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LASERS. Lasers. First laser presented by T.H. Maiman in 1960. Cutting Soldering. Marking Etching. Biomedical. Telecom. Military. Applications. Titanium based medical implant micromachined with a femtosecond laser. 1000 m. Detecção de minas anti-pessoal.
Lasers First laser presented by T.H. Maiman in 1960.
Cutting Soldering Marking Etching Biomedical Telecom Military Applications
Titanium based medical implant micromachined with a femtosecond laser. 1000 m
National Ignition Facility Project http://www.llnl.gov/nif/project/news_status.html NIF's arena-sized building houses 192 laser beams designed to deliver 1.8 million joules of ultraviolet laser energy and 500 terawatts of power to millimeter-sized targets located at the center of its 10-meter-diameter target chamber.The Injection Laser System creates a precisely shaped nanojoule-level laser pulse, which is amplified by a factor of more than 1,000,000 before entering the laser beampath. There, two stages of Laser Amplifiers again increase the laser energy, using the world's largest optical switch to enable multi-pass amplification.
The NIF Project in Livermore, California is the largest laser in the world. The facility is very large, the size of a sports stadium The target is very small, the size of a BB-gun pellet The laser system is very powerful, equal to 1,000 times the electric generating power of the United States Each laser pulse is very short, a few billionths of a second
O que necessito para realizar um holograma? -» Uma bancada óptica estável e à prova de vibrações (se a montagem óptica vibrar o equivalente a meio comprimento de onda da luz utilizada o holograma não é formado) -» Um laser HeNe com, no mínimo, 5 mW (quanto maior a potência, menor o tempo requerido para a exposição, minimizando o risco de ocorrerem instabilidades mecânicas durante a exposição); -» Um ambiente escuro ou iluminado por luz de segurança (complementar à cor do laser) de baixa potência (15 W); -» Elementos ópticos diversos (espelhos, filtros espaciais, divisores de feixe (“beam-splitters”), lentes (ou objectivas), suportes, etc.); -» Filmes holográficos
Beam Spliter (Divisor de Feixe) 90/10 LASER Espelho Objectiva Difusor Objectiva Placa Holográfica Espelho Objecto
1 Fiber link 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 multiplexer demultiplexer
http://www.anacom.pt Estatísticas: Anuários Estatísticos : 2004