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Understand how CERC calculates system availability using weighted factors for different transmission elements. Learn the impact of factors and how to maintain high availability. Interpretation examples provided.
Tariff in Incentive is calculated as per CERC order 26.09.2000 Methodology • All elements are grouped into following catagories • AC Transmission lines = AVo • ICTs = AVq • Switched Bus Reactors = AVs • HVDC lines =AVp • HVDC back to back =AVt • SVC =AVr
Availability of each category is calculated based on the Weightage Factor ,Total hours under consideration and non available hours for each element of that category. ° ° Availability of o No of AC lines = Σ Wi(Ti-Tnai)/ Σ Wi = AVo i=1 i=1 Where Wi = Weightage factor for ith transmission line Ti = Total hours of ith AC line Tnai= Total non availability hours for ith AC line Wi = Surge Impedance loading * Circuit Kms For inter regional lines , 50% of the weighted factor is taken for each region. For HVDC pole – The Rated MW capacity * circuit km
For ICT - The rated MVA capacity For switched bus reactor – The rated MVAR capacity For HVDC back to Back connecting two regions – 50 % of the Rated MW capacity of each block to each region. Overall Availability of Region % System Availability : o*AVo + p*AVp+q*AVq+r*AVr+s*AVs+t*AVt -------------------------------------------------------------- * 100 o + p+q+r+s+t
FACTORS INFLUENCE THE SYSTEM AVAILABILITY • Planning of AMP works and opportunity Shut downs • Exceeding the given Shut down period • Thermovision scanning of Lines and other Eqpt • Effective patrolling and proper reporting • Cleaning of Insulators in polluted areas • Patrolling in critical locations • Proper communication during shut down period • Proper planning of Manpower and T& P • On line testing of Relays • Clearing of Tree and bushes in proper time • Replacing defective/puncture insulators by Hot Line • techniques. • 12. Signature analysis of Transmission Lines
Important : Outage of element causing Generation loss shall deemed to be twice the actual outage period for that element. Mis-declaration / submission of incorrect data shall be treated as twice the actual outage time. HVDC back to back and AC lines are considered as One element Outage of elements due to earth quake, cyclone, Grid disturbance ,Act of god such as floods are considered as Natural calamities. Lines restored on ERS is considered as deemed available
The Availability of Transmission system is calculated in (%) Percentage as follows: (2001-2002 of SRTS-I) Ta =Total available time in hours for all Lines = 17*24*365 =148920 To=Total outage time in hours Attributable to POWERGRID for all Lines = 395.39 Hours Availability in percentage (%) = ((Ta-To)/Ta*100 Availability in percentage (%) = (148920-395.39)/148920*100 = 99.74 %
Availability as per CERC order 26.09.2000 Methodology B = Annual Time =1*24*365 = 8760 C= Outage hours ATR to others = 00.00 D= Outage hours ATR to Sys-Const = 20.81 E = Total hours to be considered for Availability Ti =((B-(C+D)) = ((8760-(0.0+20.81)) = 8739.19 F = Outage ATR to POWERGRID (TNA) = 14.40 G = Deemed available ( 4.93) % Line Availability H = ( Ti –TNA)/Ti) % Line Availability = (8739.19-14.40)/8739.19 = 0.9984 ATR = Attributable
Weightage Factor I = Line length in Ckt Kms = 187.291 J = Surge Impedance Loading = 515 (400kV Moose ACSR) Wi = Weightage Factor = Line length * SIL = 96454.87 Avo = (Wi* % Line Availability)/Wi = (96454.87*0.9984)/96454.87 = 0.9984
Availability as per CERC order 26.09.2000 Methodology B = Annual Time =1*24*365 = 8760 C= Outage hours ATR to others = 20.38 D= Outage hours ATR to Sys-Const = 13.70 E = Total hours to be considered for Availability TK =((B-(C+D)) = ((8760-(20.38+13.70)) = 8725.92 F = Outage ATR to POWERGRID (TNAK)= 23.18 G = Deemed available (0.0) % ICT Availability H = ( TK –TNAK)/TK) % ICT Availability = (8725.92-23.18)/8725.92 = 0.9973
Weightage factor (Wk) = Rated MVA capacity Avq = (Weightage factor * % ICT Availability )/ Wk = 315*.9973/315 = 0.9973
Availability as per CERC order 26.09.2000 Methodology B = Annual Time =1*24*365 = 8760 C= Outage hours ATR to others = 0.0 D= Outage hours ATR to Sys-Const = 0.0 E = Total hours to be considered for Availability Tm =((B-(C+D)) = ((8760-(0.0+0.0) = 8760 F = Outage ATR to POWERGRID (Tnam)= 97.50 G = Deemed available (4078.70) % Bus Reactor Availability H = ( Tm –Tnam/Tm) % Bus Reactor Availability = (8760-97.50)/8760 = 0.989
Weightage factor (Wm) = Rated MVAR capacity Avs = (Weightage factor * % Bus Reactor Availability )/ Wm = (50*0.989)/50 = 0.989
Availability as per CERC order 26.09.2000 Methodology B = Annual Time =1*24*365 = 8760 C= Outage hours ATR to others =5.28 D= Outage hours ATR to Sys-Const = 9.77 E = Total hours to be considered for Availability Tn =((B-(C+D)) = ((8760-(5.28+9.77) = 8744.95 F = Outage ATR to POWERGRID (Tnan)= 88.93 G = Deemed available (0.0) % HVDC POLE Availability H = ( Tn –Tnan/Tn) % HVDC POLE Availability = (8744.95-88.93)/8744.95 = 0.9898
Weightage factor (Wn) = 50 % of Rated MW capacity = 50% of 500 MW = 250 Avt = (Weightage factor * % POLE Availability )/ Wn = (250*0.9898)/250 = 0.9898
Tariff in Incentive is calculated as per CERC order 26.09.2000 Methodology • All elements are grouped into following catagories • AC Transmission lines = AVo • ICTs = AVq • Switched Bus Reactors = AVs • HVDC lines =AVp • HVDC back to back =AVt • SVC =AVr
Availability of each category is calculated based on the Weightage Factor ,Total hours under consideration and non available hours for each element of that category. ° ° Availability of o No of AC lines = Σ Wi(Ti-Tnai)/ Σ Wi = AVo i=1 i=1 Where Wi = Weightage factor for ith transmission line Ti = Total hours of ith AC line Tnai= Total non availability hours for ith AC line Wi = Surge Impedance loading * Circuit Kms For inter regional lines , 50% of the weighted factor is taken for each region. For HVDC pole – The Rated MW capacity * circuit km
For ICT - The rated MVA capacity For switched bus reactor – The rated MVAR capacity For HVDC back to Back connecting two regions – 50 % of the Rated MW capacity of each block to each region. Overall Availability of Region % System Availability : o*AVo + p*AVp+q*AVq+r*AVr+s*AVs+t*AVt -------------------------------------------------------------- * 100 o + p+q+r+s+t