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Life Science

Life Science. Unit Overview: Chapter 1 – Structure of Living Things Lesson 1 – Cells Lesson 2 – From Cells to Organisms Lesson 3 – Diversity of Organisms Chapter 2 – Plant Structures and Functions Lesson 1 – Vascular Plants Lesson 2 – Plant Transport Systems

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Life Science

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  1. Life Science Unit Overview: Chapter 1 – Structure of Living Things Lesson 1 – Cells Lesson 2 – From Cells to Organisms Lesson 3 – Diversity of Organisms Chapter 2 – Plant Structures and Functions Lesson 1 – Vascular Plants Lesson 2 – Plant Transport Systems Lesson 3 – Photosynthesis and Respiration Chapter 3 – Human Body Systems Lesson 1 – The Human Body Lesson 2 – The Digestive System Lesson 3 The Respiratory System Lesson 4 – The Circulatory System Lesson 5 – The Excretory System

  2. Photosynthesis & Respiration Lesson Overview: 1) What do we already know? (Plant Trans. Sys.) 2) Vocabulary 3) Drawings 4) Main Ideas 5) Review Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  3. Photosynthesis & Respiration: What do we already know?BrainPOP Teaser a)Chloroplast gives it its color a) It converts water, sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen Why is the plant green? 2) What is the function of the chloroplasts? 3) Why do you think it is helpful for leaves to be wide? a) It has more room for sun to hit, which provides more energy for photosynthesis. Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  4. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Vocabulary Part I 1) Photosynthesis: leaves use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make food for the plant & oxygen is a byproduct. 2) Stomata: Is where carbon dioxide & oxygen enter & leave the leaf. 3) Carbohydrate: it is a form of sugar made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 4) Cellular Respiration: breaking down or use of carbohydrates for energy. Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  5. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Drawings(pg. 92-93) Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  6. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Drawings(pg. 94) Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  7. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Drawings(pg. 96) Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  8. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Main Ideas Create oxygen & sugar in the process of photosynthesis Provides glucose for the plants energy What do leaves do? - - Quick Check -Draw conclusions: How are the chloroplasts like tiny factories? 1) They take in items (sunlight, water & carbon dioxide) and produces something new (glucose & oxygen). Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  9. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Main Ideas Photosynthesis: A leaf takes in carbon dioxide, sunlight & water to produce glucose and oxygen. Respiration: is when oxygen & glucose is used to create energy and the byproduct water & carbon dioxide 2) What is the photosynthesis and respiration cycle? - Quick Check -Draw Conclusions: In what ways do animals depend on plants - They rely on plants for oxygen and energy. Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  10. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Main Ideas Mitochondria 3) Where does respiration happen? - Quick Check -Draw Conclusions: Why are the mitochondria in plant cells important - They provide energy for plants to grow and repair themselves Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

  11. Photosynthesis & Respiration: Review Summarize the main ideas Click to Watch! Think, Talk, and Write Plant Structures and Functions: Lesson 3

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