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1. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, United-Kingdom 2 . Academy of Athens, Greece 3. Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia , Spain 4. Association pour la Recherche et le Dev . des Méthodes et Processus Industriels, France 5. Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis , Greece
1. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, United-Kingdom • 2. Academy of Athens, Greece • 3. AgenciaEstatal de Meteorologia, Spain • 4. Association pour la Recherche et le Dev. des Méthodes et Processus Industriels, France • 5. AristotelioPanepistimioThessalonikis, Greece • 6. Institut d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique, Belgium • 7. Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, France • 8. Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants LTD, United-Kingdom • 9. Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, France • 10. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France • 11. DeutschesZentrumFürLuft und Raumfahrt EV, Germany • 12. DeutscherWetterdienst, Germany • 13. UmweltbundesamtGMBH, Austria • 14. Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Belgium • 15. IlmatieteenLaitos, Finland • 16. Institutode Meteorologia, Portugal • 17. Institut National de l’Environnement et des Risques, France • 18. UniversitätBremen, Germany • 19. ForschungzentrumJülich GMBH, Germany • 20. King’sCollege London, United-Kingdom • 21. KoninklijkNederlandsMeteorologischInstituut, Netherlands • 22. MeteorologiskInstitutt, Norway • 23. Météo-France, France • 24. Max Planck GesellschaftzurFörderung der Wissenschaften EV, Germany • 25. NorskInstitutt for Luftforskning, Norway • 26. National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland • 27. RheinischesInstitutfürUmweltforschung an der Universitätzu Köln EV, Germany • 28. SverigesMeteorologiskaochHydrologiskaInstitut, Sweden • 29. StichtingSRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Netherlands • 30. NederlandseOrganisatievoorToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijkOnderzoek, Netherlands • 31. Met Office, United-Kingdom • 32. UniversitätLeipzig, Germany • 33. University of Leicester, United-Kingdom • 34. University of Leeds, United-Kingdom • 35. Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, France • 36. Vereniging v. ChristelijkHogerOnderwijsWetens. Onderzoek en Patientenzork, Netherlands The prototype Copernicus Atmosphere service
Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate – InterimImplementation Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate - Interim Implementation - is the current pre-operational atmospheric service of the European Copernicus programme. MACC provides data records on atmospheric composition for recent years, as well as data for monitoring present conditions and forecasts of the distribution of key constituents for a few days ahead. MACC-II combines state-of-the-art atmospheric modelling with Earth observation data to provide information services covering European Air Quality, Global Atmospheric Composition, Climate, and UV and Solar Energy. Co-ordinating partner: European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Co-ordinator: Vincent-Henri.Peuch@ecmwf.int (+44 118 949 9102) Website: http://www.copernicus-atmosphere.eu Enquiries: info@copernicus-atmosphere.eu EU contribution: 19.000.000 euros Total budget: ~28.000.000 euros Start date: 01/11/2011 End date: 31/07/2014 (33 months)
http://www.copernicus-atmosphere.eu Retrospective Service Provision European Air Quality annual reanalyses Aerosol Optical Depth Reanalysis of Atmospheric Composition (2003-2012) 30 years ozone layer multi-sensor reanalysis Methane CO2 and CH4 surface flux inversions 900+ users
Basic system architecture description KNMI multi-sensor stratospheric ozone layer global re-analysis system 7 regional (Europe) air-quality assimilation systems Extension to reactive chemistry, aerosol and greenhouse gases ECMWF/IFS global NWP re-analysis system CEA CO2 flux inversion system JRC CH4 emissions inversion system Global Fire assimilation system
Input data requirements and access • The services currently relies on a range of observing systems and observational products, which are used for assimilation and/or validation: • satellite data from ESA, EUMETSAT, NASA, NOAA, JMA negotiated directly (often as part of wider agreement between ECMWF and these agencies) ; assimilation, (verification). • satellite retrievals (project partners; other projects; direct contacts…) ; assimilation, (verification). • research in-situ data (project partners; specific agreements with networks/infrastructures as IAGOS, ICOS, ACTRIS, AERONET, EARLINET, WMO/GAW, institutions…) ; (assimilation/anchor), verification. • air quality data in Europe (via the EEA and/or national environment agencies) ; assimilation, verification. • Dedicated Sentinels 5p, 4 and 5 in the future (2015, 2019, >2020). • Observational data acquired by MACC-II is in general not redistributed in numerical form, but can be seen in e.g. verification reports, plots, etc…
Data assimilation of greenhouse gases: XCH4 Monthly averages (October 2011) SCIAMACHY (SRON) IASI (LMD) TANSO v.1 (SRON) TANSO v.2 (SRON) (S. Massart)
Overview of MACC-II ECVs CO2 CH4 Ozone and aerosol supported by precursors (CO,HCHO, NO2, SO2...) Stratospheric O3 Fire disturbance
Ozone and aerosol Stratospheric O3
Ozone and aerosol Stratospheric O3 Validation reports (against independent observations) document the quality of the products.
CO2 CH4 Fire disturbance
Fire disturbance CH4 CO2 Validation reports (against independent observations) document the quality of the products.
Dissemination activity • Another key dimension of Copernicus services. Plots and images are all available from the copernicus-atmosphere website. • Three servers provide access to numerical data: • global analyses, forecasts and re-analyses (ECMWF) • OGC/WCS (web coverage service) global chemical boundary conditions (Research Centre Julich); air quality forecasts (DLR) • Pan-European air quality analyses and forecasts (Meteo-France) • Interaction with users is one of the larger work packages of MACC-II: agree and follow-up “Service Level Agreements”, organise users’sforaand training events (e.g. MACC-II summer school, 9-15 June 2013). • Users of numerical data have to register (simple).
Maturity and future R&D needs • How to bring an integrated vision on the Earth-System’s evolution over the past decades? • Build upon meteorological global re-analyses to set-up progressively a fully coupled system including ocean, biogeochemistry, sea ice and cryosphere, land surfaces, as well as atmospheric composition • Further develop regional re-analysis systems and downscaling tools • Assessments, impacts