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Common Core State Standards: Progression Documents. Rita Bixler , School District of Greenville County Harriet Pritchard,, SC Department of Education Office of Assessment Mary Ruzga, SC Department of Education
Common Core State Standards: Progression Documents Rita Bixler, School District of Greenville County Harriet Pritchard,, SC Department of Education Office of Assessment Mary Ruzga, SC Department of Education Office of Instructional Practices and Evaluation July 29, 2013
Materials referenced for these Course Progressions Available from CCSS at CoreStandards.org Available from SBAC at Smarterbalanced.org Test Blueprints Achievement Level Descriptors • Appendix A
Appendix A “Pathways” • 4 • Accelerated Integrated
Appendix A assumes 3 math credits Traditional in three years Integrated in three years
SC requires four math credits Traditional in four years Integrated in four years Algebra 1 Integrated Math 1 Geometry Integrated Math 2 Algebra 2 Integrated Math 3 Fourth Course Fourth Course
Appendix A Issues considered: • Testing occurs at the end of year 3 • Content needs to be “do-able” in 180 days
Common Core State Standards: Assessment Issues for Secondary Schools Harriet Pritchard July 29, 2013 Office of Assessment
Blueprint Issues Considered: • Priority vs. Supporting Targets • Blueprints may be revised after review of Pilot Tests from Spring 2013
ALDs • Level 1: Student demonstrates minimal understanding of and ability to apply the knowledge and skills associated with college content- readiness. • Level 2: Student demonstrates partial understanding of and ability to apply the knowledge and skills associated with college content- readiness.
ALDs • Level 3: Student demonstrates adequate understanding of and ability to apply the knowledge and skills associated with college content-readiness. • Level 4: Student demonstrates thorough understanding of and ability to apply the knowledge and skills associated with college content- readiness.
Given 1. minimal,2. partial, 3. adequate, and4. thorough,the Course Progressions Committee chose to focus on Level 3 (adequate).
Range ALDs for Grade 8 Target I: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres. • Level 1: Identify the key dimensions (i.e., radii, heights, circumferences, and diameters) of cones, cylinders, and spheres. • Level 2: Identify the appropriate formula for the volumes of a cone, a cylinder, and a sphere and should be able to connect the key dimensions to the appropriate locations in the formula. • Level 3: Calculate the volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres in direct and familiar mathematical and real-world problems. • Level 4: Solve unfamiliar or multi-step problems involving volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres.
Range ALDs for Grade 11 Target I: Solve equations and inequalities in one variable. • Level : 1 Solve one-step linear equations in one variable. • Level 2: Solve one-step linear inequalities and quadratic equations in one variable with integer roots. • Level 3: Solve multi-step linear equations and inequalities and quadratic equations in one variable with real roots. • Level 4: Solve quadratic equations in one variable with complex roots.
SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Smarterbalanced.org Home page
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Practice Tests • “Fixed Form” - not CAT • Not automatically scored
By fall 2013, the Practice Tests will be augmented with additional features, including: • Performance tasks for mathematics (including classroom-based activities); • Classroom-based activities for ELA/literacy performance tasks in selected grades; • Scoring rubrics; and • American Sign Language translation and other accommodation and accessibility tools.
Changes to EOCEP testing?? • No changes unless they are legislated • Current Algebra I EOCEP tests are “intact” forms. • Current Algebra I EOCEP tests are aligned to the 2007 standards. • No changes are planned by SCDE for the 2013-14 school year.
What is in Elementary Algebra (2007) but not in CCSS? • Elementary Algebra (2007) has many topics that have been moved to Grades 6-8 in CCSS. • EA-2.9 Carry out a procedure to perform operations with matrices including addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication • CC has moved this topic to a 4th year course. ( N.VM.7 and N.VM.8) • EA-2.10 Represent applied problems using matrices. • CC has moved this topic to a 4th year course. (N.VM.6) • EA-3.6 Classify a variation as direct or inverse. • Currently this is also addressed in SC standards in grade 7. The closest match seems to be 7.RP2a and c and 8.EE.5 • EA-5.8 Analyze the equations of two lines to determine if the lines are perpendicular or parallel. • CC standards address this concept in high school geometry. G.GPE.5.
SBAC : Smarterbalanced.org Smarter Balanced Preliminary Summative Assessment Blueprints Mathematics Content Specifications (3/20/12 draft) Mathematics General Item and Task Specifications by grade bands Sample Items and Performance Tasks Technology-Enhanced Items Guidelines Practice and Pilot Tests Achievement Level Descriptors and College Content-Readiness Many other links
Assessment System Components • Summative assessments • Computer-Adaptive • Performance task(s) • Optional interim assessments • Formative assessment
Summative • Mandatory • 12-week window • Grades 3–8 and 11 • Measures progress toward college- and career-readiness • For three years, paper/pencil tests available
Summative (continued) • Computer Adaptive (CAT) • Selected Response (SR) • Constructed Response (CR) • Technology Enhanced (TE) • Performance Tasks (PT) • May include Extended Constructed Response (ER)
Interim Optional Include CAT and PT Results on the same scale as the summative Publicly released items and tasks (not secure!) Use learning progressions across grades Involve a large teacher role in developing and scoring Locally selected item sets Locally determined intervals
Formative Tools and Resources • Tools and Resources for teachers on how to teach/assess the CCSS • Used by teachers throughout the year • Mostly on-line • Team of ± 90 SC Educators (SNE=State Network of Educators)
Selected Response 1. Select a single option from among a set of options (traditional multiple‐choice) 2. Select multiple options from among a set of options 3. Create a line 4. Move one or more objects to given set of locations (drag-and-drop)
Short Constructed Response (on CAT) 1. Enter a text String (traditional open‐response) 2. Create a line 3. Produce a geometric shape
Extended Constructed Response CRs that can be computer scored will be assigned to the CAT. Extended CRs assigned to ECR or to PT. Expected to include concepts detailed in the CCSS of lower grades Reading level approximately one grade level below the grade level of the test, except for specifically assessed mathematical terms
Grade 8 TE item from Item Specs Carla rode her bike to her grandmother’s house. The following information describes her trip: • For the first 5 minutes, Carla rode fast and then slowed down. She rode 1 mile. • For the next 15 minutes, Carla rode at a steady pace until she arrived at her grandmother’s house. She rode 3 miles. • For the next 10 minutes, Carla visited her grandmother. • For the next 5 minutes, Carla rode slowly at first but then began to ride faster. She rode 1 mile.