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Explore the significance of Yaakov's journey from Chevron to Egypt, focusing on his prayers in Beer Sheva and offerings to God. Dive into the themes of bechira development and the fulfillment of divine promises in Sefer Breishit. Discover the reasoning behind Yaakov's actions and the transition to the name Yisrael. Uncover the connection between Yaakov's departure to Egypt and the ultimate purpose of Yetziat Mitzrayim.
Parshat Vayigash: From Breishit to Shmot Shiur by Menachem Leibtag Presentation by Ronni Libson
Primary theme of Sefer Breishit: Bechira Theme develops with each hitgalut Special significance in last "hitgalut" in Sefer Breishit: God's revelation to Yaakov as he departs to Egypt to see Yosef
Yaakov’s trip from Chevron to Egypt • Why does Yaakov stop at all, and specifically in Beer Sheva? • Why does he offer zevachim specifically to the "God of his father Yitzchak" and not Avraham as well? • Why does he find it necessary at this time to offer korbanot? And why specifically zevachim? • Why is Yaakov's new name - Yisrael - used in this pasuk?
God’s response: Something troubled Yaakov Worried about leaving Eretz Canaan Yitzchak - not allowed to leave Canaan chosen son Yaakov - received permission to leave the land once (case of immediate, life-threatening danger) Hashem promised to protect him and bring him back Fear that leaving Canaan may be against God’s will and may be a threat to his “bechira” Yaakov first stops in Beer Sheva to pray - to 'ask permission' to leave Eretz Canaan.
Why specifically Beer Sheva? Rashbam: Yitzchak made a mizbayach in Beer Sheva: Ramban: (Adds to Rashbam) To parallel his first trip outside Canaan where he left from Beer Sheva: Radak: Beer Sheva is the 'official' southern border of Eretz Canaan, thus the appropriate site for Yaakov to 'apply for an exit visa.' Yaakov is worried about leaving Eretz Canaan
Why did Yaakov pray to the “God of Yitzchak”? • Seforno: When Yitzchak faced a similar situation, God did not allow him to leave Eretz Canaan Yaakov hopes that despite this precedent, God will permit him to leave • Ramban: (Based on “sod”) Departure to Egypt is beginning of Yetziyat Mitzrayim process consisting of suffering due to “midat ha’din” Yaakov prays specifically to "pachad Yitzchak," the manifestation of God's providence through "midat ha'din," in hope that his children will suffer as little as possible
Why does Yaakov offer specifically “zevachim”? First explicit mention of “zevach”-offering in Torah (Avraham and children of Noach offered “olot”) Three other times when specifically “zevachim” are offered: • Korban Pesach (in Mitzrayim) Completion of important process • Brit Na’aseh V’nishma • Yom ha’Shmini • Completion of process of Yetziat Mitzrayim • Completion and fulfillment of ultimate purpose of Yetziat Mitzrayim – Bnei Yisrael’s readiness to accept God’s commandments • Completion of dedication ceremony of Mishkan
Purpose of Yaakov going to Egypt: To re-unite his twelve sons Completion of “bechira” process Yaakov is thankful that Yosef is alive – these “zevachim” may be a “korban todah” (which, like “zevachim”, is also a category of “shelamim”)
Why is the name “Yisrael” used here? God's choice of Yaakov as the final stage of the "bechira" process Yisrael Now, as Yaakov descends to Egypt to re-unite his twelve sons, it is only appropriate that the Torah use the name Yisrael
God’s response to Yaakov’s offerings: Hence, when Yaakov goes down to Egypt, not only will the prophetic dreams of Yosef be fulfilled, but so will God's promise to Avraham Avinu at Brit Bein Ha'btarim - the long and difficult process of Yetziat Mitzrayim Leaving Eretz Canaan to Egypt is not “breach” of Divine covenant Critical stage in master plan for God’s special nation
Enumeration of members of Yaakov’s family: Conclusion of “bechira” process From these 70 “nefesh” the Jewish nation will develop Sefer Shmot begins with the same phrase: Sefer Shmot: Fulfillment of Brit Bein Ha'Btarim - how these seventy people multiply, become a multitude, are enslaved and then redeemed