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Late Start Proposal

Late Start Proposal. Malak Ismail Ali shebli Ayah chebli. Objective. Objective: This proposal aims to show the positive influence of late start on the upcoming junior class .

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Late Start Proposal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Late Start Proposal Malak Ismail Ali shebli Ayah chebli

  2. Objective Objective: This proposal aims to show the positive influence of late start on the upcoming junior class. Students will be able to come into school later than the normal school start so they have more energy and are willing and energized in the morning to come to school. (Late start is when high school students come into school at 9:00 or 10:00  and it would occur once every month.)

  3. Introduction When students have to come into school every day at the same time they are most likely not paying attention in their first couple of classes and are not willing to work. Having a late start a couple times a month will give the future juniors more time to relax and therefore they will be more energized and ready to come to school and learn. Late start would only apply to high school students at SIA and it would specifically apply to juniors which are mature enough to handle this opportunity. This can also be seen as a freebie to the juniors as a way to distinguish themselves from the rest of the students. It will also come in handy before the ACT, as it will relax them.

  4. Budget This proposal does not require a budget.

  5. Benefits This proposal benefits teachers just as it benefits students because when students are out for the first couple of hours on the late start days teachers will be able to catch up on their work or possibly give them breaks and leave them relaxed just as they would for students. The proposal would also not cost the school any money at the end so they are technically not losing anything but they are gaining and it will benefit many people.

  6. Benefits This can also highly benefit parents, late starts will provide more time for parents to drop off their other children at other schools; as well as the parents having more time to sleep. Administration can benefit from late starts by allowing them to have meetings, or teacher/staff huddles when needed in the morning before the students show up. When late starts will be implemented it will create a more efficient Star International Academy. Late starts will not only be looked forward to by students, but also by parents, teachers, staff, and administration.

  7. Benefits Students are also more energized and willing to work if they start school later so the benefits might show in the grades. There are many benefits for students as to implementing a Late Start, there are many studies that show that High School students perform better and are more attentive during class if they begin later. Having a late start also enables students to focus more because they would have a larger amount of hours to sleep.

  8. Benefits Researchers say there's a reason why even 30 minutes can make a big difference. Teens tend to be in their deepest sleep around dawn - when they typically need to get up for school. Interrupting that sleep can leave them groggy, especially since they also tend to have trouble falling asleep before 11 p.m. Retrieved from: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-20009767-10391704.html

  9. Benefits The number of students getting by on fewer than 7 hours of sleep per night dropped by nearly 80% during the study period, and by the end of the two-month trial, the number of teens sleeping for at least 8 hours per night jumped from 16.4% to 54.7%. As you might expect with longer duration of sleep, surveys conducted at the beginning and end of the study period found that, after the delayed start time was implemented, students reported feeling more alert. They also were less likely to say they felt “too tired” for schoolwork or sports. Retrieved from: http://healthland.time.com/2010/07/06/study-teens-benefit-from-later-school-start/

  10. Conclusion Overall, adding late start to Star International Academy’s schedule for the high school grades next year has too many advantages to count and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages by a mile. Also adding late start benefits everyone all the high school students including staff and teachers. It creates a better environment in the school and creates a more positive attitude between students, staff and teachers.

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