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With increased demand forAnti-aging and lifestyle-driven procedures, the VISIA Complexion Analysis System is a timely addition to any medical practice or spa offering treatments for skin rejuvenation and ongoing skin care. Reach us with Toll Free: 800-794-1097 for more details.
Rock Bottom Lasers & Cosmetic Laser https://www.rockbottomlasers.com/
Vin Wells is the President and Founder of Rock Bottom Lasers & and Cosmetic Laser Deals and has extensive experience in the aesthetic laser industry. Mr. Wells started his own chain of aesthetic clinics under the brand name Skinovative and opened his first medical spa in Boise, Idaho in February 2001. From 2001 to 2004, the Boise location realized over a 20% annual rate of growth, exceeding over $1,000,000 in gross revenue by years end 2004. Subsequently in 2004 and 2005, Mr. Wells opened two additional locations in Arizona (Chandler & Tucson) with annualized store revenues for all three locations exceeding $3 million by end of year 2005. About Us
NEW - 2019 Alma Soprano XL SHR (Super Hair Removal) Diode Handpiece, New, Never Used Condition. 12 x 10 mm Spot Size, Wavelength of 810 nm and fluence up to 120 J/cm2; Comes with 1 year Warranty or 20 million pulses, whichever comes first. New compact design! Easier to Operate.Like earlier generations of the Soprano Family, The Soprano XL is the perfect solution to differentiate your practice in today's cluttered laser hair removal market. Revolutionary pain-free Soprano treatments have redefined laser hair removal using the gold standard 810-nm diode and Alma's IN-Motion technology. The Soprano's virtually pain-free hair removal offers:Gold standard 810-nm laser diode provides reliable results - Sapphire DualChill tip and optional Zimmer Cryo 5 adapter - Permanent hair reduction of all pigmented hair on all skin types, including tanned skin
Apoptosisistheprocessofprogrammedcellchanges anddeaththatmayoccurinmulticellularorganisms. In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis generally confers advantages during an organism's life cycle. Unlike necrosis, apoptosis produces cell fragments called apoptotic bodies that phagocyticcellsareabletoengulfandquicklyremove before the contents of the cell can spill out onto surroundingcellsandcausedamage.Researchinand aroundapoptosishasincreasedsubstantiallysincethe early1990s.Fatcellsarevulnerabletotheeffectsof selective heating. Their initial evidence, published in LasersinSurgeryandMedicinein2013,concludedthat controlledlocaltissueheatingcaninduceselectivefat cellreductionandsubsequentlossofsubcutaneousfat withoutdamagingothertissuelayers.
2015 Active Optical Extra 818 IPL Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation; Excellent Cosmetic and Operating Condition, Very Lightly Used for Demonstrations Only, Single Owner; Included Handpieces and Pulse Counts: Hair Removal Handpiece = 6,617 Pulses, Facial Handpiece = 2,190, Life for Each Handpieces is 250,000 Pulses; Also Includes: 90 Day Warranty.km The Extra - 818, based on Active's GEM-PL technology, sets sets a specific Pulse Pattern according to the selected treatment type, skin color, skin photosensitivity and treatment depth. The treatment protocols and different pulse patterns take into account the tissue's TRT (Thermal Relaxation Time) and the combined knowledge accumulated from thousands of treatments done during the years and clinical investigations done to confirm the findings.Revolutionary Cooling System The Extra - 818 has a dual cooling system, controlled and monitored in order to ensure long lifetime to the lamp and a comfortable treatment to the patient.
MAILINGADDRESS 2942 N 24th St. Ste 114Phoenix, AZ 85016 CONTACTUS PHONENUMBER Toll free: 800-794-1097 International:480-862-4778
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