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Keijo Haapala

LUCOEX Large Underground Concept EXperiments 2011 – 2014 Work Package 5 KBS-3V Emplacement tests in ONKALO Progress and Plans Project Progress Meeting 13st May 2014. Keijo Haapala. WP5 SITUATION. The content of WP5 LOT1: Development of bentonite buffer and pellet installation .

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Keijo Haapala

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  1. LUCOEXLarge Underground ConceptEXperiments2011 – 2014WorkPackage 5KBS-3V Emplacement tests in ONKALO Progress and PlansProject ProgressMeeting13st May 2014 Keijo Haapala

  2. WP5 SITUATION • The content of WP5 • LOT1: Development of bentonitebuffer and pelletinstallation. • LOT2: Quality of installation • LOT3: Problemhandlingtools Haapala Keijo

  3. WP5 SITUATION • Two machines has developed • Installationmachine (BIM) for bufferblockemplacement • Buffertransferdevice (BTD) for transferring of bufferblocksfromservicetunnel for BIM. Haapala Keijo 3


  5. BIM 5

  6. BTD

  7. BUFFER INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 3. Crane over dep. hole 2. Block taken from container 1. Positioning 4. Block and pellet installation 5. Transfer device positioning 6. Empty gripper to the shelf 7. Shelf forwards and crane over container 8. Block taken from container Haapala Keijo

  8. LOT1, Installation of bentonite buffer and pellets • BIM wasready for shipmentfrom the manufacturer in Octoberlastautum. • Testplan of DemonstrationPhase 1 hasprepared. • Writing of Operating and Service Manual for machines. • Testhall in Onkalo areawasready in the end of March. • Finalprogramming and preparations of the machinefor the teststartedin Aprill. Haapala Keijo

  9. LOT1, Installation of bentonite buffer and pellet • Things to note: • Laser trackerchanged, Leica -> API Control -> someextrawork. • Automation and electrichascausedextrawork • Co-operationbetweendifferentcomponents • Wiringfaults -> brokencomponents. Haapala Keijo

  10. LOT1, Installation of bentonite buffer and pellet • Things to note: • Worksafety is a bitharderthanexpected • Limited access to testhall, onlypersonswhohave a task in the project. Haapala Keijo

  11. LOT2: Quality of installation • Workhasdoneat the sametimewith LOT1, mainlyprogramming • Main part of the workwilltakeplacewhen the bufferinstallationdemonstrationsstart. Haapala Keijo

  12. LOT3: Problem handling tools. • What is neededif the bentoniteblockfalls to the deposition holeduringinstallation? • Demonstrationsafter LOT 1 and 2. • Workhasdivided in twosituations: • Beforecanisterinstallation. • Aftercanisterinstallation. Haapala Keijo

  13. DEMONSTRATIONS • Demo Phase 1: Testing in testhall in Onkalo site. • Demo Phase 2: Testing in Onkalo demonstrationtunnelwithconcreteblocks. • Demo Phase 3: Testing in Onkalo demonstrationtunnelwithbentoniteblocks. Haapala Keijo

  14. DEMO PHASE 1 IN TEST HALL • Purpose to finalize the installationmachine. • Detailedtest for differentfunctions • Adjusting the speed of functions in the machine • Perform the installationtestwithfullsizeconcreteblocks • To find out what is critical Haapala Keijo

  15. DEMO PHASE 1 IN TEST HALL • Mostimportantpart of demonstration • Estimatedtestingtime 3 months: April - June, ifeverythinggoeswell. Haapala Keijo

  16. TEST HALL Haapala Keijo

  17. BIM IN TEST HALL Haapala Keijo

  18. BIM IN TEST HALL Haapala Keijo



  21. DEMO PHASE 2: TESTING IN ONKALO WITH CONCRETE BLOCKS • Targets: • To test the installation in Onkalo conditions • Installing of wholebufferwithintwohours Haapala Keijo

  22. DEMO PHASE 3: TESTING IN ONKALO WITH BENTONITE BLOCKS • What kind of effect the bentonite gives to installation process? • What is the effect of moist conditions in Onkalo • How safe is the process? Haapala Keijo

  23. DEMO PHASE 3: TESTING IN ONKALO WITH BENTONITE BLOCKS • Possibly isostatically pressed bentonite blocks are not available. • Alternative buffer: Mixture of uniaxially pressed benonite and concrete blocks. • The handling of concrete blocks with vacuum lifter is more risky than bentonite blocks Haapala Keijo

  24. DEMO PHASE 3: TESTING IN ONKALO WITH BENTONITE BLOCKS • Alternativebuffer: Mixture of uniaxiallypressedbenonite and concreteblocks. • Bentoniteblocks in criticalpositions: • Bottom and top • First and lastring • First on the canister Haapala Keijo

  25. WORK SAFETY OF BIM AND BTD • During the demonstrations, access to the testplace is limited. • Demo Phase 1 in the test hall. • Whendemonstration is going on, onlyoperators and reponsiblepersonscanbe in the testhall! • Specialarrangements for visitors; the access is denied, followup of demonstrations via cameras. Haapala Keijo

  26. WORK SAFETY OF BIM AND BTD • Demo Phase 2 and 3 • Steering of installationwillbeperformedbycameraswithwirelessmethod outside of disposaltunnel • During the installation the access to disposaltunnel is denied Haapala Keijo

  27. WORK SAFETY OF BIM AND BTD • Before the start of demonstrations, is needed: • Detailedtestplan. • Safetyestimation of tests. • Training of employers for working in Onkalo area and in demonstrations. • Operatingmanual of machines. Haapala Keijo

  28. Haapala Keijo

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