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ARTIFICIAL. INTELLIGENCE. SANDRA. ALICIA. NEREA. IGONE. 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. DIRECTOR : Steven Spielberg. PRODUCERS : Steven Spielberg Stanley Kubrick Jan Harlan Kathleen Kennedy Walter F. Parkes Bonnie Curtis.
1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg • PRODUCERS: • Steven Spielberg Stanley Kubrick Jan Harlan Kathleen Kennedy Walter F. Parkes Bonnie Curtis • MAIN ACTORS/ ACTRESSES: • David (Haley Joel Osment) • Henry Swinton (Sam Robards) • Monica (Frances O'Connor) • Martin (Jake Thomas) • Gigolo Joe (Jude Law) • Professor Hobby (William Hurt) • PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR: Stanley Kubrick • YEAR: 2001 Steven Spielberg
AWARDS : • Future Film Festival Digital Awards • Best Director • Best Young Actor/Actress • Best Original Score • Best Score • Best Componer • Best Cinematography • Best Visual Effects • Best Production Design • Best Supporting Actress • Best Digital Effects • Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
MUSIC: John Williams • INTERESTING INFORMATION : • - Budget= $100 million 2. SUMMARY
3.Characters -David: David is a 10 year old android (called mecha) which was created by Cybertronics with the ability to love but who denied being a robot. During the film he fought to be loved by “his mum”, which refused being part of his life because she thought he was dangerous (he tried to kill his stepbrother). Although he was young he had to face a lot of risks (sometimes alone) and that shows the strong faith he had in getting what he wanted, Monica´s love. In spite of his youth, he was smart enough to know the difference between what was bad for him and in which people he could trust. This was maybe because of his mechanic body but it isn´t actually clear. He was supposed to be created of metal but he had something unusual in mechas, the capacity to feel like human beings. This caused him a lot of mental and physical problems but he could support all that pressure. It is believed that he continued living because he was a mecha , which is the more logical reason, but the real one could be that he was a human more than a robot. We believe in this because mechas wouldn´t thought of no one else but theirselves and wouldn´t fight for anyone to love them. Definately, David is a brave character which shows the most important thing this film wants to teach us: the passion of love.
. • MonicaSwinton: Monica is a middle-aged woman who was asked to educate and treat David as if he was her real son, although she already had one. At first she didn´t want David to live in her house, with her family, but ,at the end, she fall in love with him, which was a big problem considering he was a little bit dangerous , most of all for his real son. She obliged herself to leave David alone in a forest where another mechas lived, although she knew it wasn´t safe for him. She feeling that bad after doing this means she loved him but she had to choose and , though it sounds strange, it was a really hard choice. However, she never stopped loving him. What she did for David shows a woman with a very strong heart. It´s true that she abandoned him but she had no choice. Loving it´s difficult and she knew that very well. Besides, she could hardly do something for him. She hadn´t really the obligation to leave him but, like all humans, she was terrified and she wanted her family to be safe. Her behaviour after that was the kind of reaction of a coward person but , at the same time, a brave one. She was a good mum and that is need to be said too.
Gigolo Joe: Joe is one of the mechas who represents what they really are: robots programmed to do something specific. Like his name says, he was a gigolo, which means he was a robot whose only mission in his existence was to have sexual relationships with women . To carry out this job, he sang some songs to this girls. This shows he couldn´t feel but he knew he had to help David and that indicates he could do it in some way. As he was only created to work as a gigolo, he could only think of keeping handsome for girls to keep an eye on him. If something happened to that girls it was not his problem and that´s why he ran away from this kind of situations. That´s the worst skill of his personality but he wasn´t guilty, he did nothing to exist. -Professor Allen Hobby: Allen Hobby was a new yorker who wanted to create David, among other reasons, because his son (called David too) died and he couldn´t help wanting him back. He was an ambitious man who believed creating a mecha who could feel like humans was possible and he pursued his dream. He was a self-assured person who wouldn´t give up until proven his dream couldn´t become true. He was both sensitive and sensible so he felt very bad when he knew his son couldn´t come back to life but that didn´t let him be mad either. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew it didn´t make any sense but sometimes faith is miles stronger than truth.
4. Comparison Comparison
5. The most important memory we keep of the film • The most important memory we keep of the film is the end, because of the happyness we felt while watching it. Like we´ve said before, love is the feeling which gives us strengh enough to continue enjoying our visit to the Earth. Without love things aren´t that easy. All humans need to know someone is close to us in case we need help and that makes us wake up everyday as if we were inmortals. One thing we think it´s need to be said is that all humans have the ability to love. No matter how many bad things we have made, we´ll always love, at least, a person in our whole life. This means we would do everything to make that person happy.
6. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science that makes computers behave like humans; in fact, it is the science of making intelligence machines. It is used in very usual situations, from any computer system that makes automatic decisions, the scanner or the GPS system in a car to the robots that are sent to space. Artificial intelligence is used for medical diagnosis, logistics and many areas of the technology industry. Normally, it is used to do some things that can be dangerous or harmful for humans, when their return is impossible or the job is too stressful or too difficult for a human being. Computers can do jobs more efficiently and faster than humans. Some people who know about the matter believe that in 30 years we will know more about how the human brain works so we could develop stronger artificial intelligence. By 2050, in our lives there will be all kind of intelligent robots that will make our live more comfortable and easier.
7. Intimism, sinister, comic world, natural catastrophe/apocalypses Examples of: - Intimism: At the end of the film, when Monica brought back to life, she spends the whole day with David. That is the moment for which David fought during all the film, so it’s the most intensive one. They demonstrate each other the love they shared, meaning David could pursue one of his dreams. Because of that, David spends the happiest day of his life. - Sinister: When mechas were captured they would probably end up destroyed by humans, who used torture systems to achieve their goals. Some of these methods were: throwing hot water in their heads (in order they to melt) and putting them into a cannon and throwing them to the air (this meant they were broken).
Comic world : The existence of Teddy (which is a teddy bear) is used to create something comical between a big amount of disasters (we all know teddy bears can't talk and walk). However, we think it´s a fabulous invention because it represents that special help you have when things go wrong so it can be said that Teddy is more like a God. The appearance of this character in the film could mean that in bad moments there is always something that isn´t that bad, something we have but we can hardly appreciate. -Apocalypse/ natural catastrophe: At the end of the film, the world turned into a big glacial planet, which means all human beings died. David, as he was a robot, didn't die, and he could appreciate such a sad and an inhabitated world. It may seem impossible, but we mustn't forget that it can happen. - Apocalypse:
8. Are we able to create feelings? Can we create something better than ourselves? Are we programmed? To experience feelings and emotions is something that distinguishes human beings from other animals. That is why we should consider this as a very relevant part of our existence, as it makes us different. From our point of view, humans are not really able to create feelings, but we can make other people think what we want them to think. For example, some politicians, while they are running a campaign, tend to persuade citizens to consider that they are the best leaders, and that they should vote them. That is a way of creating feelings or thoughts.
Related to the question about if we can create something better than ourselves, we think that, despite the fact that we can create computers and machines which are faster than human beings, they won´t be better than us, just because they won´t be able to think and feel like we do. Nevertheless, if we consider “being better than us” things such as thinking and calculating operations faster than we do, we believe that in the future creating robots and some kind of “mechas” that will exceed us in this aspect will be something common. To finish, we also share the opinion that human beings are sometimes programmed (but not always): there are some situations in which all people act in the same way, so it seems that we are like robots. This feature can be seen in some of our actions; for example, when we suffer the loss of somebody we love (everyone reacts in the same way).
9. Main ideas • One of the most important idea of the film and one of the thing we have to learn about is the importance of knowing where the limits of the science are. We have to distinguish between robots or machines and humans. I mean, humans aren´t able to create something natural. Humans can not create feelings, it is out of mother nature. We can create machines but we shouldn´t invent robots with sense. Nature is the only one that can make humans, people with common sense and feelings. A son needs to love his mother by a natural way, not because it is programmed. Robots and machines have to be under the control of humans. Feelings have to be natural, they can’t be created. Science is very good and it has a lot of advantages but it is important to know machines are made to fill out a job, not to love, to have common sense or to be able to take their own decisions. • Another important idea is the different types of love that are shown in the film, where we can appreciate diverse feelings between David and his mum. David loves his mum and he does everything to be with her, like we can see in the end of the film. However, Monica´s feelings are different because firstly, she didn’t trust him and she thought David was bad since he tried to “kill” he’s stepbrother.
10. Personal opinion • Personal opinions