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Food & Agriculture

Food & Agriculture. Chapter 15, Section 3: Animals & Agriculture Standards: SEV4c. What are domesticated animals?. Animals bred and managed for human use. Over 50 species have been domesticated Examples: Sheep Cattle Chicken Honey bees Silkworms Shellfish Pigs .

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Food & Agriculture

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  1. Food & Agriculture Chapter 15, Section 3: Animals & Agriculture Standards: SEV4c

  2. What are domesticated animals? • Animals bred and managed for human use. • Over 50 species have been domesticated • Examples: • Sheep • Cattle • Chicken • Honey bees • Silkworms • Shellfish • Pigs

  3. What animal foods come from water? • Fish & shellfish • Many countries can’t maintain cattle so fish are a good source of protein. • Most commercial fish species are suffering from overharvesting. • Catching or removing more organisms than the population can replace

  4. What can be done to prevent overharvesting? • Create no-fishing zones (marine preserves) so populations can recover. • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services puts limits on • # of fish caught • Size of fish caught • Gender of fish (sometimes) • Increase aquaculture

  5. What is aquaculture? • Raising fish or shellfish for human use or consumption. • China is leader in aquaculture of freshwater fish. • 23% of all seafood comes from aquaculture worldwide

  6. What are some aquaculture methods? • Oyster farm: • Oysters are submerged in cages to keep predators out. • Fish farm: • Several large pools house fish at different stages of growth. Fish are harvested & sold at appropriate age. • Ranch: • Fish are raised until they are a certain size and then released into the wild where they will be later harvested by fishermen (ex: salmon)

  7. What are the problems with aquaculture? • Masses of fish create large amounts of waste which must be disposed of & can cause pollution. • Uses & wastes lots of water • Damages wetlands when aquaculture operations are built there.

  8. What animal foods come from land? • Livestock- domesticated animals that are raised on a farm or ranch and sold for profit • Used for: • Meat • Leather • Eggs • Wool • Manure- fertilizer or fuel source (developing countries) • Draft animals- Pull plows/carts (developing countries)

  9. What are the major types of livestock? • Ruminants • Cattle, sheep, goats • Cud-chewing animals • Regurgitate food and rechew it a few times to mechanically digest the vegetation. • Have 3-4 chambered stomachs with specialized bacteria that help them break down the cellulose in the plant matter that they eat.

  10. What are the major types of livestock? Cattle • Most common ruminant livestock. • Most cows in US raised in CAFO- concentrated animal feeding operation (aka feedlot) • Because animals are cramped and wade in their own feces they are given antibiotics to prevent infections. • Scientists worry this overuse of antibiotics may be creating resistance in bacteria. • Not always used for meat • Hindus consider cows sacred and use them for milk, manure, and as draft animals • Masai tribe in Africa only drink milk or blood of cow.

  11. What are the major types of livestock? • Poultry • Domesticated birds raised for meat or eggs • Chickens, turkey, ducks, geese • Population of chickens has increased by 320% since 1961! • Poultry also raised in CAFO type environment. • Birds are fed artificial hormones to make them “beef up” faster so they can be harvested quicker. • Chicken breasts so large their legs cannot support the unnatural weight.

  12. You should be able to… • Explain why the percentage of seafood produced by aquaculture is increasing so rapidly. • Explain how overharvesting affects the supply of fish such as salmon. • Describe the importance of livestock to cultures that consume no meat.

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