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Most android users as a rule generally try to avoid the default media player given on their phone. Individuals pick different outsider media players for added usefulness. For better video playback and 4K videos, we suggest you to set Rocks Media Player as default player since it upholds numerous video and sound formats. When you tap on any video from your Gallery, either your Android gadget will request that you play from the default display or pick an application to play your video. However, this task isn't simple since you need to pick a video player every time to play each video. Download R
Mostandroidusersasarulegenerallytry to avoid the default media player given on their phone. Individuals pick different outsidermediaplayers foradded usefulness.Forbettervideoplaybackand 4K videos, we suggest Rocks Video Player sinceitupholdsnumerousvideoand soundformats.
When you tap on any video from your Gallery, either your Android gadgetwillrequestthatyouplayfromthedefaultdisplayorpickan applicationtoplayyourvideo.However,thistaskisn'tsimplesince youneedtopickavideoplayerevery timetoplayeachvideo.Inthisguide, wewillassistyouwithsettingyour beloved video player as default on yourgadget.
OpenRocksvideoplayerfromSettings>Apps Youneedtopicktheoption"Openbydefault"toset itasadefaultvideoplayer. There is an option to "Open supported links" and then"askeachtimeoption".Thisiswhyyourgadget generallyasksyoutopickavideoplayerwhile clickingthevideo. Thusly,tapontheoption"Opensupportedlinks" andthenselect"Openinthisapplication". Wheneveryoutaponanyvideo,itwillconsequentlybegininRocksVideoPlayer withoutaskingoverandover. StepstoChangeDefaultVideoPlayer
THANKYOU! ForMoreInformationPleaseVisit: www.rocksplayer.com