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Spoken Language

Spoken Language. Types, Functions and Influences By R J Phillips. Types of Spoken Language. Monologue eg lectures, speeches, recitations. Dialogue eg conversations, interviews, debates, meetings. Question.

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Spoken Language

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  1. Spoken Language Types, Functions and Influences By R J Phillips

  2. Types of Spoken Language • Monologue eg lectures, speeches, recitations. • Dialogue eg conversations, interviews, debates, meetings.

  3. Question • Consider which types of monologue and dialogue might be prepared and which might be spontaneous. Think of some examples.

  4. Functions of Spoken Language • Referential: utterances that provide information. • Expressive: utterances that express the speaker’s feelings. • Transactional: utterances where the main purpose is to get something done or acquire something. • Interactional: utterances where the main emphasis is on the social relationship between the participants. • Phatic: utterances devoid ofany serious content ‘small talk’, usually conducted with strangers or people only slightly known.

  5. TaskIdentify what type of function is performed by the following sentences. • Period three we will be in E4 and then we will move to the LRC period four. • Could you direct me to the LRC? • Hello. Lovely morning isn’t it? • I’m really excited about the party tonight.

  6. Influences on Spoken Language • The two main influences are speaker identity and context. • Certain aspects of speaker’s identity may influence the language they use: • Regional origin, social class, occupation, gender, ethnic identity, age, group membership.

  7. Context • Audience: the person addressed and the speaker’s relationship with them will influence how language is used eg convergence or divergence. • Setting: the formality of the setting is key. • Topic: the subject being talked about will influence the vocabulary used eg semantic fields. • Purpose: different kinds of language are appropriate to different functions of language.

  8. Task 1 • Illustrate the following functions of language by making up one utterance for each: referential; expressive; transactional; interactional; phatic.

  9. Task 2 • For each of the following aspects of context, describe a situation in which the aspect concerned would be likely to have a significant influence on language use: audience; setting; topic; purpose.

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