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Lipid Peroxidation

Lipid Peroxidation. Introduction. Oxidative deterioration of lipids containing any number of carbon-carbon double bonds Fatty acids Cholesterol

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Lipid Peroxidation

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  1. Lipid Peroxidation

  2. Introduction • Oxidative deterioration of lipids containing any number of carbon-carbon double bonds • Fatty acids • Cholesterol • The deleterious effects are considered to be caused by FREE RADICALS produced during peroxide formation from fatty acids containing double bonds, ie, those found in the naturally occurring polyunsaturated fatty acids

  3. Free radicals A free radical is any species capable of independent existence that contains one or more UNPAIRED ELECTRONS ● designation: R● ● to be paramagnetic ● renowned for their high chemical reactivity Forming: X − e- X●+(oxidation)

  4. Free radical reactions Free radicals easily react with a biological molecules (mainly non-radicals) generating new radicals – initiate chain reactions Types of radical reaction: ○ reactions between two radicals (NO●− + O2●− ONOO−) ○ radical addition on to another molecule (addition of OH● to guanine in DNA) ○ oxidation and reduction of non-radicals ○ abstraction of a hydrogen atom from C–H bond (fatty acids)

  5. 1. Mitochondria Mitochondrial electron transport chain complexes I, II and III take part in O2●− production Importance of coenzyme Q semiquinone radical! O2 O2 O2●− O2●− O2 O2●−

  6. Mitochondria ● one of the most important sources of ROS production ● complexes of ETC can catalyse one electron reduction of O2 to superoxide ● cytochrome c oxidase produces radical intermediates, although they are firmly bound to the enzyme ● NADH dehydrogenase (complex I) and cytochrome bc1 (complex III) are major sites of superoxide production ● electron carrier coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) is during electron transport oxidized and afterwards reduced by single electron forming radical intermediate (semiquinone) and it can react with O2 to give superoxide O2●−

  7. Free radical sources • Exogenous • Foods • Air pollutants • Radiation • Endogenous • Metabolism (mitochondria and peroxisomes) • Detoxification – cytochrome P450 • Immune cells

  8. Production of toxic compounds • Many secondary by-products of lipid oxidation are potential carcinogens • Hydroperoxides are known to damage DNA • Carbonyl compounds may affect cellular signal transduction • Aldehydes: 4-hydroxynonenal, and MDA • Epoxides and hydrogen peroxide by-products are known carcinogens

  9. Mechanisms to induce lipid peroxidation • Photoxidation • Singlet oxygen is involved • Require sensitizers: porphyrins, myoglobin, riboflavin, bilirubin. • Enzymatic Oxidation • Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase catalyze the reactions between oxygen and polyunsaturated fatty acids • Autoxidation • Free Radical Chain-reaction

  10. Reactive Oxygen Species and Free Radicals • Reactive Oxygen Species • Triplet oxygen • Superoxide • Singlet Oxygen • Hydroperoxyl radical • Hydroxyl radical • Hydrogen peroxide • Ozone • Peroxyl radical (ROO.) • Alkoxyl radical (RO.) • Iron-oxygen complexes (ferryl and perferryl radicals) • Thiyl radicals (RS.) • Nitric oxide (.NO)

  11. Implications of Lipid Oxidation to Human Health

  12. Oxidative Stress

  13. Consequences of Lipid Peroxidation • Structural changes in membranes • Alter fluidity and ion channels • Alter membrane-bound signaling proteins • Increase membrane permeability • Form lipid oxidation products adducts/crosslinks with non lipids • e.g., proteins and DNA • Cause direct toxicity • e.g., 4-hydroxynonenal, MDA • DNA damage and mutagenesis

  14. Pathological Conditions that Involve Oxidative Stress • Inflammation • Atherosclerosis • Ischemia/reperfusion injury • Cancer • Aging

  15. Inflammation

  16. ROS (reactive oxygen species) and atherosclerosis

  17. Aging • The process(es) that occur during life which culminate in changes that decrease an individual’s ability to handle biological challenges

  18. Free radicals and Aging • Protein cross-linking • Wrinkles in skin • Reduces flexibility in arterial cells • Hampers the functions of proteins and enzymes • Impedes message transmission between nerve cells in the brain • Damage DNA and RNA molecules • Results in impaired DNA replication and protein assembly • Causes chronic degenerative diseases and cancer • Protein degradation

  19. Antioxidative defense An antioxidant is any substance that delays, prevents or removes oxidative damage to a target molecule There is no universal best antioxidant! Their relative importance depends upon: Which, how, where ROS is generated and what target of damage is measured

  20. Antioxidants • Antioxidants function by interfering with the chain reaction. If the number of free radicals can be kept low enough, oxidation will not occur. The following is a model for the type of compound that can function effectively as an antioxidant:

  21. Main mechanisms for inhibition of oxidative reactions 1. Interrupt the free-radical chain mechanism 2. Function as being preferentially oxidized - poor protection 3. Reducing agents 4. Chelating agents for free iron

  22. Ideal Antioxidants • No harmful physiological effects • Not contribute an objectionable flavor, odor, or color to the product • Effective in low concentration • Fat soluble • Carry-through effect – no destruction during processing • Readily available • Economical • Non-absorbable by the body

  23. Antioxidant Defenses in Biological Systems • Fat-soluble cellular membrane consists • Vitamin E • beta-carotene • Coenzyme Q (10) • Water soluble antioxidant scavengers • Vitamin C • Glutathione peroxidase, • Superoxide dismutase • Catalase

  24. Thank you for attention!

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