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FAO Assistance to Member Countries and the Changing Aid Environment

Vito Cistulli - FAO -. 2. The Context: UN Reform. In the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the UN Secretary-General was invited "to launch work to further strengthen the management and coordination of United Nations operational activities so that they can make an even more effective contribution to the ac

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FAO Assistance to Member Countries and the Changing Aid Environment

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    1. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 1 Damascus, 2 July 2008 FAO Assistance to Member Countries and the Changing Aid Environment

    2. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 2 The Context: UN Reform In the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the UN Secretary-General was invited "to launch work to further strengthen the management and coordination of United Nations operational activities so that they can make an even more effective contribution to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including proposals for consideration by Member States for more tightly managed entities in the fields of development, humanitarian assistance and the environment."

    3. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 3 The Context: Paris Declaration In the 2005 Paris High-Level Forum attended by development officials and ministers from 91 countries, 26 donor organizations, representatives of civil society organizations and the private sector the Ministers as well as the Heads of multilateral and bilateral development institutions committed their countries and institutions to far-reaching and monitorable actions to significantly increase aid effectiveness, which is better known as the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Main commitments include: Developing countries will exercise effective leadership over their development policies, strategies, and to coordinate development actions; Donor countries will base their overall support on receiving countries' national development strategies, institutions, and procedures; Donor countries will work so that their actions are more harmonized, transparent, and collectively effective; All countries will manage resources and improve decision-making for results; Donor and developing countries pledge that they will be mutually accountable for development results.

    4. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 4 The Context: FAO Reform Independent Evaluation of FAO’s Decentralization – Further Management Response (September 2005) Independent External Evaluation (2007): Recommendation on the Technical Cooperation at the Country Level:

    5. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 5 Implications of the Changing Environment Among Others: Adaptation of programming approaches at the country level New funding modalities and frameworks (HACT, SWAPs, Budgetary Support, JAS, etc..) New management mechanisms of programs and financial resources in line with the principles of country ownership, effectiveness, transparency, accountability, capacity.

    6. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 6 FAO Response Decentralization Switch from Project to Programmed approach to country support

    7. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 7 FAO Response: Decentralization the introduction of a new operating model and delegation of administrative, budgetary and program responsibilities to the FAO representatives (FAOReps); the establishment of subregional MDTs, composed of technical officers including the FAOReps in the subregion, who will facilitate the transfer of best practices and assist in promoting capacities to respond to country and regional needs.

    8. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 8 FAO Response: Programme approach National Medium Term Priority Frameworks (NMTPFs), linked to UNDAF National Programs for Food Security

    9. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 9 National Medium Term Priority Framework (NMTPF)

    10. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 10 What is NMTPF The NMTPF is a planning and management tool introduced in 2005 by FAO The NMTPF is FAO's input in the UN Common Country Programming Process (UNDAF) The NMTPF is the Government-FAO agreed programme for FAO assistance and support in the country This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators... This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators...

    11. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 11 WHY NMTPF Because it allows the member country and FAO to achieve strategic vision of priority areas for FAO assistance in the short and medium term; higher predictability of resources if and when mobilized (FAO not being a funding agency) increased effectiveness of assistance as it is more focused better performance through inclusion of a results based approach alignment with the other development partners transparency and accountability towards the country and the partners Principles of aid effectiveness: MDG-based national development plans as overall framework for cooperation Strong national ownership, grounded in strengthened national capacity Increasing use of sector-wide approaches (SWAPs) and budget support Use of national systems (procurement, audit, reporting etc.) Greater predictability of aid flows Mutual accountability Performance-based/results-oriented Principles of aid effectiveness: MDG-based national development plans as overall framework for cooperation Strong national ownership, grounded in strengthened national capacity Increasing use of sector-wide approaches (SWAPs) and budget support Use of national systems (procurement, audit, reporting etc.) Greater predictability of aid flows Mutual accountability Performance-based/results-oriented

    12. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 12 WHO Formulates NMTPF FAOR launches the formulation of NMTPF at the request of the Government The formulation is based on a wide consultation process at the country level involving all the stakeholders

    13. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 13 HOW the NMTPF is formulated Guiding principles driven by countries’ priorities; based on the nationally-owned development agenda and programming cycle; owned by the Government; complementary to assistance provided by other development partners; focused on a limited set of priorities where FAO's assistance would have the greatest impact and for which there would likely be some funding; accompanied by a short-term action plan (6 to 12 months) to guarantee the start This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators... This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators...

    14. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 14 FAO Conceptual Framework for Assistance to Member Countries National Programs for Food Security This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators... This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators...

    15. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 15 FAO Mission To serve Members with knowledge and capacity building so they can develop and implement sound policies and programs to enhance food and nutrition security, health, income and environment in a globalized world and achieve WFS and MDG Targets This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators... 1515This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators... 1515

    16. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 16 NPFS Approach Twin-Track Approach addressing: sustainable and stable supply of food and household income through improved production and productivity improved and stable access to food with a focus on food utilization quality and the most vulnerable groups Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves safety nets: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves safety nets: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.

    17. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 17 NPFS Geographical Coverage From Pilot programs to Country-wide programs to have the highest impact towards the achievement of national development plans and MDGs Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.

    18. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 18 NPFS Components Natural resources preservation while enhancing productivity. A challenge that can be addressed with higher attention to, for example, low-input techniques Institutional framework taking into consideration the range of institutions and stakeholders and the interdisciplinary nature of food security. The NPFS provides a framework for increased coordination and cooperation towards shared objectives. Partnership both within the country (e.g., between the public and the private sector) and with international and bilateral partners (e.g., South-South Cooperation) to create motivation and capitalize on demonstrated experience and lessons learnt. Policy options to establish a transparent, coherent and conducive environment to achieving food security objectives. Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.

    19. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 19 Role of FAO Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.Supply side includes: livelihood diversification and market oriented enterprise development improved agricultural support services (marketing, rural, finance and communication, and rural roads Access involves: cash transfers for asset building self-targeting initiatives such as cash and food for work, home gardens, income generating activities; capacity building in nutrition school gardens, etc.

    20. Vito Cistulli - FAO - 20 THANK YOU This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators... This was the original question sent to the Programme Coordinators...

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