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Reference Booklet on Severity 4 &5 Working at height. Procedure failure – Life line post and life line not provided. Life line post and lifeline should be fitted to the rafter before lifting. Severity 4. Procedure failure – Life line post and life line not provided.
Reference Booklet onSeverity 4 &5 Working at height
Procedure failure – Life line post and life line not provided Life line post and lifeline should be fitted to the rafter before lifting Severity 4
Procedure failure – Life line post and life line not provided Life line post and lifeline should be fitted to the rafter before lifting Severity 4
Procedure failure – Access not proper Proper roof access should be provided Severity 4
Procedure failure – worker found accessing on the rafter where there is no lifeline and lifeline post arrangement Ensure that proper fall proper fall protection is there before accessing on the rafter Severity 5
Procedure failure – worker accessing along the clits of the column Proper access should be provided before performing column to rafter bolting Severity 4
Procedure failure – worker working on canopy without proper PPE and fall protection systems Ensure that work related PPE is worn and fall protection is in place before working at height Severity 4
Safety Violation- Area where the scaffodling is erected is not even Area where the scaffolding to be erected should be even and the base should be proper Severity 4
Safety Violation- Scaffolding with wooden platform & without proper access Scaffolding should be equipped with proper platforms and ladders Severity 4
Safety Violation- Rigger stand/sit on Grits & anchored safety belt lanyard hook to another lanyard hook (Scaffolding Hook). Scaffolding or boom lift should be used while fixing girts Severity 5
Safety Violation- personnel found inspecting bolts in a unsafe manner. Proper access should be used while working at height Severity 4
Safety Violation- Workers found climbing on the column for removing the sling from the column Scaffolding or boom lift should be used for removing sling from the column Severity 5
Safety Violation- Rigger found standing on the rafter for fixing sling to the crane hook without any fall protection. Severity 4 Proper access and PPE should be used while working at height
Safety Violation- Workers found working in a unsafe manner while working at height Workers should be in proper position while working at height Severity 4
Safety Violation- Rigger found working on the beam without any fall protection Proper access and fall protection should be used while working at height Severity 4
Safety Violation- Rigger found standing on stiffener Plate Scaffolding should be used for ascending and descending Severity 4
Safety Violation- Rope ladder being used for ascending and descending the column Scaffolding should be used a access for ascending and descending the column Severity 4
Safety Violation- worker found sitting on the bracket for carrying out bolting activity Workers should be on the scaffolding while performing bolting activity Severity 4
Safety Violation : workers found fixing girts in unsafe manner Scaffolding should be used a working platform while fixing girts Severity 4
Safety Violation : ladder being found as a working platform Ladder should be used a access not as working platform Severity 4
Safety Violation : ladder being used as roof access Scaffolding should be used as roof access Severity 4
Safety Violation : Workers found walking on top of the roof purling Workers should access only top of the rafter with proper fall protection Severity 4
Safety Violation : Workers found shifting the sag angle plat form in between the rigid and eav position Sag angle plat form should be shifted in between the purlins only at the rigid point Severity 5
Safety Violation- Workers found working in a unsafe manner while working at height Proper access should be used while working at height Severity 4
Safety Violation- Workers found working at height without any proper working platform Scaffolding should be used as working platform while working at height Severity 5
Scaffolding should be used as working platform while working at height Safety Violation- At 10m height workers found standing and working on the wall girts Severity 5
Safety Violation- Workers found working at height in unsafe manner Scaffolding should be used as working platform while working at height Severity 5
Life line post and lifeline arrangement should be ensure prior accessing on top of the rafter Safety Violation- Workers found working on top of the rafter where there is no fall protection Severity 4
Life line post and lifeline arrangement should be ensure prior accessing on top of the rafter Safety violation: Workers found working on top of the rafter where there is no fall protection Severity 4
Fall protection systems should be whenever working at height Safety Violation- sheeters found working at height without wearing safety harness Severity 5
Safety Violation- Worker found accessing on the column in unsafe manner Scaffolding should be used as a access for reaching the required level Severity 4
Safety Violation- Worker accessing on top of the roof through unsafe access Scaffolding with staircase should be used for accessing on top of the roof Severity 4
Safety Violation- Ladder being used for fixing sag angles Sag angle plat form should be used for fixing sag angles Severity 5
Severity 5- Rope Ladder being used as roof access . Scaffolding with staircase should be used as roof access
Sheeters found ascending & descending down the scaffolding w/o anchoring lanyard . Safety harness lanyard should be hooked while ascending and descending down the structure
Damaged life line roper being tied to the lifeline post on the rafter All tool & Tackles , ropes should be checked for wear and tear before using
Worker found doing paint touch ups on the rafter in a unsafe manner . Fall protection and proper should be ensured before climbing on to the rafter
Severity 4- Rigger found working coming out of Man basket. . Working at height procedure should be followed
Severity 5- Sheeters working with out full body harness at Eve End. . Proper fall protection and PPE should be used while working at height
Severity 5- Workers found sitting on the wall grits and working . Scaffolding or boom lift should be used for carrying out such activities
Severity 4- Damage Rope ladders were using for climbing on Column. . Rope ladder should not be used as a access only scaffolding or boom lift should be used
Severity 4- Scaffold Wheel found w/o Locks. Locks should be provided for wheels to avoid movement of structure
Severity 5- Life line bracket not fitted on the rafter Life line post and lifeline arrangement should be ensure prior accessing on top of the rafter
Severity 5-Life line Post not provided on the rafter Life line post and lifeline arrangement should be ensure prior accessing on top of the rafter
Severity 4-Rigger ascending & descending without anchoring lanyard. Fall arrestor should be used while ascending and descending down the column
Severity 4- : Primary member being erected without lifeline post . BEFORE After Life line post and lifeline arrangement should be ensure prior accessing on top of the rafter
Severity 5- Workers found not wearing safety harness while working at Height All works above 2 meter s should be carried out wearing safety harness and other work related PPE
Severity 4- Workers found working at height without any PPE All the work related PPE should be worn while working at height
Severity 4- Roof access not proper erected and not anchored Roof access should be erected in a proper manner and should be anchored at different points to avoid toppling
Severity 4- Worker found coming down the roof in a unsafe manner Roof access should be in place before roof sheeting is started for workers to access freely