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Explore various Forest Inventory projects directly related to the 2014 Farm Bill, focusing on sustainable biomass supplies, carbon stocks, land cover changes, and statistical precision improvements at sub-State levels.
Projects with TRB Involvement Related to 2014 Farm Bill – Section 8301 • A list of very recent, ongoing and new projects (with and without TRB/RSAC funding) that can be tied directly to the Farm Bill. • Many TRB members conduct important research that cannot be immediately folded into the “FIA way” but often finds its way into analysis and reports. Many of these projects involve considerable cross-band interaction.
1. Complete the transition to a fully annualized forest inventory program and include inventory and analysis of interior Alaska. • AIRIS re-measurement – PNWRS • Interior Alaska FIA Workshop – PNWRS • Interior Alaska Forest Inventory Pilot – PNWRS
3. Report information on renewable biomass supplies and carbon stocks at the local, State, regional, and national level, including by ownership type. Annual radial increments – SRS Nation-wide Nearest Neighbor Imputation Mapping Project – NRS Localized spatial estimation of forest attributes in the North using small area estimation, with applications for supply and economic feasibility of biomass co-combustion - NRS Tok area LiDAR Biomass Study – PNWRS Kenai LiDAR Study – PNWRS
Report information on renewable biomass supplies and carbon stocks at the local, State, regional, and national level, including by ownership type. (cont…….) North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) – RMRS, PNWRS Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) – RMRS, PNWRS, NRS Forest Carbon Monitoring Framework (ForCaMF) - RMRS MV system based on LiDAR sampling and Landsat time-series PNWRS, RMRS,NRS Forest disturbance and carbon (Huang) – NRS, RMRS
6. Foster greater cooperation among the forest inventory and analysis program, research station leaders, and State foresters and other users of information from the forest inventory and analysis. All……….
8. Collaborate with the NRCS, NASA, NOAA, and USGS to integrate remote sensing, spatial analysis techniques, and other new technologies in the forest inventory and analysis program. Interior Alaska Forest Inventory Pilot – PNWRS North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) – RMRS, PNWRS Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) – RMRS, PNWRS, NRS Forest Carbon Monitoring Framework (ForeCaMF) - RMRS MRV system based on LiDAR sampling and Landsat time-series PNWRS, RMRS, NRS NLCD Tree Canopy Cover (TCC) – All units Forest disturbance and carbon (Huang) – NRS, RMRS
9. Understand and report on changes in land cover and use. Kenai LiDAR Study – PNWRS AIRIS re-measurement – PNWRS ICE (Needs Assessment, Allignment, Estimation, & Implementation Teams) – All units North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) – RMRS, PNWRS Observe everything every year (OOEY) - RMRS Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) – RMRS, PNWRS, NRS Forest Carbon Monitoring Framework (ForeCaMF) - RMRS MRV system based on LiDAR sampling and Landsat time- series PNWRS, RMRS,NRS
9. Understand and report on changes in land cover and use. (cont……) Effect of disturbance on water quality and flow – RMRS Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - NRS Central Hardwoods 2010 Glaze: annual field data after the storm – SRS Switching from a 5-year to a 10-year cycle: monitoring effects of extreme change in forest – SRS Monitoring fusiform rust – SRS Crown damage and dieback – SRS Developing Methods for Mapping FIA Components of Change – NRS NLCD Tree Canopy Cover (TCC) – All units
11. Implement procedures to improve the statistical precision of estimates at the sub-State level. (Includes efficiency and estimation studies over large areas as well.) Bayesian inference for small area estimation using kNN with forest inventory and auxiliary data – NRS Composite, LASSO regression, and Kalman filter estimates in FIESTA – RMRS Localized spatial estimation of forest attributes in the North using small area estimation – NRS Model-assisted and model-based estimation – NRS, RMRS kNN optimization – NRS Regression model uncertainty – NRS (?) Observe everything every year (OOEY) - RMRS Nevada’s Photo-based Inventory Pilot (NPIP) - RMRS Nonresponse - RMRS
2015 TRB Proposals (will be main components of work plan)
Eight proposals submitted • Requested a total of $265,000 of support from RSAC • Estimated $121,000 of FIA salary • Four proposals selected • Requested a total of $120,000 of support from RSAC • Estimated $82,000 of FIA salary • One proposal (not selected) is a very good candidate project for accomplishment through cooperation with ESRI.
Evaluation of tools for delineating riparian forests • Assess existing tools (4-6) for riparian delineation - test applicability in 2 pilot regions • Nebraska portion of the Republican River Basin • Utah portion of the Colorado River Basin. • Uses existing data & methods • 2 person-months RSAC $16,000 • 3 person-months FIA (IW & NRS)
What’s the use in mapping forest cover? And vice versa. • Develop & implement 1st iteration of a nationwide geospatial product that will include • continuous tree canopy cover (i.e., TCC) • subcategories of forest cover (e.g., closed-, open-, and sparse-canopy classes) • forest use, and subcategories of forest use (e.g., timberland, reserved forest, other forest land) • Existing data-sets & some new • 4.5 person-months RSAC $40,000 • 2.5 person-months FIA (NRS)
Temporal sharpening of FIA estimates using remote sensing data • Investigate the feasibility of using satellite-based disturbance products to update FIA plot information using Coarsened Exact Matching (Van Deusen and Roesch) • Existing plot information & map data from NAFD and/or Hansen, et al. • .5 person-months RSAC $6000 • 1 person-month FIA (NRS)
Stacking, Syncing, andICEing • Integrate new temporal remote sensing observations with FIA data for improved annual estimation over smaller geographic areas and longer time series • Combines information from NAFD disturbance attribution maps, TimeSync observations, and ICE observations, with FIA plot data in UT • 2.7 person-months RSAC $18, 000 • 12.5 person-months FIA (RMRS, PNW) & CSU
Addition of geospatially derived variables to FIA data tables • Objectives: 1) needs assessment, 2) assemble data layers and determine appropriate linkages, 3) populate database and update analytical tools, 4) create process workflow for future additions • 6 person-months RSAC $40,000 • 1 person month FIA $8000 • Will be crossband: TRB/AB/IMB
Smart Phone App for forest carbon mapping and estimation - not selected • Objectives: 1. Investigate approaches for distributing Wilson, et al’s gridded datasets of forest C pools 2. Develop phone app that provides estimate of C density w/in radii of location 3. Investigate collection & analysis of user-selected locations and attributes. • RSAC $50,000 external app R&D $50,000 • 1.5 person-month FIA ??