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Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works. Day 3. Dr. Jennifer Parker-Moore Janice Harding Macomb Intermediate School District. Good Morning!. Welcome to Day 3! Please set up your laptop Download Google Chrome Load http://techbestpractice.net
Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works Day 3 Dr. Jennifer Parker-Moore Janice Harding Macomb Intermediate School District
Good Morning! • Welcome to Day 3! • Please set up your laptop • Download Google Chrome • Load http://techbestpractice.net • Load the Google Doc backchannel from our previous strategies – review and update/add any tools you missed • Be ready to share one story about how you used what you learned from our previous 2 days together
Think/Pair/Share • Salsa Lineup • Share one story about how you used what you learned from our previous 2 days together • Share the good, the bad, and the ugly
Back Channel & Review • Review the Back Channel • Obtain your assignment for a T/P/S • Share out tools and uses to support the category
Key Working Agreements • Respect confidentiality • Share airtime • Keep sidebars to a minimum • Respect start, breaks, and end times • If it rings, dings, or sings – put it on vibrate or silent
Learning ObjectivesDay Three By the end of the learning session, we will: • Know the categories of strategies that comprise the component of Helping Students Extend and Apply Knowledge, • Understand the classroom recommendations for each of the strategies, • Make connections between and among the strategies, and the technology tools that support them • Transfer the learning into specific changes in your pedagogy that you will apply in the next two weeks.
Identifying Similarities & Differences Based on materials found in the text, “Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works” and 21things4teachers.net
Framework for Instructional Planning Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Cooperative Learning Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers Identifying Similarities & Differences Nonlinguistic Representations Summarizing & Note-taking Assigning Homework & Practice
Identifying Similarities and Differences • Comparing, classifying, creating metaphors, creating analogies • Ex: Venn Diagrams, word and picture sorts, visual tools or web formats, online interactive games
Teacher Directed Notes • Complete the TDN for this strategy after reviewing pages 118-119. • Brainstorm in the workspace a technology tool and lesson idea to support Compare, Classify, Metaphors, and Analogies • Think/Pair/Share the answers
Identifying Similarities and Differences • Compare • Classify • Metaphors • Analogies • Good teachers: • Teach ways to identify similarities and differences • Guide students in the process • Provide cues Source: Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed.
Tech Tools for these Strategies Identifying Similarities & Differences • Word processing applications • Organizing and Brainstorming software • Data Collection and Analysis • Database and Reference resources UT-CITW, 2nd ed., pg. 12-13; Chapter 8 (183-203).
Hands-On: Using Gliffy for “Comparing” Comparing the characteristics that are unique and shared • Create a Venn Diagram using Gliffy
Using Charting/Graphing Tools to “Compare” Data/Trends Graphs and Formulas Column Comparisons Plotting Points Trends for Multiple Years
Hands-On: Using Word Processing for “Classifying” Create a table for arrangement by class or category • Word or Google Docs • Tables, Flowcharts, Smart Art, Images
Hands-On: Using Images and Shapes for “Analogies” A comparison of two things based on their structure or similarity A is to B as C is to D Clipart, Images, and Shapes Hot is to Cold as Night is to _______
Hands-On: Using Thinkfinity for “Metaphors” Comparing a situation to a real thing For Example: • Drowning in a sea of grief • Feeling blue • Broken hearted Locate Metaphor worksheets and activities using Thinkfinity
For more Information about these strategies… Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed., 2012.
Reflecting on PracticeTeacher Directed Notes Individually complete the section for this area of best practice. Be prepared to share one of your thoughts with the group.
Today’s Learning Objectives • Knowthe categories, strategies, and technology tools that support best practice using the “Classroom Instruction That Works” framework (aka Marzano 9) • Understandthe classroom recommendations and integration for these strategies • Make connections between the strategies and technology tools • Transfer the learning into classroom instruction to improve student engagement, achievement, and technology proficiency
Generating & Testing Hypotheses Based on materials found in the text, “Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works” and 21things4teachers.net
Framework for Instructional Planning Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Cooperative Learning Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers Identifying Similarities & Differences Nonlinguistic Representations Summarizing & Note-taking Generating & Testing Hypotheses Assigning Homework & Practice
Generating and Testing Hypothesis • System analysis, problem solving, decision making, historical investigation, experimental inquiry and invention • Ex: Researching, reference tools and citations, graphic organizers, content area tools, inter-actives
Generating and Testing Hypothesis • Systems analysis • Analyze how parts interact • Problem solving • Overcoming obstacles to meet goals • Investigation • Explore an area where there is confusion or contradiction • Experimental inquiry • Generating or testing explanations Participants will be researching new technology and best practice. Source: Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed.
Teacher Directed Notes • Complete the TDN for this strategy after exploring Interactive Learning tools. • Locate an interactive example and lesson plan idea for Systems Analysis, Problem Solving, Experimental Inquiry, and Investigation • Create a classroom example • Think/Pair/Share the answers
Tech Tools for these Strategies Generating & Testing Hypotheses • Organizing and Brainstorming software • Data Collection and Analysis • Instructional Interactives UT-CITW, 2nd ed., pg. 12-13; Chapter 9 (204-219).
Systems Analysis • How the parts of the system work together
Problem Solving • Process of overcoming barriers to reach goals
Experimental Inquiry • Developing and testing possible explanations of observations
Investigation • Looking into alternatives or justification in the way we handle a process, protocol, or idea
Other Sample Activities • Mind mapping and flowcharting • Digital narratives using primary sources • Budgeting and Personal Finance • Data collection to establish trends • Digital Citizenship and Critical Evaluation
Hands-On: Primary Access • Create a login on Primary Access • Explore the four categories of resources available within the site • Create a digital story using primary resources • Share with your table partner
Hands-On: Gooru http://www.goorulearning.org • Free Search Engine for Learning • Millions of resources for 5th-12th grade science, math and social science courses at our fingertips.
For more Information about these strategies… Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed., 2012.
Reflecting on PracticeTeacher Directed Notes Individually complete the section for this area of best practice. Be prepared to share one of your thoughts with the group.
Theory Into Practice • Create 2-3 goals for integrating technology into best practice instruction based on this course. • Short Term • Long Term • Complete the follow up survey • Stow equipment and materials • Thank you for coming!