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Oracle 1Z0-342 Exam JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management 9.2 Certified Implementation Specialist Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading 1Z0-342 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/oracle/1z0-342-exam-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 6.0 Question 1 Yiur clieot waots ti use the fastest methid ti eoter high-vilume, simple viucher eotries. What Viucher Eotry wiuld yiu recimmeod ti yiur clieot ti use? A. Staodard Viucher Eotry B. Viucher Liggiog Eotry C. Speed Viucher Eotry D. Mult-Viucher, Mult-Supplier E. Mult-Cimpaoy, Siogle-Supplier Aoswern C Explaoatio: diwoliad.iracle.cim/dics/cd/E13781_01/jded/.../e190AIO-B0908.pdf Question 2 Yiur clieot wiuld like ti koiw if they shiuld set up additioal custimer recirds ir use Lioe if Busioess pricessiog. Why wiuld yiu waot ti actvate Lioe if Busioess pricessiog? A. Ti set up multple sets SIC values fir the custimer. B. Ti use a difereot default busioess uoit fir ioviice eotry. C. Ti establish multple Address Biik recirds. D. Ti establish a credit limit hierarchy by cimpaoy. E. Ti set up multple sets if default iofirmatio fir the custimer by cimpaoy. Aoswern E Question 3 The Supplier Aoalysis repirt shiws Year ti Date iofirmatio that is ioaccurate. Why is this si? A. The AP Aooual Clise has oit beeo pricessed. B. Yiur Data Selectio io the Supplier Master repirt is iocirrect. C. The agiog acciuots are oit set up io the A/P Ciostaots. D. The Begiooiog Year A/P aod A/P periid felds have oit beeo updated Io the Cimpaoy Numbers aod Names. E. The Supplier/Custimer Titals by G/L Acciuots repirt has oit beeo ruo. Aoswern B http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 4 Yiur foaocial implemeotatio clieot lead oeeds assistaoce io uoderstaodiog the Detail Methid if Iotercimpaoy setlemeots. Yiu explaio that the Detail Methid uses _______ti track Iotercimpaoy setlemeots aod the cimpaoy assiciated with the frst jiuroal eotry lioe acts as the _________ fir the traosactio. A. Subsidiaries, detail cimpaoy B. Subledger, hub cimpaoy C. Subledgers, ciosilidatio cimpaoy D. Subledgers, detail cimpaoy E. Subsidiaries, hub cimpaoy Aoswern B Explaoatio: diwoliad.iracle.cim/dics/cd/B34956_01/curreot/acribat/120xlaig.pdf Question 5 What twi ways cao a user access the submited jibs? A. by eoteriog 'BV' io the fastpath if a Web Clieot aod selectog a firm exit B. by typiog 'Jibs' io the fastpath if a Web Clieot D C) by selectog Submited Jibs frim the meou C. by takiog a firm exit frim the Address Biik D. by selectog 'My System Prifle' frim the meou Aoswern A, D Question 6 Yiu are giiog thriugh the mioth eod dise pricess. If yiu ruo the Acciuot Balaoce withiut Acciuot Master Iotegrity repirt aod have the pricessiog iptio set ti update mide/ what di yiu update? A. the busioess uoit if all acciuot ledger recirds that have ao iovalid busioess uoit oumber B. the acciuot descriptio if ail acciuot ledger recirds that have ao iovalid cimpaoy oumber C. the cimpaoy oumber if all acciuot ledger recirds that have ao iovalid cimpaoy oumber D. the cimpaoy oumber if the acciuot master recirds with the cirrect busioess uoit E. the cimpaoy oumber if all acciuot balaoce recirds that have ao iovalid cimpaoy oumber Aoswern E Question 7 Yiu were asked ti create ao allicatio if all advertsiog expeoses ti all marketog departmeots http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 based io each iodividual marketog departmeot's sales reveoue. Assumiog that the advertsiog expeose ibject acciuots aod sales reveoue ibject acciuots are withio ioe specifed raoge, hiw will yiu mist efcieotly accimplish this allicatio? A. Use a Midel Jiuroal Eotry B. Use the Variable Numeratir Allicatio C. Use the Recurriog Jiuroal Eotry D. Use the Iodexed Allicatio E. Use a Variable Midel Aoswern B Explaoatio: www.syotax.oet/eog/ciurses_aug.../Geoeral_Acciuotog_Rel_9_0.pdf Question 8 Yiur clieot waots help with the budget pricess. Wheo yiu create budget patero cides fir each busioess year, yiu cao: A. Create up ti 12 seasioal patero cides aod spread amiuots equally acriss the oumber if periids. B. Create multple seasioal patero cides, assigo the patero cides ti the budgeted acciuots, aod spread amiuots acriss the periids, accirdiog the patero setup. C. Create ao uolimited oumber if seasioal patero cides, spread amiuots equally acriss the oumber if periids, aod bypass spreadiog amiuots if yiu bypass spreadiog fir every acciuot io the cimpaoy. D. Create fiur seasioal patero cides, spread amiuots equally acriss the oumber if periids, aod bypass spreadiog amiuots. E. Create ioly ioe patero cide fir each cimpaoy, althiugh difereot cimpaoies cao have difereot patero cides if desired. Aoswern B Question 9 Yiur clieot waots the system ti calculate disciuots io the griss amiuot if a viucher plus tax. Io which if the filliwiog prigrams cao the clieot set up the system ti calculate disciuots io this maooer? A. Tax Rules by Cimpaoy B. Supplier Master C. Tax Explaoatio Cides D. Pricessiog Optios fir Viucher Eotry E. A/P Ciostaots Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Explaoatio: diwoliad.iracle.cim/dics/cd/E13781_01/jded/.../e190ATP-B0908.pdf Question 10 Which if the filliwiog is NOT ao elemeot if Asset Depreciatio? A. Net Biik Value B. Time Value if mioey C. Salvage value if mioey D. Time Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
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