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Effective Classroom Assessment Techniques for Teaching and Learning

This course provides practical guidance on classroom assessment to improve teaching and learning outcomes. Understand assessment types, feedback strategies, and integrating assessment into the learning process.

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Effective Classroom Assessment Techniques for Teaching and Learning

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  1. Short Course in Learning and Teaching in the Classroom Janet Holmshaw and Jeff Sapiro Middlesex University, London Session Four: Assessment of learning in the classroom

  2. Session Aim: To provide an overview and some practical suggestions about how assessment of learning can take place within the classroom

  3. Learning Outcomes By the end of this session you will have been provided with opportunities to: Reflect on your own experiences of assessing learning in the classroom Discuss types of assessment and their purposes Consider different ways of assessing learning in the classroom Identify the dimensions of providing feedback to students on their learning

  4. Exercise: What is the purpose of assessment?

  5. Exercise: Purpose of assessment Motivation Creating learning opportunities To give feedback To grade Assessment should be an integral part of the learning process rather than something that is “tacked on” at the end (Chris Rust, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/learning/assessment; Accessed 9.10.08)

  6. Types of assessment Formative assessment: activities that students and teachers undertake to get information about students’ learning giving students feedback which they can use to improve their performance Summative assessment: Judgement made on work that results in the student being awarded a grade, may include formative elements Assessment designed to be used to determine grades or marks

  7. Classroom Assessment- what is it? Classroom assessment is both a teaching approach and a set of techniques. The approach is that the more you know about what and how students are learning, the better you can plan learning activities to structure your teaching Tom Angelo (1993)

  8. What is the purpose of classroom assessment? Classroom assessment is usually formative – rather than summative – i.e. it is aimed at improving learning rather than at assigning grades The goal is to better understand your students learning and in turn improve your teaching

  9. Exercise: Work in pairs to come up with a list of ways in which you have seen or used formative assessment used in the classroom Choose 2 of these to feedback to the rest of the group

  10. What was I assessing there?

  11. Methods for formatively assessing learning in the classroom Questions and answers Report back from group work Questions students ask Peer assessment Self assessment Specific techniques e.g. minute papers, chain notes, directed paraphrasing, application cards

  12. Feedback Feedback plays a central role in student learning How does this link with theories of learning covered earlier?

  13. Methods of feedback • Feedback can be • Written/ oral • From teacher to students • From students to students • What methods have you come across? • Choose one of these methods and discuss its advantages and disadvantages

  14. What do you think makes good quality feedback? What sorts of things are important?

  15. High quality feedback is…. Supportive and aimed at improvement Yet also analytic and critical Relates explicitly to the goals of the activity/ assessed task Timely….the quicker the feedback, the greater effect it has

  16. How can we most effectively give feedback? Give the good news first – find something good about the activity/ assessed task and comment specifically on this Give specific pointers for improvement – don’t overwhelm: concentrate on most important points End on a note of encouragement

  17. Let’s practice giving feedback.... Consider what you would like to feedback to Janet and Jeff about today's session. Over to you!

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