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Ripple Infants. Learning Intentions To explain our vision for integrating ICT meaningfully into the curriculum and to consider how it can be used to support learning and teaching. To begin to engender your own vision for embedding ICT within your own institutions.
Ripple Infants Learning Intentions To explain our vision for integrating ICT meaningfully into the curriculum and to consider how it can be used to support learning and teaching. To begin to engender your own vision for embedding ICT within your own institutions. www.ripple-i.bardaglea.org.uk office@ripple-i.bardaglea.org.uk
Ripple Infants Housekeeping • Keep valuables with you. • If you leave the building please close all doors behind you and report back to office on your return. • Location of toilets. • The whole site is non-smoking. • Further information is available at www.ripple-i.bardaglea.org.uk or www.ripple-i.bardaglea.org.uk/downloads.htm or e-mail the school direct: office@ripple-i.bardaglea.org.uk
Context of School The school is located in an area of socio-economic disadvantage. Whilst almost half of pupils are of white British origin, a very high proportion are from ethnicminoritybackgrounds. Forty per cent are at an early stage of learning English and their main languages are Urdu, Punjabi and Albanian. The percentage with special educational needs is above average.Attainment on admission is well below average. The school is involved in initiatives in information and communication technology (ICT) and the Foundation Stage. (June 2005 HMI Report).
Setting the Context • Ripple Infants took part in the DfES ICT Test Bed Project in order to trial the government’s future vision for Teaching & Learning with ICT • (i.e. The Digital Strategy) • What does this mean? • £470,000 invested over 4 yrs. • Computer child ratio of 1:2 (UK average 1:8) • “Whole Class Interactive Teaching Technologies” and “Child-Consolidation Technologies” are used within 95% of lessons.
Setting the Context • ICT at the core of the school community: • Home-loaned PCs containing specialist digital content, provided by software companies, • Computer clubs and after-school drop in sessions, • 8-language multi-lingual website, containing over 150 school-produced digital resources for stake-holders, • Children remotely and securely accessing their ICT-school work from home, • 75% of parents receive e- newsletters electronically.
Setting the Context • Further Achievements and Endorsements: • •“Ambassador Status” awarded by 2Simple and Espresso. • 2Simple/2Type Case Study • •University of East London sends PGCE students to see exemplar practice. • •NCSL appointment to “SLICT” (Strategic Leadership of ICT) status. • •Presence on the National ICT Register. • •Exemplar teaching practice filmed by Becta/Teacher’s TV. • •Teaching staff contributed to national ICT conferences.
Identifying which technologies to use ‘Tools’ Software Skills/Subject Software Internet Google Images Digital Video Pictures Recordable talking books Pixies ‘Small World Toys’ Microscopes Book-tapes Digital books Graphics Tablets Visualisers WCITT – ‘Whole Class Interactive Teaching Technologies Teaching & Guided Practice Consolidation Segment
Teaching Technologies • PC, Video/Amp, Projector.
Teaching Technologies • Visualiser.
The graphics tablet develops oracy as well as fine motor skills.
Using the WCITT to ‘enrich’ & inspire…pictures, video or sound!
What would integration within the consolidation segment of lessons look like within KS1? ICT-based consolidation activity taking place Yr 8 buddy employed to support ICT consolidation activity Conventional consolidation activity taking place
What would integration within the consolidation segment of lessons look like within KS1?
In FS, what would this look like? Use of timer to help with ‘turn taking’
Generating oracy via the Graphics Tablet in the FS White screen used for lesson ‘enrichment’ and/or Graphics Tablet use ‘Turn-taking’ supported by sand-timers.
Generating oracy with Pixies in the FS Pixie employed in a ‘thematic’ manner – linked to stories or topics.
Consolidation within Nursery • A Mini-ICT suite with jumbo key-boards, mini mice and & interactive monitors.
a multi-lingual school website Specially designed Easily-updatable School Website Our Ethos School Prospectus in 8 Languages Class Work Newsletters Homework Computer-club/drop-ins
The Community 'School Newsletters by E-mail' Service To help elevate the problem of school newsletters getting mislaid on their way home from school, we offer a newsletter by email service. To subscribe to this service, parents should send a blank email to newsletter@ripple-i.bardaglea.org.uk with “SUBSCRIBE [your child's class] [your child’s name]” in the subject line. Once registered, all future school letters will be emailed directly to your PC. All information held will remain confidential and will only be used for this purpose. 70% of our parents subscribe to this service!
The Ripple Infants KS1 ‘Model’ Opportunities to incorporate ICT throughout lessons: • Teaching & Guided Practice Segment: • As a Teaching Aid – a resource to support direct teaching. • Child Consolidation Segment: • Directly completing an ICT-based Activity – if it directly consolidates the learning intention for that lesson. • Providing an activity which consolidates that lesson’s learning intention, whilst at the same time, Combining ICT-skills linked to that week’s ICT lesson.
Adapt lesson plans to incorporate ICT during Teaching Segment
The Ripple Infants KS1 ‘Model’ Opportunities to incorporate ICT throughout lessons: • Teaching & Guided Practice Segment: • As a Teaching Aid – a resource to support direct teaching. • Child Consolidation Segment: • Directly completing an ICT-based Activity – if it directly consolidates the learning intention for that lesson. • Providing an activity which consolidates that lesson’s learning intention, whilst at the same time, Combining ICT-skills linked to that week’s ICT lesson.
The Ripple Infants KS1 ‘Model’ Opportunities to incorporate ICT throughout lessons: • Teaching & Guided Practice Segment: • As a Teaching Aid – a resource to support direct teaching. • Child Consolidation Segment: • Directly completing an ICT-based Activity – if it directly consolidates the learning intention for that lesson. • Providing an activity which consolidates that lesson’s learning intention, whilst at the same time, Combining ICT-skills linked to that week’s ICT lesson.
An opportunity for ICT-skill Consolidation In this example, skills taught within ICT lessons are being integrated within a History lesson.
An opportunity for ICT-skill Consolidation In this example, skills taught within ICT lessons are being integrated within a History lesson.
Year One Weekly Planning Over View ICT lesson 2 ICT lesson 1 Which key ICTs skills are to be reinforced throughout the week? How are the Year 8s supporting you/your class? For organisational purposes, a daily/weekly over-view is completed.
Where practical, the weekly ICT skill is taught on Monday and then this skill is consolidated within the consolidation elements of other subjects (where appropriate).
Where practical, the weekly ICT skill is taught on Monday and then this skill is consolidated within the consolidation elements of other subjects (where appropriate).
The Ripple Infants FS ‘Model’ Employing the use of • Traditional ICT ‘hardware’ • Electronic ‘toys’ to: • Enrich lessons through multi-sensory experiences. • Enhance curriculum with stories, rhyme and song. • Extend confidence via talk, rhyme, song and spoken dialogue. • Develop fine & gross motor skills. • Increase memory and attention & concentration spans. • Facilitate a culture of turn-taking.
Using ICT to Enrich the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Curriculum enhanced with story rhyme and song. A culture of turn taking and sharing within large and small groups. Confidence extended via talk, rhyme, song and spoken dialogue. Multi-sensory experiences, developing fine & gross motor skills. Activities to extend memory, attention & concentration. Use technology within context of play & role play . Understand need to care for PCs and programmable toys Begin to use ‘tools’ software (WORD / 2Simple etc) confidently. To save and print work & use mouse independently. Programme a toy and know that it retains it’s memory. Understand the use of the internet. To use familiar content software. To complete a programme on a PC.
Using ICT to Enrich the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Curriculum enhanced with story rhyme and song. A culture of turn taking and sharing within large and small groups. Confidence extended via talk, rhyme, song and spoken dialogue. Multi-sensory experiences, developing fine & gross motor skills. Activities to extend memory, attention & concentration. Karaoke machine – singing & recording songs / ‘Play-Stations’ & ‘Gameboys’. Using software to develop subject-based skills. Recordable ‘talking’ books. CD-ROMs of Narrated Stories. Video, DVD etc. Robots, roamers, pixies etc dressed up as story/topic characters. Video PE lessons for instant playback. Graphics Tablet connected to White-screen/ CT’s Monitor – children taking turns. Programming robots and toys (theme-based). Pixie, roamer, robot etc used within role play context – given a specific task / investigation. Devises to record voices – laptops / tape recorders. Video PE lessons for instant playback. Robots and roamers dressed up as story characters. Maths / English Software to develop specific skills. Selected white screen image enriching lesson in background. Portable tape-recorders with mics. Listening to stories, rhymes, songs on internet/Espresso etc. Stories, rhymes and songs available – on CD, Internet etc. Recording experiences to return to. Showing objects / pics on visualiser – talking / discussing. Microscopes part of interactive displays. My World 3, Leaps & Bounds, Izzys Island, 2Music etc. Whole class “care for equipment” lessons. Video on laptops in role play area, modelling play opportunities. “TV Studio” – cam on tripod + TV – recording and playback of role play, stories etc. Digital cameras – pics of models, role play, paintings, home-life. Discussion of photos of experiences from home / school captured by child. Using mouse in programmes – Espresso, Clicker 5, Leaps & Bounds etc Role play area enriched by laptop playing music / video / pictures / sounds etc Chn using word / 2Simple to write / draw etc linked to topic / theme. Use technology within context of play & role play . Understand need to care for PCs and programmable toys Begin to use ‘tools’ software (WORD / 2Simple etc) confidently. To save and print work & use mouse independently. Programme a toy and know that it retains it’s memory. Understand the use of the internet. To use familiar content software. To complete a programme on a PC.
ICT within Teaching & Guided Practice Segment of Lessons The advantages: • Greater participation – the “wow factor”. • Allow teachers to model key concepts clearly. • Greater interaction – improved pace. • Clarity through video (EAL children). • Children will model, demonstrate & explain key concepts to each other. • Improved oracy. • Tool for reinforcement. • Good opportunity for formative assessment. • Increased self-esteem. • Children listen carefully to each other! • ICT skills are raised.
ICT within Teaching & Guided Practice Segment of Lessons This pedagogy is incorporated within our Learning & Teaching Policy: Demonstration & Modelling • teacher-demonstrations & modelling, using: • the visualiser, • the PC, • WCITT (whole class interactive teaching technology – e.g. Graphics Tablets/Activ-Slate etc), • children modelling & demonstrating key concepts to others, using: • the visualiser, • the PC, • WCITT (whole class interactive teaching technology – e.g. Graphics Tablets/Activ-Slate etc).
Consolidating with ICT in every lesson The advantages: • The only manageable way to give children the opportunity to consolidate ICT skills taught during ICT lessons (without an ICT suite). • It is more meaningful to consolidate ICT skills within a context. • Stops ICT being an isolated stand-alone subject. • Greater participation. • Subject-specific skills are acquired much quicker. • Increased Motivation & Behaviour. • An opportunity for discussion. • Children listen to each other! - improved oracy. • Develops Social Skills and increases Self-esteem. • Ofsted – ‘value for money’.
Consolidating with ICT in every lesson This pedagogy is incorporated within our Learning & Teaching Policy: Consolidation Activity • well-selected, meaningful activities, enabling children to consolidate the intended learning points as effectively as possible; • children using ICT: • to consolidate learning linked directly to the learning intention for that lesson; • to consolidate learning linked to the learning intention for that lesson, whilst at the same time revising key skills from within the ICT Scheme of Work and associated minimum standard documents (where appropriate).
Stages of Maturity Experimentation Phase Risk taking, Trail and error, ‘Freedom to experiment’, Taking time-out from the curriculum/timetable. Nurturing/monitoring staff. Systematic Phase Vision growing amongst staff. Systematically embedding ICT within lessons. Structure and support/monitoring mechanisms in place. Mature/Creative Phase Vision instilled amongst staff Taking time-out from the curriculum/time table to pursue teacher’s/class interest or expertise.
Identifying which technologies to use ‘Tools’ Software Skills/Subject Software Internet Google Images Digital Video Pictures Recordable talking books Pixies ‘Small World Toys’ Microscopes Book-tapes Digital books Graphics Tablets Visualisers WCITT – ‘Whole Class Interactive Teaching Technologies Teaching & Guided Practice Consolidation Segment
Embedding ICT context Recording Visualiser Accessinginformation Digital Video Composing Digital Camera Publishing Recording devices Communicating The Internet Editing Desktop devices Collaborating Portable devices Opportunities Resources
Prioritise High Impact onstandards Low Do-ability(cost, time, resources etc) Difficult Easy
Tools to facilitate change – Where will we be in 2 years time? Feeling Saying Doing Thinking Leaders Teachers SSAs Children
Challenges • Acquiring the Vision. • Instilling ownership in staff / disseminating the vision. • Providing a structure for staff to follow (systematically). • Monitoring recording progress on planning. • Change of management. • Getting the cynics ‘on board’ – why should we change? • “What’s in it for me?” (wifms) • Equipment working? • Money/sustainability? • Knowing when NOT to use ICT.