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A Leadership Perspective of the Ripple Effect Ronald H. Bordelon James A. Gordon Joyce A. Parks Glenda A. Riley INDIANA TECH Indiana Institute of Technology Fort Wayne, Indiana (U.S.A.). “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” ~ Vladimir Lenin.
A Leadership Perspective of the Ripple EffectRonald H. BordelonJames A. Gordon Joyce A. Parks Glenda A. RileyINDIANATECHIndiana Institute of Technology Fort Wayne, Indiana (U.S.A.) “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” ~Vladimir Lenin
The uprising in Tunisia in late 2010 is the ripple that will be felt around the world for decades to come. The Ripple Effect
Role of Media • Media changed the equation • Coordinators utilized social media • Social media allowed events to go viral • Distributed fliers to organize the protests • Protests became international news • Cellular devices allowed for instant information (Jacques, 2011)
Factors Leading to Revolution High levels of unemployment Widespread corruption Autocratic leadership Dignity and respect Protesters demonstrate against Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, January 14, 2011.
Authoritative/Autocratic Leadership • Does not involve others • Feels he/she is the • most experienced • Considers his/her • views to be most valid • Lacks confidence in • others abilities • Critical of differing • opinions • Rarely gives • recognition • Easily offended
Democratic Leadership • The democratic leadership style is perhaps the most popular style • in the 21st century management arena (Oates, 2010). • Cherry (n.d.) echoed it as the most effective leadership style • because leaders offer guidance and allow input from followers.
Limitations of Situational Leadership Theory • Difficult to implement • Change process may be very slow • Undesirable negative behaviors are energized and further growth towards independence is suspended (Boggs, n.d.)
Recommendations The reality is the world is changing. There are Many Worlds within our One Planet, but the ripple effect is Remapping how we view the Purposes of Leadership.. “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” ~Vladimir Lenin
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