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Innovation in an African Context. 01 November 2007 Evert Kok. A TU Delft Alumnus…. Industrial Design Engineering Faculty. In Ghana recently…. UNIDO - Key Facts…. UNIDO - Key Facts…. UN Specialized Agency since 1986 Lead role within UN system on industrial development
Innovation in an African Context 01 November 2007 Evert Kok
A TU Delft Alumnus… Industrial Design Engineering Faculty
UNIDO - Key Facts… UNIDO - Key Facts… • UN Specialized Agency since 1986 • Lead role within UN system on industrial development • Constitutional mandate to promote sustainable industrial development in developing countries and countries in transition • Focus on technical cooperation: policy advice, institutional capacity-building and business development services
UNIDO - Key Figures… UNIDO - Key Figures… • Staff on board (non-project) : 650(2006) • Budget (regular+operational) : € 174 million(2006-07) • Technical cooperation delivery : $ 227 million(2006-2007 est.) • Project expert appointments : 2,850(per year, about half from developing countries)
Headquarters in Vienna 30 Field Offices plus 13 units in UNDP offices Liaison offices in New York, Geneva Brussels Some 50 Subcontracting Exchanges 19 Investment and Technology Promotion Offices 34 National Cleaner Production Centres/ networks 10 Industrial Technology Centres Headquarters, Vienna
Energy • UNIDO Director-General selected Chairman of UN-Energy per 01 Jan 2008 • UN-Energy is the UN Interagency mechanism to ensure coherence in the UN system’s response to the World Summit on sustainable Development (WSSD) • Participation of around 20 UN Organisations
UNIDO International Centre on Solar Energy, (ISEC) Gansu Province, Lanzhou, China
African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission, Elizabeth Tankeu with the UNIDO Director-General Kandeh K. Yumkella with the AU-UNIDO Agreement.
CAMI - Conference of the African Ministers of Industry • Extraordinary Session 26-27 September 2007 • Discussion and adoption of Action Plan for the accelerated industrial development of Africa • Recommendation to the AU Summit of Heads of State (Jan 2008) for consideration and endorsement of the Action Plan. • Request to UNIDO to support the implementation
CAMI - Conference of the African Ministers of Industry • Part of the Action Plan is: African Technology Innovation Initiative (ATII) • Five African Networks of: • Design Centers/Centers of Excellence • Testing and Certifications Centers • Business Support Service Centers • Environmental Compliance Centers • Technology Transfer Centers/University Chairs of Innovation
Why Innovation: Human Resources • "We are not taught to think for ourselves and be creative. Rather we are taught how to pass exams and get a good mark" • From a recent BBC production
Why Innovation: Competition Value Added Design and Development Distribution and Branding Stages in industrial cycle Production
Determinants of success of innovations Intervention + Context = Impact E. Arnold, fm Pawson & Tilley
Professional Model Organisational Model Knowledge base Knowledge acquired by formal training Knowledge acquired by actionand experimentation Knowledge organisation individual based group-based Transfer of knowledge Explicit and document based Tacit and human network based OECD 2003; Networks of Innovation. Shift in knowledge systems
A Global UNIDO Network of University Chairs on Innovation - Vision Initiative of Prof. Fokkema jointly with Prof. Baillo (Milano) and Prof. Suenkel (Graz), December 2006 • By 2013, a UNIDO Global University Innovation Network connects 300 Universities. • Each Member State has obtained significant capacity to raise Industrial Innovators. • Effective Industry – University cooperation in Innovation that brings commercial benefits.
Pilot phase: Africa - Europe • Expert Group Meeting April 2007 • Technical Meeting August 2007
Pilot Phase 1 : Africa – Europe • Participation of: • Austria, Graz University of Technology • Burkina Faso Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso Egypt Heliopolis University Italy Politecnico di Milano Kenya University of Nairobi the Netherlands Delft University of Technology Nigeria University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba Rwanda Kigali Institute of Technology Senegal Université de Thiés Sierra Leone Njala University, Freetown South Africa Tshwane University of Technology Tanzania University of Dar es Salaam • Zambia The University of Zambia
d o n o r s , E n t e r p r i s e s ) A F R I C A N U N I V E R S I T I E S D E M O P R O J E G O V E R N M E N T P r o d u c t P r o c e s s ( E D U C A T I O N / I N D U S T R Y ) I n n o v a t i o n I n n o v a t i o n M a r k e t i n g O r g a n i z a t i o n a l S E C T O R I A L / I n n o v a t i o n I n n o v a t i o n I N D U S T R Y N a t i o n a l / R e g i o n a l B O D I E S I n n o v a t i o n P o l i c i e s A F R I C A N I N D U S T R I A L E N T E R P R I S E S C o m m e r c i a l I n n o v a t i o n s D E M A N D S / N E E D S Network structure Network structure G L O B A L U N I D O N E T W O R K O F U N I V E R S I T Y C H A I R S O N I N N O V A T I O N ( 2 0 0 7 ミ ユ 0 9 : A f r i c a n U n i v e r s i t i e s , E u r o p e a n U n i v e r s i t i e s , U N I D O , d o n o r s ) ( 2 0 1 0 ミ ユ 1 3 : I n c r e a s e n e t w o r k t o 3 0 0 C h a i r s , S t a b l e S U P P O R T P A C K A G E C T S : T W I N N I N G M A S T E R S S T U D E N T S
Conclusion Globalization Cooperation Contextualization Looking forward to extend TU Delft – UNIDO cooperation