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The Institutional Context of Multinational Management

3. The Institutional Context of Multinational Management. Learning Objectives. Understand the national context and how it affects the business environment Understand the influence of the institutional context of countries

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The Institutional Context of Multinational Management

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  1. 3 The Institutional Context of Multinational Management

  2. Learning Objectives • Understand the national context and how it affects the business environment • Understand the influence of the institutional context of countries • Understand how social institutions influence both people and organizations

  3. Learning Objectives • Understand the basic economic systems and influence on multinational operations • Understand industrialization and implications for multinationals • Understand the world’s basic religions • Develop an understanding of education

  4. Learning Objectives • Understand the convergence perspective on organizations • Understand the importance of the national context and its connection with other international management areas

  5. Institutional Context • Includes other elements besides national culture that can produce important differences • Understanding the institutional context is therefore extremely important for better multinational management

  6. Social Institutions • Complex of positions, roles, norms, and values organizing stable patterns of human resources to sustain important societal structures • Three key social institutions • Economic systems • Level of industrialization • Religions

  7. Social Institutions and Influence on Society • Regulative social institution: constrains behaviors through rules • Cognitive social institution: widely shared knowledge regarding how things are done • Normative social institution: values and norms promulgated by the social institution

  8. Social Institutions and Influence on Organizations • Organizational isomorphism: pressure to follow similar paths in management practices

  9. Organizational Isomorphism • Coercive isomorphism: forces that coerce organizations to adopt certain practices • Mimetic isomorphism: organizations purposefully copy the strategies of the most successful organizations • Normative isomorphism: conformance to professional and technical norms

  10. Economic Systems • Economic systems: system of beliefs, activities, organizations, and relationships that provide the goods and services of a society • Important implications based on • Type of economic systems • Market transitions • Privatization

  11. Economic Systems • Capitalist/market economy: production is decentralized to private owners • Owners perform activities to make profits • Socialist/command economy: production resources are owned by the state • Production decisions centrally coordinated • Mixed economy: combines aspects of capitalist and socialist economies • Ex., Sweden, France, Denmark, Italy, and India

  12. Economic Systems: Implications • Decisions to operate in a country can be made based on the dominant economic type • In mixed economies, multinationals should expect to subordinate its economic goals and respect social objectives.

  13. Economic Systems: Implications (cont.) • Multinationals should expect to develop more formal relations with the government in mixed economies. • Index of economic freedom can be used to determine the extent of governmental intervention

  14. Exhibit 3.2: Selected Country Scores on Index of Economic Freedom

  15. Economic System: Market Transitions • Changes societies experience as they move from socialism to a market-based economy • Multinational implications • Need to turn around inefficient, formerly state-owned companies to perform business functions • Motivational issues with workers

  16. Economic System: Privatization • Privatization: transfer of state ownership to private individuals • Implications • Significant opportunities to invest in companies • Opportunities to access new markets and cheap labor

  17. Exhibit 3.3: Selected Countries and the Amount of Money Raised by Privatization

  18. Industrialization • How production is organized and distributed in society • Types • Pre-industrial • Industrial • Post-industrial

  19. Industrialization • Pre-industrial society: agriculture dominates the economic environment • Industrial society: dominance of the secondary or manufacturing sectors • Post-industrial society: emphasis on the service sectors

  20. Exhibit 3.4: Distribution of Production Activities by Sectors

  21. Implications of Industrialization • Direct correspondence between industrialization and economic development • Industrial societies favor growth and innovation • Favorable environment for business • Industrial societies present significant market size and growth

  22. Industrialization • Pre-industrial countries provide cheap labor and untapped markets • Post-industrial societies • Emphasis on quality-of-life as opposed to economic achievement

  23. Exhibit 3.5: Materialist Scores of Selected Countries

  24. Exhibit 3.6: Post-materialist Scores for Selected Countries

  25. Religion • Shared set of beliefs, activities, and institutions that have basis upon faith in supernatural forces • Forms the foundation of human society • Provides individuals with guidelines to deal with issues • Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are followed by almost 71% of the world’s population

  26. Exhibit 3.7: Distribution of Religions Around the World

  27. Christianity • Religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus • The most practiced religion around the world • Protestantism emphasizes wealth and hard work for the glory of God • Ten commandments provides the basis for ethical behaviors

  28. Islam • Religion based on the submission to the will of Allah (God) • The second largest of the world’s religions • Muslims live according to Islamic laws or Shari’ah • Based on five pillars

  29. Islam (cont.) • Implications for multinationals • Accommodate praying five times a day • The Ramadan: a month of fasting • Natural concern with social justice • Prohibits the payment or receipt of interest • Gender roles

  30. Hinduism • Acceptance of the ancient traditions of India that are based on the Vedic scriptures • Currently 760 million Hindus living around the world • Belief in reincarnation • The caste system • Ethical behaviors; respect for parents

  31. Hinduism (cont.) • Implications for multinationals • Spiritual achievement is an important value for most Hindus • Caste system is very pervasive • Need to be aware of caste system, e.g.. lower caste supervising higher caste can be a problem

  32. Buddhism • Religious tradition that focuses on the reality of world suffering and the ways one can be freed from suffering • Craving and desires produce suffering • Dominant religion in Asia

  33. Buddhism (cont.) • Implications for multinationals • Encourages hard work; laziness is seen as negative • Emphasizes teamwork; all beings are interconnected • Emphasis on compassion and love

  34. Religiosity • Indication of the importance of acceptance of the core philosophies of religion in one’s life • Gives an idea of the degree of responsiveness needed to accommodate religion

  35. Exhibit 3.8: Religiosity of Selected Countries from the World Values Survey

  36. Education • Education: organized networks of socialization experiences that prepare individuals to act in society • Central element in organization of society • Helps construct competencies, professions, and professionals

  37. Education: Implications • Gives an idea of the skill level of workers in any society • The more educated, the more skills workers have • Multinationals can look at educational attainment scores to determine the nature of the workforce

  38. Exhibit 3.9: Educational Attainment Scores for a Selected Number of Countries

  39. Exhibit 3.10: Mathematics Scores for Top 10 Countries

  40. Exhibit 3.11: Science Scores for Top 10 Countries

  41. Organizations Alike: Globalization and Convergence • Globalization is pushing organizations to be more similar • Global customers and products • Growing levels of industrialization and economic development • Global competition and global trade

  42. Globalization and Convergence • Other convergence forces • Cross-border mergers, acquisitions, and alliances • Cross-national mobility of managers • Internationalization of business education

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