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This guide outlines phases and committees for developing a University Development Grants proposal. It includes detailed planning, committee composition, implementation, and monitoring steps necessary for successful grant applications. The guide emphasizes activities related to English, ICT, soft skills, and ethnic cohesion and suggests the formation of a Project Planning Committee with diverse representations for effective coordination.
HETC Project University Development Grants (UDGs) Training Program for Proposal Writers Lec. 10. Project Planning Matrices for UDG Activities
Project Proposal Development Planning Schedule Phase I: Programming Phase II: Identification Phase III: Formulation
Phase I: Programming (W1) • Objective of the Programming Phase • Development of the Planning Framework for the UDG proposal preparation • Output of the Programming Phase • Realistic and well structured Plan for the UDG proposal preparation
Phase I: Programming (W1) Who should undertake planning and implementation of UDG Sub-Project? Vice Chancellor is expected to take full responsibility of planning and implementation and monitoring Project benefits are expected to be shared by all faculties and relevant centers and units In most universities, 4 prescribed activities (English, ICT, Soft skills and Ethnic Cohesion)are centrally designed, planned and implemented with coordination of centers/units (e.g. ELTU, IT Centre, Career Guidance Unit, Student Services Liaison or Welfare Division) through faculty-based programmes and activities Suggestion – Appoint a Project Planning Committee (PPC) with representations from academic and non academic staff and students all Campuses, Faculties and relevant Centers/Units.
Phase I: Programming (W1) Project Planning Committee (PPC) Suggested Composition Vice Chancellor – as the Chairman Senior Academic - as the Secretary to the Committee (he or she could takeover the post of Coordinator of UDG) Deans and Nominees - Chairman/IT Committee, Chairman/English Committee, Chairman of CDC or Director/Education Unit Chairman/Industrial Placement Unit (they could function as Faculty Level Persons-in-charge of faculty-level activities), Head/ELTU (could function as Deputy Coordinator – English) Head or Director/IT Division or Centre (ITC) [could function as Deputy Coordinator -ICT] Director/Career Guidance Unit (could function as Deputy Coordinator - Soft skills) Director or Coordinator/Student Welfare or Support Services (could function as Deputy Coordinator -Ethnic Cohesion) Registrar & Bursar SAR/Academic & SAR/Non-academic & SAR/Student Services Statistical Officer Student Representatives? Administrative and Support staff representatives?
Phase I: Programming (W1) • Appoint 4 sub-committees, one for each activity • Group I: English • Under the chairmanship of Head/ELTU or Senior Academic and representatives from all faculties • Group II: ICT • Under the chairmanship of Director/ITC and representatives from all faculties • Group III:Soft Skills • Under the chairmanship of Director/CGU or Senior Academic and representatives from all faculties • Group IV:Ethnic Cohesion • Under the chairmanship of VC or DVC or Director/Welfare or suitable senior academicand representatives from all faculties • Assign tasks and decide on deadlines • Prepare Time Schedules (or prepare the Gantt Charts for each activity) • Maintain minutes of all meetings
Phase II: Identification (W2-W9) • Objective of the Identification Phase • Identify data type & their sources, Collection of data and Analyze data for the UDG proposal preparation • Output of the Identification Phase • Self Evaluation Report (SER) for the UDG proposal preparation with the related Root Cause & Force Field Analysis
Phase II: Identification (W2-W9) • Review the University Corporate Plan and SER prepared and/or submitted for Institutional Review • If, updating is required, proceed with the task • UGC will issue UGC Policy Framework (2010-2015) by April 2010 that will form the basis for re-formulating the University Corporate Plan • Check whether the 4 Activities prescribed for the UDG have been identified and listed in the University Corporate Plan
If so, what prior information is available on the background and what activities have been implemented? If, necessary review and amend both University Corporate Plan and Self-evaluation Report (SER) to reflect the UDG prescribed activities in the Corporate Plan of the University Phase II: Identification (W2-W9)
Phase II: Identification (W2-W9) • Review activity schedules, deadliness and responsibilities assigned, and finalize the work schedules and prepare the Gantt Charts for the planning process at Sub-Group level • Commence preparation for the Situation Analysisleading to development of Self-evaluation Report (SER) • Decide on Project Planning Matrix (PPM) • UDG has specified 4 activities - English, ICT, Soft Skills, & Ethnic Cohesion • Map out the objects of 4 activities that will set the Project Planning Matrices for respective activities and hence the template for SER
Decide on SER Format – Topics and relevant information, tables and other data presentation forms Decide and Prepare the format of SER - topics and sub-topics Decide on the required data for Topics and Sub-topics that are to be collected on and for the objects of Self-evaluation Decide on data types and sources Decide on methods of data collection – publish reports, institutional records, surveys/tracer studies, rapid appraisal, interviews, case studies, etc. Phase II: Identification (W2-W9)
Phase II: Identification (W2-W9) • Proceed with Data Collection (Lecture 7) • From Institutional Records • From Published Documents • Through Surveys/Case Studies • Rapid Appraisals/Interviews • Case Studies • etc.
External: • study social/market demand • high school graduates input • Student’s Z-score enrolment • Community (Industry, society, other HEI) MOU, Cooperation, fund • others SUPPORTING DATA • Internal : • Human resources availability (fte), qualification • Facilities building, lab., equipment, • library, information • Academic process teaching+learning, • curriculum,etc • Productivity prevent unemployed, over- • supply, rivalry • others
Phase II: Identification (W2-W9) • Proceed with data collation, compilation and analysis(Lecture 7) • Proceed with SER Preparation (Lecture 7) • 4 sub-groups could compile 4 reports • VC or his nominee (suggestion - Secretary of PPC or who is tipped to become UDG Coordinator) could synthesize the full report
Analyze Data Group Discussions Presentation Develop SE Report
Phase II: Identification (W2-W9) • Situation Analysis/Problem Analysis (Lec 6 & 7) • Purpose:Analyze current status of the organization and internal and external environment and factors that influence its existence and performance, progress and sustainability • Method- Brainstorming Session • Workshop Environment (Workshop I – WS I) with participation of sample of all stake holders • Moderator to lead the discussion • Tools • Formal presentations- Presentation of findings of SER, followed by, • PEST Analysis– Analyze the political, social, economic conditions of the country and technological trends and opportunities available, • SWOT Analysis– Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and • GAP Analysis– Identify the gap between the current and desired state
Resolve Problems Opportunities Threats Capitalize Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Grab Opportunities AnticipateThreats SER Development Plan
Easily detected Superficial Symptoms Problems Small, Big, Fundamental, Essential, Minor, Major Require rigorous analysis Roots
Situation Analysis/Problem Analysis ..contd. The outcome of the Situation Analysis form the Project Development Frameworkbased on which PPC could develop the Improvement /Development plan (Lecture 8) PPC now proceeds to complete SER that includes the proceedings and conclusions and recommendations of Problem Analysis Workshop and of subsequent PPC deliberations Phase II: Identification (W2-W9)
The Whole Plan Phase III: Formulation (W10-W12) • Objective of the Formulation Phase • Formulation of the Improvement Plan of the UDG proposal based on the output of the Identification Phase • Output of the Formulation Phase • Improvement plan containing Design of Activities and Activity Based Resource requirement presented on the given templates as per the Guidelines
Phase III: Formulation (W10-W12) • PPC to proceed with development of Improvement or Development Plan (Lecture 8) • Perform problem identification and Root Cause Analysis(RCA) • Identify problems to be resolved and goals to be achieved • Perform Force-field Analysisto identify driving and restraining forces of goals and problems • Identify possible and feasible alternative solutions • Agree on activities that are outcome-based and SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, rational and time bound Activities) • Comply with performance indicators and budgeting guidelines (Lecture 9)
Develop Activities with associated sub-activities as prescribed in the UDG Guidelines (Improvement Plan - Design of Activities - Templates) (Lecture 8) Name of the Activity Background and Rationale (from the SER) Objectives Mechanism and design Implementation schedule Resources required Performance indicators Sustainability Phase III: Formulation (W10-W12)
Phase III: Formulation (W10-W12) • Finally, seek concurrence of all stakeholders • Method – Consensus building Workshop Session(WS-II) • Review and amend the proposal as required • Identify (as agreed upon at the inception) • Coordinator for UDG (work at OTS level) • Deputy Coordinators – in-charge of each Activity (Group leaders who prepared 4 activities) • Persons-in-charge (PICs) for Faculty-based activities (Faculty representatives who will work on faculty-based activities)
Project Planning Matrix (PPM) and Objects of SER
Objects Organizational arrangement Physical Resources Human resources Curriculum and teaching, time tables and training and evaluation methods Competency – pre and post training Types and Sources of Data Management structure of Core Unit Linkages between CU with Faculty Responsibility and accountability of CU Space, teaching and training facilities Staffing at CU and related Faculty Level of training and competency of staff Curriculum – basic and applied Tools used in teaching, training & evaluation for core programme in faculties and departments Students perceptions, preference, attendance, commitment and performance of students Generic Structure for each ActivityPPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER
ELTU F/ELTU- F1 F/ELTU- F2 F/ELTU- F3 F/ELTU- Fn Program Training on Basics (during the orientation programme) Training on Applications ( during year 1-3) Activities Teaching and discussions Guided practical sessions on writing, speech and presentations Student support services (on request and limited extent) 1. English Competency – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Organizational Arrangement (Model at University X)
1. English Competency – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Notes (on University X ) • ELTU directly comes under the Central Administration and is managed through Senate Standing Committee on ELTU Activities • ELTU takes the sole responsibility for curriculum and teaching and training methods • English knowledge and proficiency is usually evaluated and satisfactory completion is a requirement for graduation • Grades are not counted for GPA calculation or calculation of final grades of the undergraduate • ELTU offers certificate level training for students of liberal arts and social sciences (only in limited extent) • Faculty ELT Units often operate as independent entities and lacks formal partnership with the Faculty staff
Objects Organizational arrangement Physical Resources Human resources Curriculum and teaching, time tables and training and evaluation methods Competency – pre and post training Sources and Types of Data Structure of Central ELTU and Faculty level ELTUs and their links with Faculties Management structure and accountability Space,teaching and training facilities Staffing at Central and Faculty ELTUs ELTUs Human resources capacity – level of training and competency ELT Curriculum – basic and applied Extent of involvement of ELTU staff in assisting students for assignments and project report writing and guiding for presentations Students perceptions, preference, attendance, commitment and performance of students 1. English Competency – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER
IT center Faculty 1 - Com. Unit Faculty 2 - Com. Unit Faculty N -Com. Unit • Program • Formal teaching “introduction to computers & ICT”. (Staff of ITC) • Hands on practice and introduction to ICT applications by the Faculty • Computer Unit staff • Internet browsing • Web based teaching materials 2. ICT Skills – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Organizational Arrangement (Model at University X)
2. ICT Skills – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Notes (on University X) • ITC and Faculty Computer Units (FCU) are not directly linked; ITC comes under central administration and FCU comes under faculty administration • ITC provides technical assistance to FCUs (on invitation and fee for services basis) and limited ICT services to students (i.e. access to computers, internet browsing, web-based information, etc) • ITC conducts lectures on invitation and for a fee – Introduction to Computers & ICT • Introduction to ICT is not a compulsory course but requires only satisfactory completion before graduation • FCUs provide guidance and opportunity to students to engage in hand-on practice on ICT • Some study programmes use ICT-based teaching and training tools in conducting UG courses
Objects Organizational arrangement Physical Resources Human resources Curriculum and teaching, time tables and training and evaluation methods Competency – pre and post training Types and Sources of Data Management structure of ITC and Faculty Computer Units Linkages between ITC with Faculty Computer Units Responsibility and accountability for ICT training Space,teaching and training facilities Staffing at Central ITC and Faculty computer Units Human resources – level of training and competency Curriculum – basic and applied Extent of Use of ICT tools in teaching and training for core programme in faculties and departments Students perceptions, preference, attendance, commitment and performance of students 2. ICT Skills – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER
3. Soft Skills – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Notes (on University X) • Organizational Arrangement – not well delineated compared to English and ICT • University Career Guidance Unit, Faculty-based Industrial Placement Units (only in some faculties) and Faculty Education Units (e.g. MEU, VMEU, DMEU, EEU, SEU, etc.) are expected to arrange and provide learning opportunities to students • Training and hence competency on Soft skills are not compulsory and hence students have no compulsion to engage in learning activities
3. Soft Skills - PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Notes (on University X) ….. Contd. • UGC Standing Committee on Welfare, Career Guidance and Industrial Training is currently working on this issue. • University career guidance units and hence programme are dictated by the UGC through a circular which is effective from 2002 (UGC Circular 819) and further instructions will soon be issued. • University Welfare System or Student Support System is being discussed; instructions and directives as regard to model structure, staffing and resources will soon be released by the UGC • Industrial Training Programmes are operated to some extent in Medical, Dental and Engineering Sciences and in some new universities but not in many programmes in established as well as newer universities; UGC is working on this issue with the aim of formulating and issuing guidelines and directives on model organizational arrangement, staffing and financial resources and facilities and programmes.
Notes (on University X) …… Contd. At present CGU offers raining opportunities to limited student population through short courses offered on ad-hoc basis In some faculties credit level courses/modules are offered in undergraduate study programmes 3. Soft Skills – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER
Objects Organizational arrangement Physical Resources Human resources Curriculum and teaching and training methods, time tables and training and evaluation methods Industrial placement programme Competency – pre and post training Types and Sources of Data Management structure of GGU and Faculty career guidance programmes (if any) Linkages between CGU Faculty level career guidance units or programmes Responsibility and accountability for Soft skills training Space, and teaching and training facilities Extent of use of resources at Central and faculty level CGUs by faculties and students Staffing at CGU and Faculty CGUs or programmes or Faculty Education Units which are responsible for design and coordinating career guidance and industrial placement Human resources – level of training and competency Curriculum – basic and applied (if any) Methods and tools of soft skills development, Industry training in universities (if any) Students perceptions, preference, attendance, commitment and performance of students 3. Soft Skills – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER
4. Ethnic Cohesion – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Notes (on University X) • Organization Arrangement – not well delineated compared to English and ICT • Student counseling system is expected to promote programmes aiming at promoting social and ethnic harmony (WB-IRQUE-IBG Initiative) • University operated for sometime a Directorate of Welfare for promoting student welfare where the Director acted as the liaison person among the multitude of divisions/units that provide student support services • University is yet to make committed attempts to comply with government directives as regard to national language policy
4. Ethnic Cohesion – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER Notes(on University X) ..… Contd. • Segregation is very common thus three major ethnic groups tend to function in isolation • Social and cultural events aiming to promote social and ethnic harmony are very limited and the students appear to pay no attention to such events, even if they are organized. • UGC Standing Committee on Welfare, Career Guidance and Industrial Training is currently working on this issue. • University Welfare System or Student Support System is being discussed; instructions and directives as regard to model structure, staffing and resources will soon be released by the UGC
Objects Organization arrangement of student support services or welfare network for students and staff Physical Resources for student and staff welfare and ethnic cohesion Human resources available for promoting student and staff welfare and ethnic cohesion Student and Staff ethnic profile – at the level of university, institution, faculty, department and resident halls Government and University policy on ethnic cohesion – national languages and employment Types and Sources of Data Management structure of Student Support Services or Welfare Network and linkages among central and faculty level organizations Space, and facilities and physical and human resources available for promoting social, cultural and leisure activities Methods of promoting Social, cultural and leisure activities and extent of participation by different ethic and social groups Students and staff perceptions, opinions and views on issues and problems others 4. Ethnic Cohesion – PPM, Objects, Sources and Types of Data for SER