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Explore the probabilities of life in the universe, from planets with liquid water to the vast potential for existence. Discover the vast expanse of galaxies, stars, and possible life forms beyond our own. Uncover the calculations and considerations that hint at the teeming potential for life in the cosmos.
Life in the Universe How much life is there? What are the probabilities? A conservativeestimation.
Life in the Universe • How manyplanetscan have or have life on them? • The chemicalelements in oursolar system andgalaxy are similarall over de Universe. • Oursolar system is very “normal” no exceptionto the manyothersolar systems we discovered. • The physicallawsthatgovernourUniverse are everywhere the same, exceptin the center of Black Holes.
Planetsaroundothersuns • The formation of most stars is similartoours, and most stars form planetsaroundthem out of the dust disc. • Almostall stars have planetsflyingaroundthem. • The estimates are, thatthere are much more planetsthen stars. • (Therecan even be life on a moonaround a planet, seeJupiter’smoon Europa, contains water and energy andprobably basic life forms)
The “Goldilocks” Zone or circumstellarhabitable zone. • We needtoknowhowmanyplanetsaround the stars are situated in the “Goldilocks” zone. • This zone or area, is the distance of a planetfromit’ssunand have the possibilitytosustain liquid water. • The more conservativenumbersestimatethatthere is 1 rockyplanetwith liquid water in the Goldilocks zone forevery 1000 suns. • The most conservativeestimatethat life wouldevolve on such a planetwouldbe 1 in a million. Veryconservative!
How much life wouldtherebe? • Therewouldbe 40 000 000 000 000 planetswith life in ourobservableUniverse. • Where does thisnumbercomefrom? • There are approximately 200 billion stars in a galaxy • There are approximately 200 billiongalaxies in the Universe. • So 200 000 000 000 x 200 000 000 000 = 4 with 22 zero
How much life couldtherebe? • We divide the number of sunsby 1000, tofind a rockyplanet in the CHZ. • We dividethisnumber 4 with 19 zero by 1 000 000 change of life evolving on a planet in the Goldilocks zone. Then we have a 4 with 13 zero’s • Andthat is 40 trillion • Or 40 000 000 000 000 planetswith life on them • Tovisualizethisnumber, take a beach of 50 meters wideand 1 km long. All the sandgrainstill 1 meter depth, 50 meter wideand 1 kilometer long, everygrainrepresents a planetwith life on it in ourUniverse.
How much life is there in the Universe • Life on most otherplanetscouldbevery basic, but on othersveryevolved. • Thereprobably are planetswith life way beyondourevolution. • The most important reasonwhy we didn’tfindother life on planets or didnotreceivesignals is because the Universe is so big! • Most of the othergalaxies are hundreds of million light yearsaway.
How much life is there in the Universe • In case an intelligent species on anotherplanetsends a radio messageinto the Universe. Thenthatmessagecanonlytravel at the speed of light. • Imaginean intelligent creaturesendstoday a nicemessage full of valuable information from a planet in the Sombrero Galaxy. Then we wouldreceivethatmessage in 29.3 millionyears! • Or imaginethatour intelligent creature was sending the messagefor a 1000 years but thenwouldbegonebecause of a meteorcollission.
How much life is there in the Universe • If the message was send 29.4 millionyearsagofor a thousandyears, then we would have misseditby 99 thousandyears. • The width of the Universe is 44 billion light yearsacross. We probably miss a lot of messages. • There most be a lot of life in the Universe! The Universe is teemingwith life. • We cannot prove ityet, because we cannotsee it. But 300 yearsago we couldn’t prove therewherebacteries, because we couldnotseethem, this is a similarsituation.
Time andhumans in the Universe • If we wouldplace the age of the Universe (13.8 billionyears) on 1 year. • Then the first Homonidswouldappear on Earth 1 hourand a half ago. • The average life span of a human life of 80 yearswould take in the Universal yearonly 0.2 seconds • Show calculation
Calculation of the age of the universeto 1 year • 13 800 000 000 / 365 =37 808 220 Y/24 hours = • 1 575 342 y /60 min = 26 255 year per minute • 26 255 /60 sec = 437 year per second • So 80 yearswould take 80/437 = 0.18 seconds • A life span of 80 yearswould take 0.18 sec on the Universal time scale of 1 year.