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Rote learning is a technique to memorize things by repetition. it produces some kinds of rhythm to learn things. Rote memorization is most popular in an early stay of a person's life. In Starting year child start leaning with the process of repetition of counting, alphabets and days name. Rote learning is the best method to lean things without any modification. Some consider it as a base of leaning and some people oppose it.
What is Rote Learning Rote learning is a technique to memorize things by repetition. it produces some kinds of rhythm to learn things. Rote memorization is most popular in an early stay of a person's life. In Starting year child start learning with the process of repetition of counting, alphabets and days name. Rote learning is the best method to learn things without any modification. Some consider it as a base of leaning and some people oppose it.
. Generally, it is observed that academically low performers cross the barrier by using technique of rote learning in examination oriented educational system. Some focus on rote learning in each subject as they cannot develop proper understanding of prescribed syllabus during the academic session. They focus on memorizing important topics several times so that they can at least attempt the questions. Academically weak students gain confidence through rote learning techniques. They try to memorise different important topics. Usually it goes from simple to complex. Rote learning technique becomes a blessing for academically weak students and helps students to cover a respectable portion of prescribed syllabus partially in almost all subjects. They learn definition, (day and dates, mathematical formulas, historical points, scientific fact, general rules and regulations, differences, certain points) key points, several factual questions, and one word/one sentence question answers, short type question answers properly. Academically weak students score respectable marks and cross the barrier of class, grade and next level of promotion. Rote learning is a means to cross the barrier.
Children feel disinterested in their studies Monotonous repetition of study matter makes a child feel disinterested and also tired. They slowly begin to dis-engage from the subject matter due to boredom and over time lose their passion for learning.
Subject matter is not fully understood Rote Learning employs raw rehearsal and mnemonics to ensure memorisation of content, without paying due attention to understanding. Instead of learning to apply the concepts beyond the classroom, children only learn what they need to score well in tests.
Memorisation is short-term Mindless parroting of textbook material leads to short term memorisation making it a waste of a child’s energy and effort.
Problem-solving not prioritised Rote learning only covers one spectrum of education—memorisation. It does not explain concepts and ideas and leaves children without the necessary critical thinking skills needed to succeed in an information rich world.
Real-life application ignored Real-life application is essential so children can easily relate and understand information better. If ignored, a child may find it difficult to transfer theoretical knowledge to life.