg, atmosphere structure: Н2, Not, СН4. The axis of rotation of Uranium is inclined on a corner 98 °. Uranium has 15 companions
The ninth planet of solar system Pluton, the ninth major planet from the Sun of Solar system, average distance from the Sun 39,4 and. е., a cycle time of 247,7 years, the period of rotation 6,4 сут, diameter apprx. 3000 km, weight apprx. 1,79.1022 kg. On Plutone methane is found out. Плутон the double planet, its companion, approximately in 3 times smaller on diameter, moves on distance of all apprx. 20 000 km from the planet centre, doing 1 turn for 6,4 days
The NEPTUNE, a planet, average distance from the Sun 30,06 and. е. (4500 million in km), a cycle time 164,8 years, the period of rotation 17,8 ч, equatorial diameter of 49 500 km, weight of 1,03.1026 kg, atmosphere structure: CH4, H2, Нe. The Neptune has 6 companions. It is opened in 1846 I.Galle on U.Zh.Levere's theoretical predictions and J. K.Adams.