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EFFECTIVE Decision Making. Presented by John Horak Region 18 . Contents. What are things you consider when making a decision?. Strengths. Opportunities. Threats. Weaknesses. Introduction. The mental movements which leads to decisions: In a word THINKING
EFFECTIVE Decision Making Presented by John Horak Region 18
Strengths Opportunities Threats Weaknesses
Introduction The mental movements which leads to decisions: In a word THINKING Deciding implies choice from several- or many- possibilities. Thinking is the preliminary work of weighing up the pros and cons for each course of action. A decisive person is one who has the power to stop thinking and start acting.
Effective Decision Making: Management context 1976 a questionnaire was sent to 200 business leaders. Ques: What is the most valuable attributes at the top level management? Ans: “ability to take decision”
What is Decision Making? • Decision making is the cognitive process leading to the selection of a course of action among alternatives. • It begins when we need to do something but we do not know what. Examples:Shopping, deciding what to eat, What to wear, when to sleep, etc..
Five points plan for decision making Define Objectives 1 1 Collect information 2 Develop options 3 Evaluate and decide 4 Implement 5
Define Objectives • Specifying aim & objectives • Having recognized the need for a decision
Collect information • Collecting & Organizing data • Checking facts & opinions • Identifying possible causes • Establishing time constraints & other criteria
Develop options • Listing possible courses of action • Generating ideas
Evaluate and decide • Listing pros and cons • Examining the consequences • Measuring against criteria • Trials • Testing against objective • Selecting the best
Implement • Acting to carry out the decision • Monitoring the decision • Reviewing
A decision making model Develop Options Collect Information Evaluate & Decide Implement Define Objectives Monitor Consequences Sense Effects Sensing effects means having the awareness which picks up the signs and symptoms of existing problem.
For a good ANALYTICAL mind ? • Ask questions yourself. • Remember the magic words: Who? Which? Why? Why not? When Where?How?
Intuition 6thsense “I just know”
Intuition • Power or faculty of immediately apprehending that something in the case. • Apparently it is done without intervention of any reasoning process. • No deductive or inductive step by step reasoning. • No conscious analysis of the situation. • No employment of the imagination. • Just a quick and ready insight.
Trusting Your Intuition There is no logical way to discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance. ----Einstein Researchers commented Einstein have been intuitive in his works.
Emotion & Intuition • Emotion and intuition have their sources close together in the hinterland of the brain. • The negative emotions of fear and anxiety can express themselves in intuition. • Ex: a nervous passenger may have intuition that his flight to Coxes-bazar will crash and he transfer to another one.
Emotion & Intuition • A positive emotion can also lead to wishful intuition. • Ex: A man or woman in love have intuition about the character of the adored lover which turn out to be groundless.
Emotion & Intuition • The success rate of this type of anxiety intuition or love intuition is remarkably low. • Before intuitive- be sure you are a physically and emotionally fit. • Mountaineers are aware that decision taken in a state of exhaustion drop dramatically in quality. If you are tired, best to think logically what to do- and not to rely upon your intuition.
Things to Remember Pre-occupation or false assumption is not intuition
Using Your Depth Mind Conscious mind Preconscious mind Subconscious mind Unconscious mind
Options • Possibilities are not options. • Decision making needs- collecting, assessing, and choosing from a set of options. • Enemy of good options- false assumptions about resources and limitations. • Apply creative thinking • Calculated risk and assessment of probabilities.
Developing Options for Decision Making ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Possibilities Feasible options Situation after- 3,4, 5 & 7 have been eliminated The essential issue, the either or choice Choice Decision A Action/Implementation
Arguing • Argument is the debate of high quality upon the reasons for and against the various courses of action. • The application of argumentative thinking depends upon situation, matter under consideration and temperament of the good manager. • Wish to here other points of view- because person may be partly perfect or fully convinced.
What is effective decision • Effective decision is not necessarily a perfect decision ( if such a thing exists?) • It should be the best decision after considering all. • It does not effective in the sense of intention- effective in the sense of outcome.
Check list For an effective decision maker • Have I defined the objectives? • Do I have sufficient information? • What are the feasible options? • Have I evaluate them correctly? • Does this decision feel right now and I have begun to implement it?
What is an Effective Thinker • Skill of analyzing, synthesizing, valuing • Committed to think it through • Knows when and how use the depth mind • Receptive to intuition • Imaginative • Open to new ideas • Able to link his mind with others in the search for truth.
Making an inventory of your skills Know thyself
Barriers to Effective Decision Making “Successful leaders have the courage to take action while others hesitate.” - John C. Maxwell
Barriers to Effective Decision Making • Hasty - Making quick decisions without having much thought. • Narrow - Decision making is based on very limited information. • Scattered - Our thoughts in making decisions are disconnected or disorganized. • Fuzzy - The lack of clarity on important aspects of a decision causes us to overlook certain important considerations.
Barriers to Effective Decision Making • Craving for unanimous approval • Trying to make decisions which are outside your realm of authority. • Not following the 5 steps plan. • No imagination- full of mechanical thinking • Only imagination- no scientific approach • Not fit physically or mentally