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Chapter 5 Toward Independence

Chapter 5 Toward Independence. Patriots. also called Whigs or Rebels believed colonies had right to rule themselves. Loyalists. also called Tories Americans who were loyal to England. allies. nations that help each other. Conflict in Ohio (before 1763). 13 colonies crowded

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Chapter 5 Toward Independence

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  1. Chapter 5Toward Independence

  2. Patriots • also called Whigs or Rebels • believed colonies had right to rule themselves

  3. Loyalists • also called Tories • Americans who were loyal to England

  4. allies • nations that help each other

  5. Conflict in Ohio (before 1763) • 13 colonies crowded • colonists wanted to move West • wanted farm land in Ohio • France & England claimed Ohio • French built a fort there • VA sent British militia to drive out French

  6. French & Indian War 1754-1763 • France & England fought over land in North America • Indians helped the French (trade partners) • American colonists helped England • England won - got Canada - got land from Atlantic to Mississippi

  7. King George III 1760 - 1801 • King of England • he & his advisers not bright • made decisions that angered colonists

  8. The Proclamation of 1763 • announcement by King to prevent conflict with Indians • settlers stay east of Appalachian Mts. • Indians stay west of Appalachian Mts. • Americans angry • settlers went west anyway • Britain sent 7500 soldiers to protect settlers

  9. Stamp Act 1765 • England had large war debt • England needed money • law required colonists to buy a stamp for paper used • colonists protested • against “taxation without representation” • some refused to buy stamps • others attacked tax collectors • later repealed

  10. Quartering Act1765 • colonists must house British soldiers • give them food, supplies, bedding • colonists protested • tempers rose in America and England

  11. Townshend Acts1767 • Britain needed money to pay for troops in America • law placed a duty (tax) on imports • included glass, paint, paper, tea • colonists said it was “taxation without representation” • colonists boycotted English goods • Parliament repealed all but tax on tea

  12. Boston Massacre1770 • a mob gathered • throw rocks, ice balls at British soldiers • insulted the soldiers • someone knocked down a soldier • soldiers fired in self defense • 5 Americans were killed • 8 soldiers put on trial • 6 found not guilty • 2 guilty of manslaughter

  13. Boston Tea Party1773 • Tea Act required Americans to buy tea from British East India Co. • another tax without representation • Sons of Liberty protested • 50 men dressed as Indians • dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into sea

  14. Intolerable Acts1774 • King wanted control over colonies • Parliament passed laws to punish MA for Tea Party • 4 laws: • closed Boston Harbor • MA government under British control • British soldiers tried in England • more troops to enforce laws

  15. First Continental Congress1774 • meeting in Philadelphia • 50 leaders from 12 colonies • were Patriots, Loyalists, and in-betweens • sent peace message to king • called for new boycott of British goods • some Patriots began to organize militias of minutemen

  16. Lexington & Concord1775 • 700 British soldiers marched to Concord, MA • wanted to find hidden weapons • colonists were warned • Minutemen of Lexington were ready • a shot was fired • all began shooting • 8 colonists died • no weapons found in Concord • Minutemen shot at soldiers returning to Boston • 74 British, 49 Patriots died • war began

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