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Explore attitudes towards democracy and governance preferences. Share your views on different government systems and political party roles. Reflect on trust in institutions, constitution making, and leadership selection processes.
There are many ways to govern a country, would you disapprove or approve of the following alternative: One political party is allowed to stand for election and hold office; the army comes to govern the country; elections and Parliament are abolished so that the President can decide everything.
Which of the three statements is closet to your opinion? 1: Democracy is preferable to any other kind of government. 2: In some circumstances, a non-democratic government can be preferable. 3: For someone like me, it doesn’t matter what kind of government we have.
Which of the three statements is closet to your opinion? 1: Democracy is preferable to any other kind of government. 2: In some circumstances, a non-democratic government can be preferable. 3: For someone like me, it doesn’t matter what kind of government we have.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view? 1: We should choose our leaders in this country through regular, open and honest elections. 2: Since elections sometimes produce bad results, we should adopt other methods for choosing this country’s leaders.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view? 1: The best form of government is a government elected by its people. 2: The best form of government is a government that gets things done.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view? 1: Political parties create division and confusion; it is therefore unnecessary to have many political parties in Zambia. 2: Many political parties are needed to make sure that Zambians have real choices in who governs them.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view? 1: Opposition parties should regularly examine and criticize government policies and actions. 2: Opposition parties should concentrate on cooperating with government and helping it develop the country.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view? 1: Traditional leaders must represent all their people equally. They should remain non-partisan, and not affiliate themselves with any political party. 2: Traditional leaders are citizens like everyone else, and have the right to decide for themselves whether to support a particular party.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view? 1: To best serve their people, traditional leaders must remain independent of the government. They should not receive government salaries. 2: Traditional leaders serve their communities and government, and they should receive a salary from government for their work.
For each of the following statements, please tell me whether you disagree or agree: courts have the right to make decisions people have to abide by; police have the right to make people obey the law; and the tax department (ZRA) has the right to make people pay taxes.
How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say: Parliament, Electoral Commission, Local Council, Ruling party, Opposition political parties, Police, Courts of law, Traditional leaders.
Would you approve or disapprove each of the following: candidate to receive 50% plus one vote to be elected President; setting upper age limit for President; minimum education for MP; recalling non-performing MPs; appointment of Cabinet from outside Parliament.
In your opinion, how should a revised Constitution be ratified or approved?