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The phone has always been a valuable link between people. It has been round for generations. In fact, the analogue phones of today are very similar in design and function to...<br>
WhatAreVOIPPhones? Thephonehasalways been avaluablelink between people. It has been round forgenerations. Infact, theanaloguephones of todayareverysimilar in designand function to thoseoriginal ones. This does not mean therehavenot beenalterationsand improvements to thephone. Thecell phoneis agood exampleof how technologyhas improved! But thebasicphone, as seen in offices round theworld, is still an essential part ofofficelive. However, thesephonesmaylook like analoguephones but theyare actuallyfar superior! TheVOIPPhone TheVOIP phoneis actuallyaphonewhich is dedicated to VoiceOverInternet Protocol. As the name suggests, this is a phonewhich transmits it signals andeven aphonemessageover the internet. Most VOIP phones can access analoguenetworks anddigital ones. This means they can beusedas conventional phones whereyou pick up the receiver and makeatraditional call. However, theycan also route their phonecalls throughyour internet provider. Of course, the personyou are ringingwill need to be usingthe same system to provide thebest possible call function. A VOIP Phoneoffers ahugerangeof featureswhich conventional phones do not have. These include: Video Calling Thereis no reason to simplychat to a friendwhenyou can video call them and makeareal connection; this is possible byusingVOIP. Itallows calls to betransferredbetween people and foryou to seethe personyou arecalling. This is agreat feature forbusinesses as well as clients. Video callingcan bebetween several people;youcan brainstorm or simplychat withyour VOIP phones everydayto improvethe outlook of the company. Video callingcanalso beapopularoption for anyonelookingtogenerate new business oroffera better customer serviceon line. An extension to theVOIP phones can allowyou to offeralive chat serviceonline. The customer will havethe benefit of seeingyouin person and in getting first class customer response; no matter what thequestion orwhat timeof dayit is. Recording
It is possibleto digitallyrecordanyincomingconversation; althoughyou should adviseyour customer thatyou aredoingthis. This app will also allowyou to capturevoicemessagesand send them directlytoyour email addresses. Cordless Thelatest VOIP phonesareactuallydesigned to be cordless andsimplyconnect toyour internal networkvia abuilt-in wireless adaptor. Couple thiswith a good qualitybatteryandyou havethe equivalent of a cell phone; althoughyou will needto be in rangeofyour privatenetwork. There aremanyother features which can beusedwhen operatingVOIP phones; it is important to assess each of them anddecide whethertheyare genuinelyof usetoyou or not. AgoodVOIP phones system should beadaptableand can bebuilt on as thetechnologyimproves. Source: http://kasynoweb.net/what-are-voip-phones/4843/