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Exploring Archetypes in Literature

Discover the power of archetypes in literature through the lens of Carl Jung's collective unconscious. Dive into patterns, themes, and characters that resonate across cultures and time, enhancing your understanding of storytelling.

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Exploring Archetypes in Literature

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  1. Archetypes:Recognizing Patterns in Literature PRHS 9th Pre-AP Language Arts

  2. Once upon a time, there was a man named Carl Jung • Swiss psychiatrist • Studied dreams, personalities, and religious connections • 1925 "Bugishu Psychological Expedition" to East Africa What he figured out: • People all over the world have the same dreams and stories • We have a “collective unconscious” from birth • The collective unconscious comes out in the form of archetypes in our stories

  3. What is an archetype? A pattern repeated through the ages in folk and literary expressions. An original model on which something is patterned. Excerpt about Carl Jung & archetypes from Psychology Classics narrated by Tom Butler Bowdon http://youtu.be/dBDGw6AFoSs

  4. Patterns within archetypes: • Symbol:Concrete object representing an idea • Motif:Visual detail developed throughout a work. It may reinforce character, enhance theme or foreshadow plot developments. A repeating pattern • ARCHETYPES are what makes readers / listeners / viewers relate to and enjoy a story. We connect with what we already know from our “collective unconscious.”

  5. Archetypal Theme #1: The quest: the hero undertakes a long journey towards a goal. Must perform impossible tasks, confront errors, learn the rules, suffer doubts and overcome insurmountable obstacles. Can you think of a story patterned after this archetypal theme? Write down at least one idea One example: http://youtu.be/3mNEgCn5CmI Another example: http://youtu.be/pWS8Mg-JWSg

  6. Archetypal Theme #2: The initiation (rite of passage, fall from innocence): The hero undergoes series of ordeals passing from innocence to social/spiritual maturity. Pattern of separation, transformation, and return. Can you think of a story patterned after this archetypal theme? Write down at least one idea. One example: http://youtu.be/4sj1MT05lAA Another example: http://youtu.be/dkX8J-FKndE Another example: http://youtu.be/ukdRPqtZDEc

  7. Archetypal Characters: the hero: has unusual origins; strong, brave, smart, handsome; often a prince, leader or savior. Examples? My example: http://youtu.be/g6RZ1CV-44s

  8. Archetypal Characters: the wise counselor: dedicated to order and good;has wisdom of experience; advises the hero. My example: http://youtu.be/71_p8P_PVXo

  9. Archetypal Characters: the companion: Befriends and helps the hero; may be unusual My example: http://youtu.be/jJGeeryk0Eo

  10. Archetypal Characters: the demonic adversary: a villain; represents evil; almost as strong as hero; may take on a monstrous form. My example: http://youtu.be/okvnUzTRwU0

  11. Archetypal Characters: The sacrificial scapegoat: hero who chooses to dies or allows himself to be sacrificed to restore his people or the land back to fruitfulness My example: http://youtu.be/gdIgy-4o4fs

  12. Archetypal Characters: the great mother: the protector of good, home, family; represents warmth, security, fertility, growth; may be a sacred woman who intercedes for those who pray for her. My example: http://youtu.be/ppGMNRNgYrg

  13. Archetypal Characters: the terrible mother: witch, stepmother, siren or temptress; does the exact opposite of what a mother should do. My example: http://youtu.be/_bhopXy8hBw

  14. Archetypal Characters: the female soul mate: represents goodness, innocence, purity; may be a princess who is beautiful, sought after and remote. My example: http://youtu.be/zSVNOzXJuIY

  15. Homework! Choose any archetypal character and come up with your own example from an EPIC movie, story, or book. This should be a story that many people know! Create a “sign” with the character’s name & type of character at the top, and draw picture of the character in the middle. In the bottom third of the paper, write a paragraph at the bottom describing why this person / thing / creature fits the character archetype. TS: ________________ from Title of Movie is a good example of a __________________________. Paragraph: 1. Explain things that happened in the movie/book/story. 2.Provideexplanation how this shows that he/she/it fits the archetype

  16. Archetypal Theme Practice As a table group, choose ONE epic story and try to find all of the characters in it. Fill out the outline on the handout as a group.

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