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Group 4

Group 4. The Curse Of Chapter 4. SYNOPSIS.

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Group 4

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  1. Group 4 The Curse Of Chapter 4

  2. SYNOPSIS Azreen reaches home but is unable to view her sister, Madhuri’s body as it has already been taken away for burial. Meanwhile, there is an air of mystery over Madhuri’s sudden death. Village gossip, Normala keeps insisting that she saw Madhuri’s blood being white colour. Azreen takes her mother to the burial ground. There she sees her father, Saleh Abdullah and madhuri’s husband, Haji Ghani. Her father gets angry at her for bringing her mother there. Walking back from the cemetery, she meets her old friend and classmate, Mohd Asraf. They exchange greetings and Azreen is upset whenever she sees him as she knows he likes Madhuri more then her. Back in her living room, Fatihah, Haji Ghani’s first wife tears up the curtains Madhuri had put up in their house with a keris. She is angry with Madhuri for dominating her home and ruining her peaceful married life with her husband.

  3. THEME • One should practice loyalty in marriage *** Madhuri, a married woman who in love with Mohd Asraf. Being married to Haji Ghani, she should shower her love on her husband and should be loyal to him. Instead, she had feelings for another man. This is considered to be adultery and is not an accepted norm in traditional society. Thus, she was condemned for committing adultery and thus was murdered by her own father, Saleh Abdullah. • Superstitious beliefs can lead to irrational behaviour ***The white blood found on her body was actually white rubber latex as she had knocked down a rubber cup filled with latex. However, due to superstitious beliefs by the villagers and the rumours spread by village gossip, Normala, Madhuri’s death is believed to be unnatural and she is portrayed as a “ ghost ’’ and the white blood as a symbol of bad omen. As her death was covered up, it is also linked with all the bad happenings in the village.

  4. Plot Moumers gather at Azreen’s house to pay their respects to Madhuri before burial. The woman gossip among thenselves that Madhuri was murdered and she had put a curse on everyone on the Island. Azreen arrives late to pry her last respects to her late sister. Azreen brings her sickly mother to the burial ground to farewell to Madhuri. She meets Mohd Asrat and flashbacks of her schooling years fills the scene.

  5. SETTING Saleh Abdullah’s House *** Azreen and Madhuri’s home. ***The place where Madhuri’s body was given her funeral rites.

  6. CHARACTES • AZREEN *** The protagonist of the story *** Can be defiant when she chooses to • MADHURI *** Azreen’s adopted sister *** Married Haji Ghani as his second wife • MAK *** Azreen’s mother *** Mistakes Azreen for Madhuri due to partial memory loss • SALEH ABDULIAH *** Azreen’s father *** Authoritative *** Tough, firm, exceptionally strict with Azreen

  7. HAJI GHANI *** Madhuri’s husband *** village head in his 40’s *** Well respected *** Has a first wife *** Authoritative *** Loves Madhuri *** Marries Madhuri despite the vast difference in age • MOHD ASRAF *** Azreen’s friend, may be her love interest *** Works as a trainee teacher • PUAN FATIHAH *** Haji Ghani’s first wife *** Detests Madhuri • SITI *** Puan Kamsiah’s daughter *** 16 years old *** Sensible *** Non-judgemental

  8. MORAL VALUE • Children should love and care for their parents >>> Both Madhuri and Azreen take care of their parents. Although Madhuri is married and lives with her husband Haji Ghani, she makes it a point to visit her parents and tends to her sick mother every week. After Madhuri’s death, Azreen takes care of her parents. She feeds and tends to her mother who is wheel chair bound. After her mother dies, Azreen stays with her father and cooks for him. • Do not spread gossip >>> Normala, the village gossip, spreads gossip about Madhuri’s death. Without investigating, she claimed to have seen Madhuri’s blood being white in colour and that the village is “ cursed ” .

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