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Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Pion Form Factor at SND . ( new edition ). International Workshop « e+e- Collisions from f to Y » February 27 – March 2, 2006, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia. M.N. Achasov.
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pion Form Factor at SND. (new edition) International Workshop «e+e- Collisions from f to Y»February 27 – March 2, 2006, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia M.N. Achasov
SND measurement of the e+e→p +p -process cross section. The e+e→p+p- cross section.SND measurement. SND detector The cross section of the process e+e→p+p- was measured in the SND experiment at VEPP-2M in the energy region √s<1 GeV. This measurements was based on about 4,5 × 106 e+e→p+p- events. The systematic uncertainty of the cross section determination is 1,3 %. (JETP, Vol. 101, №6, 2005, p.p. 1053-1070)
Comparison of the e+e→p+p- cross section measured bySND, CMD-2, KLOE Systematic errors:1,3%- SND, 0,9% - KLOE,0,6% - CMD-2 (Phys.Lett. B575 (2004)). Theyellow area shows the systematic error of the SND measurements. The average deviation betweenSNDandCMD-2: 1,4 ± 1,5 % Systematic errors: 1,3% - SND, 0,8% - CMD-2 (new data). Theyellow area shows the systematic error of the SND measurements. The average deviation betweenSNDandCMD-2:2,5 ± 1,5 %
Calculation of thee+e→e+eg, p+p-g, m+m- gprocesses cross sections play quite an important role in the pion form factor measurement.
Recently it was found, that e+e→p+p-g and m+m- g MC events generators, used in SND analysis, were not quite correct. So we performed reanalysis of SND data usingMCGPJandBABAYAGA generators.
Corrections to thee+e→p+p- process cross section Correction due to inaccuracy of e+e→p+p-g events generator Correction due to inaccuracy of e+e→m+m-g events generator Correction due to inaccuracies of both e+e→p+p-g and e+e→m+m-g events generators
Comparison of the SNDandCMD-2 results onthe e+e→p+p- cross section. The ratio of thee+e→p+p- cross section obtained in CMD-2 (new data) andSND experiments. Theyellow area shows the systematic error.The average deviation betweenSNDandCMD-2:- 0,3 ± 1,6 % The ratio of the e+e→p+p- cross section obtained in CMD-2 (Phys. Lett.B.,575,2004) experiment to the curveof the fit to SND data. Theyellow area shows the systematic error.The average deviation betweenSNDandCMD-2: -1,4 ± 1,5 %
Comparison of the SNDandCMD-2 results onthe e+e→p+p- cross section. The ratio of the e+e→p+p- cross section obtained in CMD-2 (new data) andSND experiments. The yellow area shows the systematic error.
Comparison of the isovector part of the e+e→p+p cross section measured by SND with cross section calculated from the t-→p-p0nt decay spectral function. The ratio of the e+e→p+pcross section calculated from the t-→p-p0nt decay spectral function measured by ALEPH and CLOE-II to the isovector part of the e+e→p+p- cross section measured in SND experiments. Theyellow area shows the systematic error.
Conclusion • Thee+e→p+p-cross section measured with SND detector was corrected. Its value decreased by 2 systematic errors. • A good agreement between SND and CMD-2 data becomes a very good. • On the other hand the agreement with t data becomes worse.