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Discovering Nitra's Architectural Treasures

Explore Nitra's rich architectural heritage, from historical churches to modern structures. Learn about iconic landmarks like Nitra Castle and St. Ladislav's Piarist Church. Discover the town's evolution through its oldest buildings, now cultural monuments. Visit theaters, galleries, and key historical sites in this Slovakian gem.

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Discovering Nitra's Architectural Treasures

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  1. CUBIC MILE ARCHITECTURE Barbora Jánska Veronika Halvelandová Katarína Marčeková tercia Secondary Grammar School Párovská street 1, Nitra Slovakia

  2. Introduction Architecture of Nitra is very rich. It mostly consists of historical buildings but there are also modern buildings. Nitra can be proud of super modern shopping centre – Mlyny but Nitra castle is still the most famous landmark.

  3. PAST

  4. NITRA CASTLE The castle was built on a place of an older Slavic strong-hold from 9th century. After the fire in 1271 its fortifications were repaired. It was rebuilt in Gothic style in the first third of 15th century in Renessaince style in 16th century and in Baroque style in 18th century. Today there is a residence of the Institute of Archeology of Slovak Academy of Sciences and a bishop residence . ... and today Nitra castle by Lukas Schnitzer drawn in 1664...

  5. CHURCHES There are a lot of historical churches in Nitra. It was built in 10th century and received its final Baroque modifications in early 18th century. Parts of Romanesque frescoes can be seen inside. The church of St. Stephen is one of the oldest churches in Slovakia.

  6. THE CHURCH OF DRÁŽOVCE This church of St. Michael the Archangel was built in 12th century. It is one of the oldest and the nicest churches of Slovakia. It is typical Romanesque nave building. A special mass is usually celebrated here on September 29.

  7. THE OLDEST BUILDINGS St. Ladislav`s Piarist church and Monastery – a protected cultural site. In the 1698, the Piarist order came to Nitra with the aim of educating poor children. The foundation of church and monastery were laid in 1701. In 1716 the almost completed church was destroyed by fire. The temple ` s most valuable part is the richly decorated main altar by Martin Vogerle, an Austrian sculptor. The vaults supporting the roof are covered by three magnificient frescoes depicting the history of Slavic Nitra by Edmunt Massanyi, a native of the town. The small square in front of the temple includes statues of the 12 Apostles and Baroque Calvary by A. Brandl.

  8. THE OLDEST BUILDINGS The Grand Seminary (Samova street 14) – a protectedcultural site. Itwasbuit in 1764 – 1770. In 1876 – 1878 bishopRoškováni had addedanotherwing to theBaroquebuilding, givingititspresentappearance. ThisNeo-Classicistbuildingisregardedasoneof Nitra`s architecturaltreasures. A view from Pribina square A view from Svätopluk square

  9. THE OLDEST BUILDINGS It is now housing the valuable Diocesian Library, protected as a national cultural monument. It consists of 66 OOO volumes, 78 of which are rare 15-th century prints.

  10. THE OLDEST BUILDINGS In 1923-1927 Janko Jesenský, an important Slovak writer served here as head of regional administration. Since 1965 it has been home of the Nitra Gallery. Region House – a protected cultural site. Originally a late Baroque structure completed in 1777. It was rebuilt as a representative building for Nitra Region`s administration.

  11. THE OLDEST BUILDINGS The Monastery (Mission House on the Calvary) was built in 1765 for the Nazarena Order. Today the building is used by a Roman Catholic order and by the Mission Museum, a permanent exhibition of artefacts collected by Roman Catholic missionaries across the world.

  12. THE OLDEST BUILDINGS St. Michael Archangel Chapel – a protected cultural site. It was mentioned in the documents written by the king Bela IV. in 1248. The Chapel is decorated by stone carvings depicting the Passion of Christ by J. Mezsaros, an sculptor and artist smith native of Nitra.

  13. Nitra now and in the past

  14. This part of our town has changed a lot. In the past there was a bus station, but now it‘s a part of the pedestrian zone. It is surrounded by the buiding of the theatre, the post office, Town hall, hotel, some shops, a small park. Svätopluk square

  15. A big fountain was built in the middle of the square. Historical names of Nitra and important years from its history are engraved on the stones around the fountain. Svätopluk square During many cultural events the square becomes a small market place where you can buy amazing things from tradesmen.

  16. Theatre Nitra theatre‘snameisDivadlo Andreja Bagara. Itwasestablished in 1950. Itisnamedafter a famous Slovak actor Andrej Bagar. Itcelebratesits 60th birthdaythisyear. In thepastourtheatre had notitsownbuilding and it had to move. Nowadays, thistheatreisverypopular in Slovakia, a lotoffamousactors and actressesplayhere. The biggest and one of the most important international non-governmental events in SlovakiaInternationalTheatre Festival Divadelná Nitra takes place annually by the end of September. Theatre in the past Theatre today

  17. The building at the corner is the oldest one of the Down town. It was built in 17th century. The Renaissance Style building received a new Baroque frontage in the 19th century. Townsman`s House The building housed the fist secondary grammar school in Nitra in 1698 -1701. In 1703 it was damaged by a big fire.

  18. Region house and square Today, there is an art gallery and also the traffic has changed a lot.

  19. It has been reconstructed in 1996. It is a place where young people can meet hanging around. It is full of historical buildings, banks, restaurants, small shops, boutiques. In summer you can sit on the benches enjoying the view of passers-by. Pedestrian zone

  20. This hotel was built in year 1887 and it used to be a famous and prestige hotel for many years. Hotel Slavia Its reconstruction was finished in 2009.


  22. THE PEDESTRIAN ZONE In thepedestrianzoneyoucanseethesehistoricalartefacts: A swordasa symbol ofpeace Bronze wellpump Granite fountain Musicclock Cornerfountain

  23. A SWORD AS SYMBOL OF PEACE The bronze sword is an enlarged copy of a sword found in a nobleman’s tomb from 9th century. The bronze handle is covered by geometrical ornaments and marks. The sword’s blade is buried in the ground as a symbol of peace.

  24. THE BRONZE WELL PUMP The bronze well pump is a stone and bronze piece surrounded by a bronze grid, a Great Moravian symbol. The pump’s slender column ends in a breast shaped top- a symbol of persistence and secrets of life.

  25. THE GRANITE FOUNTAIN Columns covered with climbing plants surround the object. The fountain itself is made of a single block of granite. It is accessible by severalstairs which gradually disappear in the pavement. The ground around the fountain is covered by fine granite mosaic.

  26. THE MUSIC CLOCK It is an almost five meters tall,made ofstone and bronze. The bronze engraving on the column’s lower part represents the River Nitra. The double clock face,90 centimeters in radius, isdesigned to recall the early 20th century. Every full hour, a shorttune is played.In the morning you can hear a hen and a rooster, then a series of Slovak folk instruments, the violin, fujara, cimbalandbagpipes. At noon, a children choir sings “Nitra, dear Nitra“. During the afternoon, the musicalstyle changes from folk , modern to classical.

  27. THE CORNER FOUNTAIN The Great Moravian seats, made of silicate trachyte and the bronze cross silhouette are an artistic interpretation of archaeological artefacts found in the area of the “Great Nitra”. The fountain is made of one natural stone, travertine, with a bronze nozzle divided into two branches shaped like horse heads. The potable water falls onto a shell-liketable and flowsdown into a bronze grid ornamented in Great Moravian style.

  28. THE CORNER FOUNTAIN A stone plate with the fragments of the poem Pribina by Ivan Krasko, famous Slovak modernist poet, is on the wall above the fountain.

  29. THE YOUNGEST BUILDINGS Today there are a lot of new modern buildings in Nitra. Super modern shopping cente „Mlyny Nitra“ belong to the most attractive one. This centre was built last year and now it´s very popular. It `s the largest shopping area in our town. Many cultural events take place in the halls of this department store.

  30. THE YOUNGEST BUILDINGS “Cheese house“ is another very interesting building. It is „gappy“ not only outside but inside too! Cheese house is an administration buildnig and it was nominated to CE.ZA.AR price in 2009 in category Civil and industrial buildings.

  31. THE YOUNGEST BUILDINGS TRIANGOLO is a block of 13 flats in a shape of triangle. Its roof resembles a sea wave. It was designed by Ivan Matušík and Sebastian Nagy and it won the price of Dušan Jurkovič in 2008.

  32. FUTURE

  33. How will Nitra look like in the future? The future plans are: to build a new neighborhood with many blocks of flats to finish the south by-pass road to build a sports-recreational complex to build new biketracks, to rebuild a bridge over the River Nitra.

  34. 1 – Industrial Park Norht (partly buit), 2 – Industrial park South (planned), 3 – planned housing estate Párovské Lúky, 4 – planned highway R1

  35. New housing estates?

  36. Planned housing estate Párovské lúky This is the plan of a new housing estate. It will be built near the town park.

  37. Planned housing estate (former Brewery)

  38. South bypass road

  39. Suspension BRIDGE This bridge now serves just for people to cross the river.... ...it is going to be rebuit for traffic purposes. It is supposed to be finished at the end of the year.

  40. Will our school be reconstructed ? The building of our school is going to be reconstructed soon. We are really looking forward to it.

  41. Will all the historical buildings remain? Nitra is a growingtown. Many new buildings and housingestates are planned to bebuiltbutwehope and alsoourmunicipalityagreesthat most ofthehistoricalbuildingswillremain.

  42. THE POEM Nitra is very old Its castle is Nitra gold Nitra is guarded by Zobor mountain In pedestrian zone is granaite fountain There is also Svätopluk sword, Sword of Great Moravian lord We have also buildings new, Mlyny, Centro, stadium Placed on park avenue Nitra is modern city too.

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