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Current regulatory measures

Current regulatory measures. Ofwat water efficiency targets Save 115 million litres per day by 2014/15 (0.8%of DI) Part G Building Regulations (new homes) Design for 125 litres/person/day (CSH level 1/2) Code for Sustainable Homes (new homes) Level 3/4 - 105 litres/person/day

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Current regulatory measures

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  1. Current regulatory measures • Ofwat water efficiency targets • Save 115 million litres per day by 2014/15 (0.8%of DI) • Part G Building Regulations (new homes) • Design for 125 litres/person/day (CSH level 1/2) • Code for Sustainable Homes (new homes) • Level 3/4 - 105 litres/person/day • Level 5/6 – 80 litres/person/day • Water Fittings Regulations (all buildings)

  2. Prospects for domestic regulation • Coalition Government approach is for less, rather than more, regulation • Big Society • voluntary measures driven by industry – labelling, nudge • achieve water efficiency goals while avoiding additional regulatory burdens

  3. Product labelling Example of Bathroom Manufacturers Association Label • Enables consumers to make better informed choices • Example of industry taking the lead, delivering benefits to consumers and industry

  4. Behaviour Change • Key to water efficiency • Small steps can add up to big savings • Some excellent examples of delivering these messages at a local level • eg Tap into Savings • Delivery by trusted intermediaries • eg Plug It pilot with plumbers

  5. Green Deal • Hot water 23% of home carbon emissions • Linking energy and water retrofits major step forward • Opportunities to work with GD providers eg M&S, BG, B&Q

  6. Prospects for EU regulation • EC Blueprint for Water to identify need ? • Water use expected to feature strongly • Role for more product standards ? • Resource efficiency strategy • Eco-label ? • Taps and showers – under development • Toilets & urinals – just starting

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