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9.2 The Federal Tax System

Discover the key elements of the Federal Tax System, including individual income taxes, the 16th Amendment, and FICA taxes. Learn about corporate income taxes and other federal taxes.

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9.2 The Federal Tax System

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  1. 9.2 The Federal Tax System

  2. Individual Income Taxes • 16th Amendment, 1913 • 50% of federal gov’t revenue comes from individual income taxes • Most cases : collection through payroll withholding system>sent directly to the gov’t

  3. The IRS • Internal Revenue Service • Branch of the U.S. Treasury • Employees file a tax return with IRS by April 15 of each year

  4. The Progressive Income Tax • Our income tax system in progressive and marginal • Individuals pay a flat tax on income to a certain level, then a progressive tax on all income after that amount.

  5. FICA Taxes • Second most important federal tax is FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) • Employees and Employers contribute to FICA • FICA covers Social Security and Medicare

  6. Corporate Income Taxes • Third largest category • Corporations pay taxes on their profits • Also progressive and marginal

  7. Other Federal Taxes • Excise taxes : tax on manufacture or sale of selected items, such as gas or liquor • Estate tax : exempt up to $3.5 million this year, then 45% tax on the remaining amt. • Gift Tax : as of 2009, gifts up to $13,000 per person are exempt

  8. continued • Customs duty : charged on goods brought from other countries • User fees : entrance fees to parks,etc.

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