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Philip Selznick. Student of bureaucracy theorist Robert Merton (Remember Merton slide on bureaucracy?)Heavily influenced by Chester Barnard and Structuralist theoryAdopted Spencer's organismic principles of cooperation.Recognized the influence of the informal group on the organization. Selznick's
1. Phillip Selznick EA&S 501
Fall Semester
Chapter Four
2. Philip Selznick Student of bureaucracy theorist Robert Merton (Remember Merton slide on bureaucracy?)
Heavily influenced by Chester Barnard and Structuralist theory
Adopted Spencers organismic principles of cooperation.
Recognized the influence of the informal group on the organization
3. Selznicks Beliefs Organizations are goal oriented systems, but irrational, social pressures typically compromise goal rationality.
The organization is an adaptive and social system rather than a mechanical one, and is motivated by the need to survive.
4. Structural Functionalists Philip Selznick 1948
although organizations are formally rational, in actual practice they are greatly influenced by the informal and social aspects of organizations
His theories examined the relationships between:
Formal and informal organizations
Mechanistic and organic management
Individual and organizational goals
Organizational change
Organizations had the following features:
self-maintaining internally and with respect to the environment; purposive rationality
5. Selznick Organizations have life of their own
Organizations are
Formal structures,
Used to attain goals
They however cannot override nonrational dimensions:
Individuals are not rational
Informal systems
6. Institutionalization Organizational character
Corporate culture
Separate identity
Organizational Self-Defense
7. I/O Organizational Theory Schools of Thought
Mayo & the HR Movement
Lewin and NTL