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Exploring Electromagnetic Waves: A Comprehensive Guide

Understand the diverse nature of electromagnetic waves, from radio waves to gamma rays, exploring their wavelengths, frequencies, energy levels, and real-world applications. Learn how different types of light aid astronomy and the significance of each wave in our daily lives and scientific endeavors.

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Exploring Electromagnetic Waves: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves

  2. Objectives • Compare the types of electromagnetic radiation in terms of wavelength, frequency, energy and application. • Explain how seeing in different types of light is helpful in astronomy.

  3. Electromagnetic waves- transverse waves with some electrical & magnetic properties.

  4. Electromagnetic radiation- energy transferred by electromagnetic waves. ***can travel in a vacuum

  5. Electromagnetic spectrum- range of electromagnetic waves in order of increasing frequency.

  6. All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed. 300,000 km/sec or 186,000 miles/sec.

  7. Radio Waves*Longest wavelength, shortest frequency*Picked up by antennas*Each radio station broadcasts at a different frequency

  8. Microwaves*Radio wave with the shortest wavelength & highest frequency.*Used in microwave ovens*Used to transmit cellular phone calls

  9. Radar*Short-wavelength microwaves*Monitor speed of vehicles*Track weather systems

  10. Infrared Waves*Can feel them as warmth*Used in heat lamps*Warmer objects give off more infrared rays*Thermograms shows regions of different temperatures in colors*Use infrared cameras or binoculars in the dark http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/image_galleries/ir_zoo/

  11. Visible Light *Roy G. Biv

  12. Ultraviolet Rays *energy is great enough to kill living cells *small doses are beneficial, they stimulate cells to produce vitamin D and can be used to treat jaundice in newborns.

  13. X-RaysCannot penetrate bone or leadToo much exposure can cause cancer.

  14. Gamma Raysshortest wavelength, highest frequencyproduced by some radioactive substances & nuclear reactionscan cause illnessused in radiation therapy for cancerused to examine the body’s interior (Nuclear Medicine)

  15. Space Images in Different Wavelengths • http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_classroom/multiwavelength_astronomy/multiwavelength_museum/

  16. Objective Check • Compare radio waves and x-rays in terms of wavelength, frequency, energy and application. • Give an example of how seeing in a different type of light is helpful in astronomy.

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